“陰の大統領” スティーブン・バノン氏 単独インタビュー
――― お時間をいただき、ありがとうございます。
バノン氏: どういたしまして。ここでお話できて光栄です。
――― ありがとうございます。トランプ大統領との関係についてお伺いします。今でもトランプ大統領とは毎日、あるいは頻繁に連絡を取っているのですか?
バノン氏: 毎日ではありませんが、互いに連絡は取っています。数日おきに話しています。彼がアジア歴訪に出発してからは話していません。しかしその前にも、私たちは数日おきに話していました。だから私はトランプ大統領とはとてもよい関係を持っています。トランプ大統領は、私がとても尊敬している人です。私は選挙戦でもホワイトハウスでも、トランプ大統領と緊密に仕事をするすばらしい機会に恵まれました。だから私はトランプ大統領をとても尊敬しており、できるだけ彼の近くにいるように努めています。
――― あなたが彼に与えた助言をいくつか教えていただけますか?
バノン氏: 私たちが話した内容については語りたくありません。しかし、トランプ大統領は通常、彼がその時、考えている問題について話します。政治的な問題や、彼がテレビで見たり新聞で読んだりしたことに関係した事がらです。あるいは、大統領執務室で彼が進めている議論についてです。
――― 典型的な議題や議論をいくつか教えていただけますか? そのいくつかを教えていただけますか?
バノン氏: 先ほど言ったように、非公開の会話の詳細は教えたくありません。しかし、トランプ大統領は、政界で起きていることやアメリカで起きていることをとてもよく把握しています。トランプ大統領は、常にそれについて質問をします。医療保険や税制など、自分が考えている政策があれば、彼は通常、何人かの現補佐官や元補佐官に質問をします。彼は自分のアイデアに対する人の反応を見るのです。それは政治や政策に関する事がらです。国際的な事がらについてトランプ大統領が考えていることがあれば、彼はそれらのアイデアも人にぶつけます。選挙戦中にトランプ大統領と仕事をしていたコーリー・ルワンダウスキーやデイビッド・ボッシーなどの幹部です。あるいは彼のとても親しい友人のトム・バラックのような人です。トランプ大統領は、かなり頻繁にそうした人たちと話をしています。
――― トランプ大統領は先日、日本を訪問しました。彼の訪日をどう評価しますか?
バノン氏: 私がホワイトハウスにいた時、ホワイトハウスで安倍総理大臣との首脳会談が行われ、彼らはマー・ア・ラゴでゴルフをしました。トランプ大統領は、安倍氏とは個人的にとても親しいと思います。彼は安倍氏のことを同僚だと考えています。そして友人であるとも考えていると思います。だから、彼らはとてもよい関係を持っていました。彼らはアメリカでゴルフをした時にも、ゴルフコース上で絆を深めました。彼らは日本でも同じことをしたと思います。
――― あなたの在職中、トランプ大統領は安倍総理大臣のことをどう語っていましたか?
バノン氏: とても思いやりのある人で、国益を大事に考えている人で、とても思慮深い人です。トランプ大統領に対しても、とてもオープンで率直な人だったと思います。だからトランプ大統領は、安倍総理大臣とは親しい関係になりました。1つ目は、安倍氏は選挙から数日後に渡米しましたね? トランプタワーに来たのです。2つ目は、ワシントンに来て、マー・ア・ラゴに行きましたね? そして日本に来ました。だから、トランプ大統領は、世界のどの首脳よりも安倍総理大臣とは多く会っていると思います。彼らはとても特別な絆を持っていると思います。
――― アメリカのアジア政策において日本は何を意味しますか?
バノン氏: 日本はリンチピンの役割を果たしていると思います。日本は太平洋地域において、アメリカにとって最も古く、関係の深い同盟国だと言えます。今、策定されている戦略は、ここ数か月は「インド・太平洋」と呼ばれています。アメリカ、日本、オーストラリア、インドという海洋国家による海洋戦略です。
――― しかし選挙戦中は、トランプ大統領は特に貿易問題や均衡に関しては強硬派だったと思います。彼は態度を変えたのでしょうか?
バノン氏: それは変わっていないと思います。アメリカ第一主義とこれまでの違いは、コンセプトが違います。アメリカ第一主義の概念は、戦後の国際秩序に基づいた戦後の規則によるものです。西ヨーロッパからインド洋、ペルシャ湾、マラッカ海峡、そして日本、北太平洋まで、アジア大陸を囲む大きな輪ができています。それがアメリカの概念であり、第二次世界大戦後のアメリカの同盟国によって作られています。
――― アメリカはもうTPPには復帰しないと思いますか?
バノン氏: ブライトバート・ニュースはTPPに反対だと思います。私がホワイトハウスにいた時にアメリカは撤退しました。元々のTPPの合意は、アメリカが参加したいと思うような内容ではなかったと思います。アメリカは、パリ協定やTPPのように、参加国がいくつもいて一部の参加国が決めた規則に縛られるような関係は結びたくないと考えています。
‒‒‒ Thank you very much for taking time for us, sir.
Mr. Bannon: Sure. Honored to be here.
‒‒‒ Thank you. I want to ask you about your relationship with President Trump. So do you keep daily contact or frequent contact with President Trump even now?
Mr. Bannon: Not daily contact, but we keep in touch with each other. We talk every couple of days. I haven't talked to him since his Asian trip, since he started. But before then we'd talk every couple of days. So have a very good relationship with President Trump. He's somebody I greatly admire and had the great opportunity to work very closely with both in the campaign and then at the White House. So I greatly admire him and try to stay as close to him as possible.
‒‒‒ So please could you disclose some topics or advice you gave him?
Mr. Bannon: Well, I don't like to go into what we talk about. But when President Trump calls, he's normally talking about the issues that are on his mind. Political issues. Other things related to either things he's seen on TV or things he's read in the newspaper. Or maybe some of the discussions he's having in the Oval Office.
So President Trump, he goes by what I call the Socratic method. He's not a person who's going to read a 100‒page report. But what he'll do is read the precis of that and then ask a lot of questions. Or he'll always ask people questions. So he'll go throughout different advisors, people that are friends of his, people he's known throughout his life and ask them questions. So he's constantly asking questions and constantly inquiring of people. And so I consider myself to be very fortunate, very lucky to be in that group.
