Holy travel & shell fish Clambake

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Holy travel & shell fish Clambake

Post by Scientology » Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:49 pm

If we can start up what so many have waited for so long - As the art of holy travel. To see Scientology from above, beyond the drone example, and make Scientology to really look up. What would be the perfect starting point?

Adding one & one as the shellcode
If we can find a point to adding shell to shell and make a great clambake to bring as an oyster to the mussel, wouldn't that be great to Scientology?
Com mac in the Burr Angle & bites the apple
From clam to clam adding - Can't we just sit in the fairground and joyous as a play and make your clambake?
Crowd founding the clambake from the sand per lingo

Wave s sing
Scientology Africa with the castle
Scientology Church from begining. What a good way to start
A sea of maps - and Scientology Church in Asia

If the formalism all is in the shell-code would we not end up by the shell fish mussel, being able to present the event chain, or just offering oyster per lingo. The ocean is blue, do you want to taste Marin o ocean ocean shellfish?

Cozy with som clambake in a bucket over an open fire by the beach in long island we can walk in long lanes of holy clambake wonders to spicy, and if he does not want to taste the shell fish mussel we can take oysters otherwhere of a happy nutritious surprise. Or just stay and eat our clambake outside of the and then out of nowhere just make a home-run to nearby houses offering our home-run clambake as a spicy compote, hugging and kissing the neighbors.

And then we can walk in L Ron's Footsteps
We found that Geoffrey dies, and becomes so angry at him and at the morg, everything the world create just to be against us. Geoffrey should be the one who take the lead of my empire after me.. Let us all sing.
Elron Song

To me the greatest man there is always something greater
the errors of others
since i cant be wrong

tech in tech from role in the dice
the most probable in bio-statistics - central outcome

I have just found out the 2 shell fish spot where we can meet and sing up and reheat our Clambake and then it's just a few meter to the holy spy who wrote -thing what good this would be to Scientology, when discussing that he made Paulette Cooper want to commit suicide by his contribution in corrosion flowers & ion undermining. But spicy as the species triangulates evo devo ... in the ion song, the breeze goes on

Burr Winkle part like Jeand d Arc, Cho cho --

or why not continue the triangulation and donate Ocean wave in Marin O, in healthful sensitivity and ... or Mister Marino maybe have better ideas himself?
Requirements: First we all listen and understand the phantom mind, the phantom limb and the art of the mirrors in the senses.
Searched Long island drawbar, nothing. . Clambake Long Island Comming soon the Marino Blue bucket

The Marin O Blue Chesapeake includes the following:
1½ Dozen Blue Crabs; Two (2) lbs.
Blue Mussels; Two (2)
Ears of Corn on the Cob;
Two (2) Potatoes

The Blue Chesapeake Clambake Bucket is flavored with Old Bay seasoning.
Last edited by Scientology on Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Don Carlo
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Re: Holy travel & shell fish Clambake

Post by Don Carlo » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:35 pm

I always wanted to go to a real clambake with people digging the pit, making the fire, putting in layers of seaweed and shellfish, watching the fire, taking the layers out and chowing down. Plus beer. It seems like a real fun group effort.

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Re: Holy travel & shell fish Clambake

Post by Scientology » Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:45 pm

waow, nice image you delivered there... i actually did not know about this, and never heard about the tradition. But thinking a little, yes and probably a very old and nice tradition. Sounds wonderful

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Re: Holy travel & shell fish Clambake

Post by Scientology » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:35 am

Shell fish in the clambake i nog got a twitter account blocked and 3 blogs i coperated with about the scientology writings. That is exciting and it always nice to be loved.

So whynot just relax and enjoy Scientology and all of it's friend a little. This is whatg came up in my Emeter session Jeff has sold the lumbing company and mary owns their new how and they are just about to move again. Will it be Florida or what can we say by just interpreting the signs?`

Mary Elisabeth Harlow Marino is still togheter with Jeffrey Kim Marino, as they where while he moved into Paulette Cooper just to share the rent... Or how was it, really? But it's can be nice to have many homes. but Jeff i want clambake not shellfish!

Jeffrey Kim
Can you be nice and make some clambake to me, you always flying so high
I Dident even got any taxfree
Can we meet and discuss narconon or just cozy a little?

Why are you moving around so much, is it the reactive mind?
I think you have a handsome mind, maybe we can wait a while before seeing you to lovebirds in Florida?
-Think what a good thing that would be to Scientology!

