1. manchild3379's Avatar
    I recently switched from my jailbroken iphone to an HTC Inspire 4G. Im looking to ROOT this phone. Jailbreaking was easy obviously and am all to new to the android based phones. If anyone can link me to a step by step noob guide to do this it would be greatly appreciated. Also anybody know how to setup a yahoo email account under the mail setting i've tried imap and pop and no luck it keeps saying invalid username/password. Thanks to whoever can help. Gotta say this fone is so much better then the iphone thus far.
    03-16-2011 08:18 PM
  2. Ricky Babalu's Avatar
    03-16-2011 08:30 PM
  3. Beckymckean's Avatar
    I am trying to root an Android6.0.1 z798bl have never done this before can n e one hell plz
    11-25-2017 06:54 PM