‒‒‒ Could you disclose some typical topics or the discussion? Can you disclose some?
Mr. Bannon: Like I said, I don't like to give the details of private conversations with him. But he's very attuned to what's happening politically in the United States, right? He's always asking questions about that. If he has a policy that's on his mind, whether it's health care or taxes, he'll normally ask some of his current advisors and former advisors. He'll make sure that he bounces those ideas off you. So it's really politics and policy. If there are things that he's thinking about on the international scene, he'll bounce those ideas off you, too. But many of the people that work for President Trump in the campaign, some of the senior guys like Cory Lewandowski, or Dave Bossie, or people that, or people like Tom Barrack, who is very close friend of his, he'll talk to those people on a pretty continual basis.
‒‒‒ And President Trump came to Japan. And how do you evaluate his visit, his trip to Japan?
Mr. Bannon: When I was at the White House, we had the summit with Prime Minister Abe at the White House. And they went down to play golf in Mar‒a‒Lago. He is very personally close I think to Abe. He considers him a colleague and I think a friend. So they had a very good relationship. And they bonded also on the golf course when they played in the United States. I think he did the same thing here.
He really thinks I think very highly of Abe as a thinker and also a man of action. So when I've been with the president at the Mar‒a‒Lago summit, as you remember, we had the Korean situation that weekend and actually had a live broadcast from Mar‒a‒Lago late Saturday night. I think it was early Sunday morning. A lot went on. President Trump just thinks very highly of him.
‒‒‒ And when you were in office, how did President Trump describe Prime Minister Abe?
Mr. Bannon: As a very thoughtful man. Someone who really had his best country's interests at heart. Someone who was very reflective. I think someone who was very open and frank with President Trump. And so he thought he had a very special relationship with him. Remember, I believe Abe flew over the first couple days after the election to the residence in Trump Tower, which was number one. Then we had the whole come to Washington and then go to Mar‒a‒Lago, which was number two. And then come here. So I think he's seen him more than any other world leader. And I think they have a very special bond.
‒‒‒ And regarding the United States Asian strategy, what does Japan mean?
Mr. Bannon: I think Japan's the linchpin of it, right? I would believe I would say it's the oldest and deepest ally we have in the Pacific. You've noticed the terminology has changed over the last several months. It's now called the Indo Pacific as far as the strategy that is being laid out, which is really a maritime strategy of the great maritime powers of the United States, Japan, Australia, and India.
I don't want to call it containment. But kind of a ring around the Asian land power of China. Japan's central to that. Also, Japan is a democracy. Also, Japan went through some very tough times in the '30s and the 1940's in the build‒up to World War II and actually World War II. So I think they understand a lot of what's going on in China today. So I think President Trump's personal relationship with Prime Minister Abe is quite close. And I also think that the United States considers Japan their central ally in the Pacific.
‒‒‒ But in the campaign, President Trump was a little bit of a hard liner for Japan, especially in trade issues, trading balances. So did he change his attitude to Japan?
Mr. Bannon: I don't think it's a change. Remember, the whole concept we have here, the difference between America first and the way things have been going, you have this thing called the construct or the concept is the postwar rules‒based international order. And if you go all the way from Western Europe around the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, through the Strait of Malacca, South China Sea, all the way up to Japan and Northwest Pacific, that whole kind of ring around the Asian landmass is really a construct of the United States and its allies after World War II with international organizations.
So you have an inextricably linked set of commercial relationships, trade deals, capital markets underwritten really by an American security guarantee whether that's the United States Navy, or the Army, or the Air Force. People are questioning I think today, "Can America actually continue to sustain that overall commitment by itself? Or do its allies have to pitch in more?"
The central thing I think that President Trump brings up that no other leader in the country's really kind of seen how inextricably linked they are is these trade relationships with the security guarantee. And it's not that he's any more hard line. What he said in the campaign is still essentially what he's saying today. And it's not singling out South Korea, or Japan, or others for unfair treatment. It's just saying, "Hey, we have to be in a trading relationship that is reciprocal." That's the term he keeps using, reciprocal. And in that reciprocal trade relationship it would somehow have a balance so that we don't always run current account deficits, which has really translated to America losing a lot of manufacturing jobs or a lot of what is productivity or actually making things.
And so what President Trump I believe is saying and what the America first concept is, it's not America being isolationist. It's really America being in a direct partnership. And that's why I think there is this move against having these big overall multilateral deals like TPP. But I think the president argued and why I believe the American people supported him in the campaign and one of the reasons they voted him into office was what they would rather have is a strong bilateral relationship in this case with China. We have a reciprocal trade deal that makes sense and kind of balances out. And then you have a very strong military alliance of which both parties understand what their commitments are to that alliance and go forward. And I believe for the United States over the long haul it's going to really balance out our deficit issues and things like that. So I think it's not to single out Japan. And it's not that he's any more hard liner in the campaign than he is today. I think it's just this kind of understanding that we have to put all these relationships in balance.
‒‒‒ Regarding TPP, do you believe the United States will no longer come back to the TPP?
Mr. Bannon: I think Breitbart, the news site I ran, was one of the news sites really against TPP. And since the United States pulled out of it, and we did it when I was in the White House, I don't believe as the original TPP deal was structured that the United States would be a participant in that. What the U.S. doesn't want to do is get into any more relationships, whether it's the Paris Accord or TPP, where you're one of dozens of participants and you're kind of held by the rules of the smallest participant.
What I think people in the United States would rather have is real clarity. These other deals are kind of very muddled. You don't really know what you're getting into. The ramifications of those are only known years later. I think people are very concerned about what I call the unintended consequences of deals like that. So what I'd rather it be is something that's very highlighted, people understand it.
And so that would be a set of bilateral deals with Japan, a bilateral deal with South Korea, with Vietnam, with Singapore, with other countries in the region so you had a much stronger bilateral relationship. And those parties when they get together and do something whether militarily or otherwise, it's up to those countries to participate or not participate. But I wouldn't believe that the United States would get into TPP on its old terms. Maybe some reconstructed terms, you never know what could happen. But I don't anticipate that. What I do anticipate is much more focus on a strong bilateral trade deal with Japan and with South Korea.