Why not relax a little?
In long marriages safety and know how can come to culminate the relationships and other multilevels of interpersonal behavior can sometimes come to rest completely, maybe that's why i suddenly came to wonder if your long time companion in life and somewhat whatever still compassionate fucking with your wife? It is just a question, not at all stranger than Scientology. How do you get the fire and heat going? Actually that is a part of the new Bolden era dynamics E-meter Question hat-pack 4 rat stat. Adventure can be where it is as least expected, right? Spicy

I want to learn a little about Scientology and myself, so can you be honestly for once Jeff?
And as written in the beginning, If we can find a point to adding shell to shell and make a great clambake to bring as an oyster to the mussel, wouldn't that be great to Scientology? In a Nazi thinking one can do anything to the absolute nonnazis without regrets and moral troubles and with full selfconfidense, does this applies even to NEO-Nazi Homo Novis act to homo sapiens and the wog shit? What is your experience in the matter of facts?

-What is your opinion about the hate sites online from the Church of Scientology?
-the crimes of Scientology?

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Re: Holy travel & shell fish Clambake

Post by Scientology » Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:13 pm

Holy Travel into Church of Scientology in time
Mary Elisabeth "Molly" Harlow married John Gilliam and then our Scientology friend Jeffrey Kim Marino The gestalt therapeutics of Scientology in overall - Relabel itself like Renaming the identity - have secret meanings that is not obvious to the outer world. So yes lies and lying form the labels etiquette Names and outbound from that causes into the very reality. Somewhat similar to the founder of scientology L Ron Hubbard, who took a little here and there and removed the proper credentials, and by doing so having an creation by anonymous contributors putting the name L Ron Hubbard upon.
Where is the need of being dishonest?
What could it be other than hiding the true agenda from the world?

Disconnecting from Homo Sapps as the Higher Homo Novis

Mary Elisabeth Harlow marrying John Gilliam and then our Scientology specimen Jeffrey Kim Marino, Aka Don Alverzo, Jerry Levin and maybe also many more name. Jeff Marino has been the owner to the house near the clam and clam fairground at (redacted) have been owned by Mary Elisabeth Harrington Marino the wife of Jeffrey Kim Marino / Jeff Marino. Now both Jeffrey Kim Marino and Mary Elisabeth Marino seems to be living together at (redacted) at least for some days more.

Both Molly and Jeff seems to have an exceptionally high interest in the names phone-numbers and the whereabouts of different persons since both seems to have been engaged into the actions of the military spy by the church of scientology. So it must be assumed that they like feedback.
Living in (redacted), New York
seems to be our social friends.

As anyone can see there are however updates pending for the (redacted) so why not take a peak inside the estate - before the it goes to stealth modes again. The seller has accepted an offer, and the property is now pending or under contract....
The persons living in the house at the time of the photos seems to play some piano anyway.

Scientology starts with talking with the neighbors and dead agenting them, but why be evil and backstabbing like Scientology?
I wanted some Shell adding to Shell and rather Clambake not Shell Fish.

Maybe some of them can tell us about the Scientology History who was drug free until L Ron Hubbard introduced Psych-Drugs and If Hubbard Was wrong or right in doing so to the history of Scientology?

Jeff Marino you have questions to answer here! Dont get abberated or into the Scientologist hyper-reactive mind.

Bending the light to the tunnel-sight - concave convex by the objective
Spectra of the handling

If there are and ever have been any intelligence in intel, why-not to to David Miscavige and discuss his reactive & Hyper reactive mind?
Did David Miscavige beat a Pre-clear early on?
Can we together get David Miscavige to take up the cans again and have an auditing session in the public, why not in the courtroom?
That might strengthens his immunochemistry from the psychosocial levels of the flows in the can.

Help Scientology & Save David Miscavige

How can we help you to regain the role as poor victims again when you just behaving like an evil big bully. Can we interview yo and get your side of the story? Jeff, Molly, David?

The face of the fact and the act of what really have happened can always be blamed in the non-scientologism. right?
The SP and the PTS.
And Hubbard got mad when his successor rather took his life than continued.
So he ordered the coroners paper on his table. It was stolen from the coroner. And Hubbard was furious right. Not sad.

