The DOM input event is fired synchronously when the value of an <input><select>, or <textarea> element is changed. (For input elements with type=checkbox or type=radio, the input event does not fire when a user clicks the control, because the value attribute does not change.)

Additionally, the input event fires on a contenteditable editor when its contents are changed. In this case, the event target is the editing host element. If there are two or more elements which have contenteditable as true, “editing host” is the nearest ancestor element whose parent isn’t editable. Similarly, it’s also fired on root element of designMode editors.

General infoEdit

HTML5, DOM Level 3 Events
Event, InputEvent
Default Action
The value or the content is modified.


Property Type Description
target Read only EventTarget The event target (the topmost target in the DOM tree).
type Read only DOMString The type of event.
bubbles Read only Boolean Whether the event normally bubbles or not
cancelable Read only Boolean Whether the event is cancellable or not?

Browser compatibilityEdit

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support (Yes) (Yes) (Yes)[1] 9[2][3] (Yes)[4] (Yes)
immediately after compositionupdate (Yes) (Yes) 12 (12) (Yes) 15 (Yes)
on contenteditable element (Yes) (Yes) 14 (14) No support[5]


15 (Yes)
when designMode is "on" (Yes) ? 14 (14) No support 15 (Yes)
data ? ? No support ? ? ?
isComposing No support ? 31 (31) No support No support No support
<select> (Yes) No support 49 (49) No support ? ?

[1] Prior to Gecko 12.0 (Firefox 12.0 / Thunderbird 12.0 / SeaMonkey 2.9), Gecko didn't fire input events while composition was ongoing using IMEs or when dead keys were used on Mac OS X.

[2] IE 9 does not fire an input event when the user deletes characters from an input (e.g. by pressing Backspace or Delete, or using the "Cut" operation).

[3] IE 10 and 11 has a bug, input event fires on placeholder attribute changes.

[4] Prior to Opera 15, Opera did not fire an input event after dropping text in an input field.

[5] The event target is the innermost element at the caret position.

See alsoEdit

Also the change event is related. change fires less often than input – it only fires when the changes are committed by the user.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: roryokane,