――― なるほど。アジアに関しては、トランプ大統領は北朝鮮への圧力を高めることの重要性を何度も強調しています。北朝鮮に対しては軍事的な選択肢、軍事的な行動は現実的だと思いますか?
バノン氏: 「現実的」になることと、「選択肢」の違いは何でしょうか。私は以前、北朝鮮に対する軍事的な選択肢はかなり限られていると発言しました。私はもう政権の人間ではありませんから、その発言は一市民としてのものです。
――― あなたの在職中に、あなたや閣僚は軍事的選択肢について現実的に議論したのですか?
バノン氏: それは機密性の高い議論です。日本の人たちに理解してほしいのは、アメリカの国家安全保障会議、国防省、国務省、情報機関は、多くの分析を行い、あらゆる選択肢を検討しているということです。それはアメリカで最も賢い人々の集まりで、彼らは毎日この問題について検討しています。日本やアメリカの敵国は、世界で最も知的でたくましい人たちが、この問題を何度も何度も熟慮していることを理解すべきです。
――― 朝鮮半島から在韓米軍を撤退させることについては議論しましたか?
バノン氏: 先ほど言ったように、それはとても機密性の高い議論です。私は、それが可能性のある選択肢として浮上したことは一度も聞いたことがありませんが、可能性はあると言っている人たちもいます。私は、軍隊の責務、軍隊の所在地、アメリカの責務について議論する前に、もっと直接的に中国と対話をするべきだと思います。中国は、北朝鮮に対してもっと多くの制裁を科せると私は思います。北朝鮮の経済に関して、また、北朝鮮の軍事国としての能力に関して、中国は北朝鮮に対してもっと多くのことができます。それが、アメリカと中国の間でできる直接的な会話、直接的な交渉だと思います。
――― アメリカのメディアによると、あなたは8月に、北朝鮮に関しては、軍事的選択肢はありえないと言われたそうですね?
バノン氏: はい、確かに言いました。私たちが軍事的選択肢と言う場合、北朝鮮における直接的な軍事的選択肢はかなり限られていました。中国は、北朝鮮に対して極めて大きな影響力を持っているので、選択肢はアメリカと中国の間のものであるという意味でした。北朝鮮は中国の従属国家です。北朝鮮に石油を供給しているのは中国であり、北朝鮮の経済活動の源となるあらゆるものを供給しているのは中国なのです。中国は北朝鮮の非核化を確実に実現できるはずなので、アメリカは中国に圧力をかけ続けるべきです。
――― あなたの対中戦略を詳しく説明していただけますか? トランプ大統領の北朝鮮戦略の中で、中国はどのように位置付けられているのですか? アメリカは中国からどれぐらいの協力を得られると思いますか?
バノン氏: アメリカは中国に対して多くの協力を求めることができると思います。1つは、北朝鮮の非核化を確実に実現することが中国の国益になることです。もう1つは、中国企業に厳しい制裁を科したり世界の金融市場から中国を閉め出したり、世界の資本市場から中国の銀行を切り離したりするなど、アメリカは中国に対してかなりの影響力を依然として持っているのです。トランプ大統領は習国家主席ととても強い良好な関係を持っていると思います。彼と習国家主席は、やがてこの問題の解決策を見いだせるでしょう。
――― つまり、あなたは中国の協力はとても前向きなものだと考えており、楽観的なのですか?
バノン氏: トランプ大統領に聞けば、中国訪問はとてもよいものだったと答えるでしょう。トランプ大統領は、確かな進歩を遂げていると感じているのだと思います。長期的に見守るべきだと思いますが、確かな進歩を遂げていると信じています。
――― 今回のトランプ大統領の訪中をどう評価していますか?
バノン氏: 彼は習国家主席とはとても強い関係を持っています。彼らは明らかに互いに相性がいい。きょう、今しがた私がスピーチの中で言ったように、トランプ大統領は自分が向き合う相手と密接な関係を築くことを交渉上の戦略にしている人です。政権内部の人々の見解としては、彼らはアジア歴訪全体が極めてうまくいったと捉えているはずです。
彼らは中国訪問がとてもうまくいったと感じていると私は思います。 彼らは、中国企業とアメリカ企業や、中国市場とアメリカ企業の間で、2000億ドル以上の規模の合意を発表しました。発表されたすべての内容を見れば、彼は北朝鮮に関する議論において確かな進捗を遂げたと感じたことと思います。だから、総合的に見れば今回の歴訪、特に中国の部分はかなりうまくいったと思います。
――― しかし、南シナ海での中国の行動はとても問題があります。その点についてはどう思いますか?
バノン氏: トランプ大統領は、その問題の仲裁を申し出ました。トランプ大統領は「私たちは海洋国家間の仲裁で積極的な役割を果たします」と言いました。南シナ海は人々の大きな関心事になってきたと思います。私が太平洋艦隊の若い海軍将校だった時、私たちはよく南シナ海を航行しました。その当時はもっと航行の自由があったと思います。現在のような島が造成される前のことです。
――― 仲裁者ですか? アメリカが仲裁者になれば、南シナ海での中国の侵略的な行為を止められるのでしょうか?
バノン氏: あなたは中国の侵略的な行為と言いますが、中国は“それは違う”と言うでしょう。彼らは、特定の権利を主張しており、他の国々も特定の権利を主張しています。アメリカでは、中国は南シナ海での権利を本当は有していないと考えられています。トランプ大統領の「仲裁者になるよう努める」という発言は、この問題に飛び込んで参加者の1人になってみて問題解決に努めてみよう、ということでしょう。この地域の国々がそうした彼を受け入れるかどうかは見守る必要があると思います。
――― 北朝鮮と南シナ海を含めて、日本や、日本政府にはどのような役割を期待しますか?
