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Emma Watson Wants To Take On Lead Roles

01/11/2017 15:54 GMT

There's no stopping Emma Watson.


Two months after she landed the role of Belle in Disney's live action version of Beauty and the Beast, the 24-year-old has revealed she's ready to take on more lead roles in the future. There'll be no more playing the hero's sidekick for this actress.

"It feels like I was building a portfolio over the last five, six years," Watson told Total Film.

"Now I feel like I'm ready to really be carrying films. I'm really just ready now to focus on my career full time and go full steam ahead. It's exciting at the moment."

As well as preparing to play the famous Disney princess, Watson will also appear on screen later this year in Regression, a thriller directed by Alejandro Amenábar, and Colonia, a drama about a girl drawn into a cult.

Leading lady aside, there's also the not-so-small matter of the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador's gender equality campaign.

In January, Watson asked politicians and business leaders to embrace her new initiative at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

"We need all-country leadership, as well as that of hundreds of universities and corporations, to follow HeForShe's IMPACT 10X10X10 so as to bring an end to the persisting inequalities faced by women and girls globally," Watson told the audience. "It is my belief that there is a greater understanding than ever that women need to be equal participants in our homes, in our societies, in our governments, and in our work places."

Missed the star's empowering speech? Watch it here:

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