It takes alot of time and $ to set up a non profit. Would not make sense to do so for a small first year con without having that initial revenue.
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5 replies 2 retweets 10 likes
Replying to @liondogari @xanie and
So interestingly one of the board members is on the agents of another non profit. The “Christian Gaming and Unconventional Faith Outreach” organization. That puts on Doxacon - Exploring faith thru science fiction. This all smells like a Christian Outreach honeypot/money maker.
1 reply 19 retweets 37 likes -
Replying to @DemonicGood @GoodPupPuddles and
Just because someone volunteers for a religious group somewhere means anything they volunteer with is “not good”.
2 replies 0 retweets 1 like
Like I’ve said several time (but it gets lost in the fray) it could all be coincidental. But it smells. They’re not using their real names (even on contracts and legal documents) and doing other weird things.
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