バノン氏: この点においては、日本は重要な関係国だと思います。日本はアジアの中心的な国の1つです。日本は第二次世界大戦以後、アメリカの同盟国となっています。そして、太平洋でのアメリカの戦略の確かな基幹となっています。それは常に、経済的に強く堅固な日本、そして軍事的には自衛隊を前提としてきました。だから、日本はその点で中心的な役割を果たしていると思います。だからこそトランプ大統領は、安倍氏に最初にアメリカに来てもらったのだと思います。だからこそ彼にマー・ア・ラゴに来てもらったのだと思います。
――― トランプ大統領は、日本に対して高度な兵器を購入するよう求めました。大統領は日本に対してどのような役割を期待しているのだと思いますか?
バノン氏: それを考えているのが大統領なのかどうかは私には分かりません。安倍総理大臣らが語っているように、日本は憲法改正を検討しており、自衛隊を持つことをやめて再び軍事大国になることを検討しているかもしれません。トランプ大統領が言っているのは、太平洋における日本の役割や、その戦略における日本の中心的な役割からすれば、日本は軍事力を徐々に強化するだろう、ということでしょう。
‒‒‒ I see. And in Asia President Trump repeatedly emphasized the importance of increasing pressure on North Korea. So do you think military action is realistic against North Korea?
Mr. Bannon: It's the difference between being realistic and what is the option? I was very public before that the military option against North Korea is fairly limited. Now, I say that as a civilian that's not in the administration anymore.
I believe and I've said from day one the situation with North Korea should be handled the United States to China. That is a direct bilateral negotiation that should take place to me. And I've said this from day one. I believe China is absolutely the controlling entity in North Korea. I think North Korea's a client state of China. I've been pretty adamant about that. I think anything that takes people's eyes off the ball and tries to get people into some sort of negotiation or some sort of situation with North Korea really takes your eye off what it should be. And that is it should be the United States and China. The United States should continue to pressure China to make sure that North Korea deescalates.
I know the Chinese have reemphasized they want a denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. I think that's a positive thing. I do believe there's a lot more China can do. China has not agreed to banning all shipments of oil to North Korea. I believe if you really want to get to some rectification of this situation, you have to get to those types of sanctions. So I think that if the United States continues to pressure China, I think you'll have a very positive outcome. And I think that would be very, very positive to the Japanese people.
‒‒‒ So when you were in office, did you and members of the Cabinet talk about the military option realistically?
Mr. Bannon: Those are obviously highly classified discussions. People in Japan though should understand that the National Security Council and the Defense Department, State Department, the intelligence agencies of the United States have done a lot of analysis and look at all the options. So I think you've got some of the smartest people in the United States that look at this problem every day. And any enemy of Japan or the United States should understand that some of the most sophisticated and tough people in the world have thought this problem through many, many times.
‒‒‒ And have you talked about the withdrawal of the United States forces in South Korea from the Korean peninsula?
Mr. Bannon: Once again, those are all highly classified discussions that have gone on. I've never heard that ever broached as a potential option. I know other people throw that out as something that could take place. I believe even before you start talking about those kind of options about what troop commitments are, where troops are, where American commitments are, I think it's a much more direct conversation with China. China to me has a lot more sanctions they could put on North Korea, a lot more they could do with North Korea in regards to the Korean economy and the ability of North Korea to really be a military power. To me that's a direct conversation and a direct set of negotiations between the United States and China.
‒‒‒ And according to the U.S. media, in August you stated that there were no military options regarding North Korea, right?
Mr. Bannon: Yeah. I did say that in an interview. I have been of just the belief that the military options in North Korea, when we say military options the direct military option in North Korea, have always been quite limited. That's my point in that statement, was that the option is between the United States and China. That China has tremendous leverage over North Korea. North Korea's a client state of China's. It's China that supplies them their oil. It's China that really supplies them everything that they kind of build their economy off of. And so I think it's incumbent upon China and the United States to continue to pressure China. I believe that China can make sure that North Korea denuclearizes.
‒‒‒ Could you explain the detail of your strategy to China? So how is China positioned in President Trump's strategy against North Korea? How much cooperation do you think the United States can obtain from China?
Mr. Bannon: I think the United States can obtain a lot of cooperation from China. It's in China's best interest to make sure that North Korea's denuclearized. The other is that the United States still has quite a bit of leverage over China. The ability to sanction Chinese companies, to really put severe sanctions on Chinese companies, the ability to really cut off China from the world's financial markets. The ability to cut their banks off from the world's capital markets. The United States has tremendous operating leverage over China if it wanted to actually bring that to bear. I think with President Trump he's got a very strong and I believe positive relationship with President Xi. I think that he and President Xi over time will figure this problem out.
‒‒‒ So you feel that cooperation from China is positive? Or optimistic?
Mr. Bannon: President Trump, I think if you asked him, he would say that the trip to China was very positive. And I think he feels he's making real progress. So we'll have to see over time. But I believe he feels he's making real progress in this area.
‒‒‒ So how do you evaluate President Trump's trip to China this time?
Mr. Bannon: Look. He's got a very strong relationship with President Xi. They clearly have a lot of chemistry with each other. President Trump, as I said today earlier in my speech, he is someone who has a negotiating strategy that's very tied to I think the people that he's dealing with. I think in the administration's perspective I think they feel it was very, very positive. The whole Asian trip I believe they feel was very, very positive.
And I think that they feel the Chinese part of that was very positive. They announced over $200 billion of deals between Chinese companies and American companies or between the Chinese market and American companies. I believe that if you look at everything that was announced, he felt he made real progress in the discussions on North Korea. So I think net‒net they believe that the trip and particularly the Chinese part of it went quite well.
‒‒‒ But Chinese action in the South China Sea is very, very problematic. So how do you react to that?
Mr. Bannon: President Trump has offered to mediate that. So I think President Trump has said, "Hey, we'll be an active part of trying to mediate with the littoral nations of that. So the South China Sea has I think concerned people a lot. As a young naval officer when I was in the Pacific fleet we used to sail in the South China Sea all the time. I think we had more freedom of navigation back then. This was before the building of these islands, et cetera.
The Chinese clearly have tried to exert some sort of territorial ownership of certain areas of it. International courts have ruled differently. I think President Trump saying that he would actively act as a mediator is a great step forward to show American engagement in this area.
‒‒‒ Mediator. So if the United States is a mediator, can the United States stop the Chinese aggression in the South China Sea?