And later on Hubbard could not even take his bike for a ride, not even hold it properly right? Single accidents on an MC at low speed if any. And from that he never healed himself. Give me some intel! Or can it never be any intelligence in the intel? then i finally know the reasons to why so many Scientologist tends to speak so much shit. Was the old man to fat and ignorant to have any intel in MC2?

We start with a little easy smorgasbord (just like this spontaneous, easy talking) or just a very cozy clambake to hear the shellfish speak about the shell code. But Image
Geoffrey Mccallay, if he took his life, was it because life with L Ron Hubbard was such a hell that he prefered to die before that, or could it be a better reason? Can you give us some Intel? Is it reasonable to believe that Geoffrey Mccallay never could be himself in the dollhouse labeled as the church of Scientology?

Isent it pretty hard to take ones own life?
If there ever was a Science of a modern mental health, why did it not help? Or was it the errors of the non scinetologist again? SP as PTS, any intel from the reality of mankind?

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Jeff Marino Online Auditing Pioneer! Re: Holy travel & shell fish Clambake

Post by Scientology » Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:26 pm

Jeffrey Kim Marino i dont understand why i get a double registrations on
A Mary H Marino

Jeffrey K Marino (redacted)
Construction and Extraction Occupations
Mary E Marino (redacted)
Construction and Extraction Occupations

Now you have forced us to do The Online Auditing service &
Sect Check in for occult cult

Jim have you ever had sex (here) with a member of your family?
(Jay? if Jay is just one of the plenty aliases then the auditor has to re-framed the question. Had you have sex with yourself here? 1 coffin the sofa?

Jeff Are you a pervert?

Are you guilty of any major crimes in this lifetime?

Have you ever raped anyone

https://scientologymap.files.wordpress. ... ino-10.jpg
https://scientologymap.files.wordpress. ... rino-9.jpg
Separate beds, your snoozing again? Try to loose some pounds
https://scientologymap.files.wordpress. ... rino-7.jpg

Do you collect sexual objects?

Have you ever been a drug addict?

Have you ever bombed anything?

Have you ever murdered anyone?

Have you ever had anything to do with a baby farm or any other Adolf Hitler Artworks

Ok Jeff Why did you stop working with your family business? They selling that they have new owner now...
Do you have a secret you are afraid I'll find out?
Are you upset by this security check?

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Re: Holy travel & shell fish Clambake

Post by Scientology » Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:59 pm

And as the holy travel goes & and the kitten starts to purr in G - time comes and gravity curls in the spinner
The Holy missions and the holy travel in flip and flop

Assault from above to a statistically unarmed population ( 2/3) that was Vietnam and all of us who where stationary at tay ninh

Today as the assault and assasin from above the rakkasans from 187s celebrates we can also reveal the hidden secrets about the history of Operation Clambake and how the name was derived from an attack with flametrowers in the korea war. No Pow was taken.

Ok, not so many hues but rather Sikorsky in the Operation Clambake

LRH reflect upon this facts as: war war war. War with flamethrowers in the statistics of man, reminds me about the Ubercommando Luftwaffe on Rotherham. Statistically this was one of the first war that many years after could show a mathematical significant alternations in the mental health and mental diseases. Schizophrenia prevalence was not higher in the starving populations that had received armada bombing and flamethrowers to their little old tree house town under the water line. Fact & Flame But it was higher in the offspring. Sickness as the Science out of the madness.
Some say most of the Agent orange sprayed out of Tay Ninh still bears flowers, it is really hard to say. But many man who served there got chromosomal damage as a wave wing straight to the sperm. Who knows by the way.

HERITAGE PROPERTIES INTERNATIONAL and & Barbara Bradley, 35-37 Fitzroy Street, London, W1, associated. LA

There are som many separate lines in the clam & in the bake of the line

And many of you stupid idiots does not know that Hubbard was a TRIPPLE GENIOUS,
he layed out the fundaments to
radio directional finding further became the basis for the Long Range Navigational system (LORAN). And, as a lifelong photographer, his works have been displayed in galleries on two continents, with the definitive exhibition of his photographs, still drawing tens of thousands every year.

His earlier accomplishments are similarly impressive.
L Ron Hubbard confesses that how scientology act upon critics, have a similar effect and intent as Hitler's Ubercommando on Rotterdam in the world of wars. The Dis-association in witch man and mankind no longer can trust her or him - self. The one who just telling the truth would look really sick.

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