1977 US Environmental Protection Agency Graphic Standards System

Earlier this year we opened our bookstore in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, where we sell a carefully selected collection of graphic design books that range from newly published monographs to rare vintage classics. We aim to provide a thoughtful selection that is relevant to young and seasoned designers alike. At a time when PDFs are more ubiquitous than printed books, we think it’s important to preserve the physical space where like-minded people can gather and explore new ideas.

After witnessing enthusiasm for the bookstore from the international design community, we decided to make our offerings available to purchase in the Standards Manual online shop. We think good design should be available to everyone, regardless of location.

A rotating stock of titles are currently available from some of the best publishers around, including:

Abrams Books
Harper Collins
Lars Müller Publishers
Laurence King
Niggli Verlag
Princeton Architectural Press
Unit Editions
and many more.

If you’re in Greenpoint, we’d love for you to stop by to say hello and browse the books — and for those who live elsewhere, we’re open to suggestions of titles you’d like us to stock.

About Standards Manual

Standards Manual is an independent publishing imprint founded by designers Jesse Reed and Hamish Smyth in New York City in 2014.

Our mission is to archive and preserve artifacts of design history and make them available to future generations. From reprinted graphics standards manuals to new compendiums of archival work, our titles always aim to make great design available to all.

As designers ourselves, we value high quality books. As an independent publisher, we produce our books using only the finest papers, printing, and finishing methods. We don’t cut corners when it comes to quality.