Mr. Bannon: You call it Chinese aggression. I think the Chinese would say it was something different. They claim certain rights to it. Other people claim certain rights.
I think in the United States we view that the Chinese don't really have rights to the South China Sea. And so I think that what President Trump has said in trying to be a mediator is that he would step in and try to be one of the participants to try to solve this problem. And I think we'll have to see if countries in the area take him up on that.
‒‒‒ Including North Korea and the South China Sea, what kind of role do you expect from the Japanese government?
Mr. Bannon: I think the Japanese are going to be a big participant in this. Japan is one of the central Asian powers. They've been an ally of the United States since World War II, truly been the backbone of American strategy in the Pacific, has always predicated itself upon a strong and robust Japan. Economically and with its self‒defense force heretofore militarily. So I think Japan plays a central role in that. And I think that's why President Trump had Abe had come to the United States first. I think that's why he had him down to Mar‒a‒Lago.
They've got a very strong relationship. I think that the two countries are bound together by business transactions and also tremendous friendship between the two people. I think that Japan is looked at as central to the Pacific strategy of the United States. It's been central to the Pacific strategy of the United States for 70 years. And I think that's only going to get stronger.
‒‒‒ And President Trump also has called for Japan to acquire sophisticated weapons. So what role do you think the president has in mind for Japan?
Mr. Bannon: I'm not so sure it's the president that has it in mind. I think that as Prime Minister Abe and others have talked Japan's looking at redoing its constitution, looking at getting just away from a self‒defense force, maybe back to become a military power again. And I think that what President Trump is saying, given its role in the Pacific, given its role as how central it is to the strategy, that it will acquire more of a military force over time.
Then clearly because we work so strongly together that it would be obvious that some of that should be American military weapon systems. So I think that's the context in what President Trump is saying. That the natural evolution of Japan to kind of regain its military strength. And particularly if you see what's going on with North Korea and the rest of the northwest Pacific, it's a fairly dangerous time. And it's just logical that the Japanese now would start to think about rearming.
――― アメリカの国内政治についてお聞きしてもよろしいですか?
バノン氏: もちろんです。
――― あなたは共和党に対して宣戦布告を行いました。詳しく説明していただけますか?
バノン氏: 共和党の主流派に対してです。主流派はトランプ大統領をあまり助けていないと思います。まず1つ目に、彼らはトランプ大統領を支えてこなかったと思います。彼らはオバマケアを廃止し、新しいものに置き換える取り組みにおいて大失敗を犯したと思います。トランプ氏の選挙戦に絡んだロシア疑惑を調査する委員会の管理においても、彼らの仕事ぶりはとてもお粗末でした。それらの委員会は暴走していると思います。
私はそうした動きに断固反対しています。それに、何年もの間、草の根組織の間でこの戦いが続いてきました。私はポピュリストです。そうでしょう? 私はトランプ氏の選挙戦に加わる前は、新しいサイトを運営していました。それは、たくさんのポピュリスト的ニュースを掲載し、労働者階級や中産階級をターゲット層にするニュースサイトです。
――― トランプ大統領の中間選挙での勝利を目指したあなたの戦略を教えてください。彼は中間選挙に勝てると思いますか?
バノン氏: 私は何度も何度もこのことを大統領に言ってきました。彼が自分の経済成長計画にこだわり続け、オバマケアを廃止し、壁を建て、不法移民に対処すれば、彼がその計画にこだわり続ければ…。私はこれを公の場で何度も言っていますが、彼は上院で3議席から5議席上積みできるでしょう。彼は下院も守れると思います。だから2018年の選挙はとてもよい結果になるでしょう。
アメリカ経済が3%以上の成長を取り戻しているのです。これは、特に減税なしで実現できるなどとは誰も思っていなかったことです。減税というのは今計画されている大規模な減税のことです。2018年は4%の成長になるかもしれません。しかし、トランプ大統領の功績が認められていません。彼が実施しているこれらの計画やプログラムは、 成果を見せ始めています。しかし、彼のその功績が全く認められていません。
――― 選挙から1年がたちましたが、現在のトランプ政権はとてもうまくやっていると感じていますか?
バノン氏: はい、とてもうまくやっていると思います。例はたくさんありますが、その1つを挙げましょう。彼はことしの春にリヤドでサミットに参加しました。5月だったと思います。44か45のアラブ諸国、イスラム教諸国が参加したと思います。その中で彼は、結束して3つのことをすべきだと語りました。
‒‒‒ And can I ask you about some internal politics of the United States?
Mr. Bannon: Sure. Sure.
‒‒‒ You've declared war on the GOP. Could you explain the details?
Mr. Bannon: The GOP establishment. I just think the establishment hasn't served President Trump very well. Number one, I don't think they've been there for President Trump. I think they did a terrible job of repealing and replacing Obamacare. I think that they have done a very poor job in managing these committees they actually have investigating the Trump campaign for collusion with the Russians. I think that those committees have basically gotten out of control.
Today on Capitol Hill in the Senate they actually had a committee where they talked about the president's ability to use nuclear weapons. I just think that the GOP establishment as personified by Mitch McConnell has not done a good job of putting forward and supporting the president's agenda.
And I'm adamantly opposed to that. In addition, over a number of years we've kind of had this battle between the grassroots organizations. And you know I'm a populist, right? I kind of came into the Trump campaign off of a news site that really is the news site that has a lot of populist news in it and plays to the working class and to the middle class.
Not the wealthy and not the big donors in the Republican Party. So there's always been a natural tension between the grassroots, the little guy, what President Trump calls the forgotten man and the big shots. And so I think that's just kind of spilled over into this fight that we're having in the United States Senate between the grassroots organizations and Mitch McConnell.
‒‒‒ And please tell us your strategy for the midterm election and President Trump's winning of the midterm election. Do you think he's winning the midterm elections?
Mr. Bannon: I've told the president this many, many times. If he sticks to his plan of economic growth, repeal Obamacare, build the wall, start to take care of illegal immigration, if he just sticks to that plan, I believe, and I've said this publicly many times, he will pick up anywhere from three to five seats in the Senate. And I think he'll hold the House of Representatives. So I think it'll be a very successful 2018.
