When someone waltzes into a queer space acting like a leader but refuses to even assure you that they don't think you're a sinner, red flags
We can only view this as an attack. There is literally no other reason for
@anthronw to exist. -
This is literally someone who did not exist in the furry scene since May 2016 & is now trying to throw a con with his moral values at center
if you want a con with just the cute, safe part of the community you are diluting what makes us, us.
Declining to define something as sinful or not is VERY different than an attack.
Also my pinned tweet https://twitter.com/Chibi_the_Pink/status/631894148539248640 … Also quiet acceptance > hate or attack
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@Chelydros@anthronw ...and this is a bad thing? -
Not high on the scale of "bad" because I wasn't going to bother with this toy convention anyway
just seems to me that he also didn't say yes. Might as well see how things turn out.
why is this type of question dodging better than a "yes"? Hes obviously uncomfortable with the majority>
> of the fandom. There is no way i would support someone so close minded or their shit-tier con
this type of thinking is actively harmful
just because someone won't subscribe to a certain way of thinking doesn't mean they are against it or for it :p
Id rather wait and see if he says something that would indicate either way than assume.
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They told you they'll keep their opinion to themselves, so leave them the fuck alone. Obviously.
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That’s not really a good question though - The Bible declares sodomy a sin - that’s verifiable - but asking if he personally believes that is going too far imo
Otherwise it’s like saying you wouldn’t attend COMDEX if the organiser said they personally didn’t like AMD.
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