So interestingly one of the board members is on the agents of another non profit. The “Christian Gaming and Unconventional Faith Outreach” organization. That puts on Doxacon - Exploring faith thru science fiction. This all smells like a Christian Outreach honeypot/money maker.
This is *not* good.
Just because someone volunteers for a religious group somewhere means anything they volunteer with is “not good”.
Like I’ve said several time (but it gets lost in the fray) it could all be coincidental. But it smells. They’re not using their real names (even on contracts and legal documents) and doing other weird things.
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@anthronw is a registered 501c3 organization. This can be verified with the exempt organizations IRS tool. I know a lot of shady stuff is allegedly going on at AnthroNW, but please fact check. (I have no affiliation with and am not attending AnthroNW) …... -
True and good use of that resource. However in the state of WA they have registered as both a nonprofit and a for-profit corporation. Raises questions about how the funds are being handled/funneled and which entity is receiving the funds at what time. …
I am just amazed how how people are so quick to jump on the bandwagon to try and destroy any new event in Seattle. If this the first time, I'd maybe buy it. But the boy has cried wolf many times now. Why not let Seattle just have their own con?
It's not about that. I'd love to have a local con in Seattle again. But this con's actions raise questions.
As has every convention in existence. It's like everyone in Seattle says "a con must cater 100% to my tastes or I will destroy it". Problem is, everyone has different tastes, so there's no way a con can be 100% what you want, and also 100% what everyone else wants.
Dude. I pointed out a business paperwork oddity. I didn't mention my tastes. You're coming at me unnecessarily. If there's a simple answer to the question I posed then that's all that's needed.
If not this, I'm sure there's be some other aspect you'd find for people to attack. This isn't about the paperwork, but something much larger. It's not even about this con, what about the one in Tacoma? Or RF? Others? Not the first con attacked.
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They do have an active 503(c) with the registered board members listed. I’d wager the profit company is either a “management” firm that gets paid for putting on the show and allows profit to be extracted beyond the normal full time compensation for non profit directors.
This is how Mozilla (who makes Firefox) is set up: Mozilla Foundation owns Mozilla Corporation.
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Or they just registered a for profit first then changed to a non profit. It could be totally innocuous.
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And someone went out of their way to make sure we knew this. Who and why? (Doesn’t mean what they did is ok, but Question Everything is always a good idea.)
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