And I think we're on track to do that. And so anything that takes us off of that track I don't think is a good thing. Because I think President Trump's got many positive policy initiatives. People should understand the U.S. economy is growing over 3% right now. And we don't even have a tax cut in there to accelerate that growth.
Just his economic nationalist policies already. You see more business investment. I think business investment's up 10%. The stock market's increased wealth I think by $5 trillion. We have the lowest Hispanic unemployment rate in 11 years, the lowest black unemployment rate in 17 years. I think it's the overall lowest unemployment rate in 19 years. And wages are finally starting to rise both in construction and agriculture.
So you're starting to see the American economy come back with over 3% growth, which nobody ever thought we would get to particularly without a tax cut. A significant tax cut, which we have in the plan. So you can look at 2018 and maybe see 4% growth. So I think President Trump does not get the credit he deserves. These plans and programs he's been putting in are really starting to click. And he doesn't get really any credit for this.
If you look at the first year of his administration, a couple things he promised. He said on the inauguration day that he would unite the civilized world to eradicate radical Islamic jihad or terrorism from the face of the earth. And that's a very big promise. But if you look in the first nine or 10 months, he's taken the physical caliphate of ISIS. As a reporter, I'm sure you remember this.
In 2014 ISIS had essentially 8 million people under its rule in the Middle East between Iraq and Syria. It had tax revenues. It had oilfields. It had wheat fields. It was actively recruiting in Western Europe and the United States. Today that physical caliphate has been annihilated. Under General Mattis with guidance from President Trump we physically annihilated in Mosul, and Raqqah, and other cities, physically destroyed the caliphate of ISIS in addition to having this tremendous economic growth, in addition to putting in federal judges and to deconstruct the regulatory state in the United States. He's had tremendous, tremendous, tremendous victories. But the mainstream media doesn't give him a lot of credit.
‒‒‒ So one year later after the election, so you feel the Trump administration is very positive now?
Mr. Bannon: Yes. I think it's been very positive. Look. Let me just give you one of many examples. He had a summit in Riyadh last spring, I think it was in May, with I think it was 44 or 45 Arab and Muslim nations in which he talked about coming together and doing three things.
Number one was to cut off all financing for radical Islamic terrorism throughout the world so it couldn't be exported anymore to Western Europe, to the United States, to Japan.
Number two, he talked about helping the Muslim nations. Not doing it for them but helping the Muslim nations fulfill the promise of what General Sisi said at Cairo University many years ago, which was Islam has to reform itself from the inside. Right? It has to bring itself into modernity. But only the Muslims can do it together. And President Trump said, "Hey, we're here to back you up and help you with that."
And number three was to look at the expansionist Iran and say, "Maybe we should start to work together militarily to stop that."
And so you've seen already in the first couple of months after that the situation in Qatar and now the situation in Saudi Arabia where the United Arab Emirates and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with Egypt, are really taking direct action to make sure the people that finance the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the most radical groups in all of radical jihad, has had the financing cut off to it.
So I think those are the type of big victories that he's winning every day. On November 8th was the anniversary of the day we won. Or November 9th. I think he's accomplished an incredible amount in a very short period of time.
And I would point to the Japanese people. After really the Obama administration, although they had a pivot to Asia, you really couldn't see really much that was going on. Look how many times that President Trump has engaged directly with Prime Minister Abe. Look at the relationship those two leaders have.
By the way, we're a long way from getting a trade deal that works. And we're just beginning of making sure that the military all works together and that the United States is there to help its ally Japan rearm and rearm appropriately. But if you look at the engagement between the two countries in the last nine months, it's probably been more than the eight years under President Obama.
So I think the media doesn't really give President Trump much credit. But I can just see from his actions, and I can particularly see in the Pacific in the relationship with Japan that constant daily interaction and working together as partners has been such a huge sea change.
――― 改めてお聞きしますが、北朝鮮については、トランプ大統領はすべての選択肢が検討されていると言いましたね?
バノン氏: はい。
――― 北朝鮮に対する軍事的選択肢は誰が主張したのですか?
バノン氏: 彼がすべての選択肢が検討されていると言う時には、最高司令官として彼がすべての選択肢に目を向けたいということです。それは賢明だと思います。だからこそ彼の下には国防総省があり、国家安全保障会議があり、CIAがあるのです。そして、韓国、日本やその他の国などの同盟国とも連携しています。すべての選択肢を残しておきたいという彼の考えは賢明だと思います。
――― トランプ大統領は日本海に3隻の空母を配備しました。それはその存在を見せつけるためですか、それともただのパフォーマンスですか?
バノン氏: それはさまざまな選択肢とみなすべきだと思います。私は太平洋艦隊にいました。私は空母打撃群と行動をともにすることが多かったです。空母打撃群が派遣されると、それは人々の注目を集めます。まず1つ目に、そうした演習を行うことにより、協力の仕方を学ぶことができます。さまざまな海軍の部隊は、一体となって連携する方法を知っています。
――― しかし、あなたは中国と協力することが最善であるという意見なのですね?
バノン氏: そうです。中国との協力です。しかし忘れないでください。中国との協力を前面に押し出すことができるのは、3つの空母打撃群を配備する能力を有しているという事実なのです。その火力の大きさを人々は忘れるべきではありません。それは多くの注目を集めることができます。
北朝鮮問題 行き詰まっていない
――― しかし、北朝鮮問題は行き詰まっているように見えますが…。
バノン氏: それはあなたの意見です。私は全く行き詰まっているとは思いません。なぜあなたが行き詰まりという言葉を使うのか私には分かりません。(北朝鮮問題は)動いています。進行中なのです。北朝鮮のような問題は、一夜にして解決できるものではありません。私たちがここに至るまでに30年、40年かかったのです。人々は、「彼らは核プログラムを持っていなかった。彼らは核プログラムを持っていなかった。彼らは核プログラムを持っていなかった」と言います。
ほら、これこそが私が“反対派”と呼ぶ人々です。NHKは十分に、その“反対派”としての役割を果たしています。私はこれからNHKのことを、まさにニューヨーク・タイムズのようなメディアだと呼びましょう。あなたたちは日本のCNNに違いない、そうでしょう? あなたたちは「行き詰まり」といった挑発的な言葉を使います。「それは行き詰まりに違いない」と。それは行き詰まりではありません。全く行き詰まりではありません。実際には進行中です。トランプ大統領はそのプロセスを進めています。だからこそ彼は、さまざまな選択肢があると言っているのです。だからこそ彼は、ここに空母打撃群を派遣しているのです。それはすべて、戦略的なチェスの試合の一部です。その中で、日本は私たちを助けてくれるすばらしい同盟国です。しかし、安倍総理大臣やトランプ大統領のようなとても賢い人々がいます。彼らはそのようにして、これらの問題の解決に取り組んでいます。
――― つまり、それは…。
バノン氏: あなたが北朝鮮に関する質問を私に尋ね続けることこそが“行き詰まり”なのです。これこそが行き詰まりです。さあ来い、あと何問か質問して来なさい。
――― しかし、トランプ大統領は時間がなくなりつつあると言っていますね? 彼はこの状況をどのように打破できますか?
