So with all the BS floating around ANW I might as well give information to Stop certain rumors. When I was on staff last yr Gabriel said in person “the word Furry is blacklisted from Washington state conventions and Hotels.”
Replying to @DatGreenMonstah
This was said to the staffers at last yr at the bowling meet up same time. Same time around then me and my partner
@SpaceLion9 also had some one on one rude encounters with official staff while we also were on staff.#anthronw1 reply 3 retweets 9 likes -
Replying to @DatGreenMonstah
Gabriel also has told me if this con goes down he goes bankrupt and also told me that he’s using inheritance money from his late Grandma to run this.
4 replies 2 retweets 9 likes -
Replying to @DatGreenMonstah
I’m sorry, but I’ve kept my mouth shut on this because of my fear from some the staffers, I’m tired of this non transparency and this tyrannical ban hammering of people. This is not how you handle a con.
3 replies 2 retweets 10 likes -
Replying to @DatGreenMonstah
I’m not here to start trouble, I’m here to state facts.
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Replying to @DatGreenMonstah @e_sibe
So curiosity is there any truth in the Internet historian youtube video? That it's the attendees ruining the convention, because based off the info that is probably would turn any sensible business off from furry cons.
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There’s a bunch of videos out on that, just do a search on YouTube and you’ll get some of the con staff giving their narrative of what went down. I was at RF that yr and it was pretty nuts.
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