収録時間: 1:45:52 | Download MP3 (52.2MB)
Goro Fuji さんをゲストに迎えて、Discord, Slack, GraphQL, RESTful API, Pixel 2, Kotlin, React Native などについて話しました。
Show Notes
- Fastly Yamagoya Meetup 2017]
- fastly #yamagoya2017 - Togetterまとめ
- Discord
- Reactiflux is moving to Discord - React Blog
- Gitter
- Slack日本語版、年内に登場へ
- Introducing Shared Channels: Where you can work with anyone in Slack
- GraphQL | A query language for your API
- GraphQL: A data query language
- The GitHub GraphQL API
- Hypermedia
- Swagger
- rmosolgo/graphql-ruby: Ruby implementation of GraphQL
- Node.js + GraphQLでBFFを作った話
- PromQL | Prometheus
- Apollo GraphQL
- Caching of GraphQL servers with Fastly / Varnish
- SSKDs and LSUDs
- Kibela
- Bloke takes over every .io domain by snapping up crucial name servers
- Is using an .ly domain right - or wrong?
- Google Pixel 2
- How Google Built the Pixel 2 Camera
- 「Pixel 2」日本投入なくアプリ開発者が困惑
- Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL are the first phones to support eSIM for Project Fi users
- Latest Chrome Beta Update Drops the Address Bar to the Bottom by Default
- Bottom navigation - Components - Material Design
- 507SH, Android One
- Kotlinのスキルを持たないAndroid開発者は恐竜のようになるリスクに直面
- Jake Wharton
- Microsoft/reactxp
- necolas/react-native-web: React Native for Web
- If you use Twitter Lite you're now using a web app rendered by React Native for Web
- Relay