バノン氏: 先ほど言ったように、彼は中国の指導部と対話していると思います。私はそう思います。それは彼の中国訪問中に見られました。トランプ大統領は、朝鮮問題の重要性を前面に押し出すために多くのことを行ってきたと思います。それは、その地域の大国が注力しなければならない問題です。韓国、日本、アメリカ、そして中国です。ロシアもそうです。
――― しかしあなたは、中国は覇権国家になろうとしている、とも言われましたね。
バノン氏: はい、覇権です。
――― アジアの覇権国家です。
バノン氏: はい。
――― 世界の、です。中国にはどう対応しますか? 一方では北朝鮮問題で協力し、一方では封じ込めですか。
バノン氏: その点ではトランプ大統領と私の意見は異なっていると思います。私は中国に関してはもっとタカ派的です。私は長年そうでした。トランプ大統領は貿易合意にとても積極的です。これまでの政権、特にクリントン政権とブッシュ政権は、彼らが中国に最恵国待遇を与えた時に中国が何をするかについて希望的観測を持っていました。彼らは中国をWTO=世界貿易機関に招き入れました。
――― さらに質問をしてもよろしいですか?
バノン氏: 朝鮮に関することならいいですよ。いや、何でも好きなことを聞いていいですよ。何なりと。
――― 中国に関する質問です。
バノン氏: 分かりました。いいですね。
――― 一部のメディアは、あなたが9月に北京で中国共産党の王岐山氏と話をしたと報道されています。そのニュースは事実ですか、それともフェイク・ニュースですか?
バノン氏: いいえ、そのニュースは本当です。私は中国の大手金融機関であるCITICの主催で、彼らの香港の子会社であるCLSAを介して講演をしました。私は個人的には中国とアメリカの間で大きな経済戦争が起きていると考えており、それについて話しました。王岐山氏は仲介人を通して私を招きました。そこで私は、さまざまな話題について数時間にわたって彼と話しました。
――― 北朝鮮のプログラムに関しての会話が…。
バノン氏: あのような私的な会話のために誰かが自分を招いた時は、私はそれを非公開のままにしておきたいのです。しかし、全体的な会話は、アメリカにおけるポピュリズムや経済的ナショナリズムの台頭に関するものだったとは言えるでしょう。私のスピーチの主題がポピュリズムと経済的ナショナリズムの台頭、そしてそれがアジアにどう影響するか、でした。私たちの会話も基本的にそれらに関するものでした。
‒‒‒ Again, North Korea, President Trump said all options on the table, right?
Mr. Bannon: Sure.
‒‒‒ So who insisted military option on North Korea?
Mr. Bannon: When he says all options on the table, as commander‒in‒chief he wants to look at all options. I think that's smart. That's why he was the Pentagon. He has the National Security Council. He has the C.I.A. Also in conjunction with allies like South Korea, Japan, and others. He wants to keep all options on the table, which I think is smart.
I think that the best option to me is direct negotiations with China because I think China is the key that picks the lock to North Korea. I've said from day one North Korea's a client state of China. But I think as commander‒in‒chief he wants to have a broad range of options. And, remember, when you look at negotiations or you look at certain courses of action, you want to start with a broad range of options and make sure you think all of them through.
One of the media misinterpretations of President Trump, when he got in he was going to be quick on the trigger or some guy who was going to bomb. There has not been an American president that's been as judicious about weighing and measuring every option. Let's take Syria or let's take Afghanistan. He really has gone through and looked at the pros and the cons of each. I think on Afghanistan it took six months to come to a decision.
And that was because he kept asking questions. He kept wanting to have more data. He kept wanting to look at more options. Till finally he selects one. He is by far I think the most judicious president we've had in looking at various options, thinking them through, and then with his generals and with his advisors selecting a course of action and picking that. And I think for the people of Japan as an ally to the United States they should appreciate that.
President Trump's not somebody that just jumps to some conclusion and then goes and takes action. He's somebody that really weighs and measures. So when he says there's a wide range of options, remember he's going through each one and looking at it. And that's why I think that relationship with Prime Minister Abe's so important. Because they communicate a lot and they talk a lot. And I'm sure when they talk, they talk about these options.
‒‒‒ President Trump deployed three aircraft carriers to the Japan Sea. Is that just to be seen or just performance?
Mr. Bannon: I think you have to look at that as the various options. I was in the Pacific fleet, right? I often went with a carrier battle group. When you send a carrier battle group, it gets people's attention. I think, number one, you need to do it just so you've got those types of exercises so people know how to work together. The various navies know how to work in unison and in partnership.
So I think that's smart. It's also sending a signal that this is an important part of the world and we're prepared to deploy resources and assets here to assist our friends and allies in places like Japan or in South Korea. So I think, once again, it's very smart. They're like chess pieces that you move around. That whole thing of deploying assets from the 7th fleet, once again it shows you a range of options that he's always thinking through. Always thinking what's the best mix and match.
So I think Japanese people should take a lot of comfort from the fact that they have a commander‒in‒chief in President Trump that has put such importance on the northwest Pacific, right? Has put such important with our alliance with Japan, and the mutual understanding we've had, and the close friendship we've had. I think people should take comfort from that. And I think people should take comfort that he thought it was important enough that would actually deploy a couple of battle groups up here for various exercises. So I think everything he's done in that regard is to reinforce how important the relationship with Japan and the United States is.
‒‒‒ But your opinion is the best is to cooperate with China.
Mr. Bannon: Cooperate with China, yes. But, remember, in cooperation with China, one of the things that brings that cooperation to the forefront is the fact that you've got the ability to deploy three carrier battle groups. It shouldn't be lost on people that that's a lot of firepower. It can bring a lot of attention.
I was very proud to be in the United States Navy for many years. I was in the Pacific fleet. I was in the 7th fleet. I pulled into Japan many times. As a young naval officer I actually came with my crew. And part of us climbed Mount Fuji one time when we had some time off here in Japan. So we would go to Yokosuka, right? The naval station at Yokosuka many times. We'd be in the Sea of Japan. We did exercises with the self‒defense force of the Japanese navy. We did exercises with the South Korean navy and the Japanese navy in the Sea of Japan many, many times.
The United States Navy is always out there doing exercises, et cetera. I think when you have those types of assets like the carrier battle groups it makes your negotiations with the leaders in China I think have a little more emphasis, right? Because you've got these assets that you can deploy.
‒‒‒ But it looks like a stalemate on the North Korean issue.
Mr. Bannon: That's your opinion. I don't think it's a stalemate at all. I don't know why you would use the word a stalemate. It's come up. It's a process. Something like North Korea is not going to be solved overnight. It's taken us 30 or 40 years to get here, right? People saying, "They didn't have a nuclear program. They didn't have a nuclear program. They didn't have a nuclear program."
Now, we know they have a nuclear program. So it's taken many decades to get here. Somebody's not going to walk in and wave a magic wand. And you're not going to solve the problem overnight. It's a process. I think President Trump is engaged in that process. He has a taken a personal interest in that process.
You see, this is once again what I call the opposition party. NHK's taken their proper role. I get a special call out now for NHK taking their proper role on the New York Times. You must be the CNN of Japan, right? You put provocative terms like stalemate. "It must be a stalemate." You see, it's not a stalemate. It's not a stalemate at all. It's actually a process. President Trump's going through the process. That's why he says he has a range of options. That's why he send carrier battle groups up here. It's all part of a strategic chess match of which Japan is a great ally in helping us out. But you have very smart people like Prime Minister Abe and President Trump. And that's how they work through these types of issues.
‒‒‒ So it's not‒‒
Mr. Bannon: What's a stalemate is you keep coming at me with these North Korean questions. That's a stalemate. Come on. Bring it. Bring it. Let's have a couple more.
‒‒‒ But President Trump said that time is running out, right? So how can he break through this situation?
Mr. Bannon: Once again, I think he's engaged with the Chinese leadership. So that's what I would say. You saw it in China during the visit. President Trump I think has done a lot of this to bring to the forefront that the Korean issue is an important issue. And it's got to be focused on by the great powers in the area. South Korea, Japan, and the United States, and China. And also Russia I think it behooves everyone that the United States went to the U.N. Security Council. I think it's twice they've gotten 15‒to‒nothing votes on sanctions with no abstentions. China didn't abstain. Russia didn't abstain. That shows you how serious the United States is taking this effort. It shows you how important they think it is and what a great job that Ambassador Nikki Haley has done.
So I think people are engaged. And I think sometimes President Trump tweets or says something to make sure that people understand the urgency. One thing you notice about President Trump, and I noticed this in working with him on the campaign, he's a person of urgency. He wants to get things done bang, bang, bang. So I know this is a high priority for him. And I know that's why keeps it at the forefront. Can I have another Korea question?
‒‒‒ But you also said that China is trying to be the hegemonic power.
Mr. Bannon: Hegemonic, yes.
‒‒‒ Hegemonic power in Asia.
Mr. Bannon: Yes.
‒‒‒ In the globe. So how do you react to China? One side cooperates on North Korean issues. One side containment.
Mr. Bannon: Look, President Trump's and my opinions I think are different on that, right? I tend to be much more of a hawk on China. I have been for years. President Trump is very aggressive at the trade deals. I think previous administrations, particularly the Clinton and the Bush administration, essentially had some wishful thinking about what China was going to do when they let them in as most favored nation. They let them into the World Trade Organization.
That we were playing by a certain set of rules to make sure our market was fully open. Yet they've kept their market quite closed. So somebody that comes from a closed market that has total access to an open market always has a major strategic advantage.
I just take President Xi at his word. I read a number of times and I've watched the three‒and‒a‒half‒hour speech he gave to the 19th Party Congress. He couldn't be more blunt, right? It's not very subtle. He lays out a very compelling case of why they're trying to become the world's largest economy by about 2035, right? And I think the world's dominant power by around 2050.
In fact, they say, "This is a new era right now. And in 2050 begins an era of kind of Chinese hegemony." And so I take him at their word. And I think that what China's doing today in many areas of the world is trying to become a hegemonic power.
‒‒‒ May I ask you a question about‒‒
Mr. Bannon: Just as long as it's about Korea. No, you can ask anything you want. Yes, sir?
‒‒‒ A question about China.
Mr. Bannon: Okay, good. Good.
‒‒‒ In some media it was reported that you talked with the Chinese Communist Party member Wang Qishan in September in Beijing. Is that fact news or fake news?
Mr. Bannon: No, that's real news. I gave a talk sponsored by CITIC, the large financial institution in China, through their Hong Kong subsidiary CLSA. And I came and talked about the economic war that currently exists to a large extent I believe, my personal belief, between China and the United States. And Wang Qishan through an intermediary asked me to come up. And I spent several hours with him talking about various topics.
‒‒‒ And there's some talk about the North Korean program that‒‒
Mr. Bannon: When somebody asks you up there for those kind of private conversations, I like to keep them private. But I think you could say that the general discussion was more about populism in the United States and about this kind of rise of economic nationalism. And the topic of my speech was populism, and really the rise of economic nationalism, and how that was going to affect Asia. And that's generally what the conversations were about.