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I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 390 points391 points  (0 children)

Thanks for tuning in to the AMA. Great questions nk!!

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 1261 points1262 points  (0 children)

Landing site needs to be low altitude to maximize aero braking, be close to ice for propellant production and not have giant boulders. Closer to the equator is better too for solar power production and not freezing your ass off.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 876 points877 points  (0 children)

SpaceX. Design is pretty far along. It's a key part of the whole system.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 541 points542 points  (0 children)

The "vacuum" or high area ratio Raptors can operate at full thrust at sea level. Not recommended.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 1045 points1046 points  (0 children)

Wouldn't read too much into that illustration

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 555 points556 points  (0 children)

The aspiration by the change was to avoid/minimize plumbing hell, but we don't super love the current header tank/plumbing design. Further refinement is likely.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 1359 points1360 points  (0 children)

Ambient radiation damage is not significant for our transit times. Just need a solar storm shelter, which is a small part of the ship.

Buzz Aldrin is 87.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 2148 points2149 points  (0 children)

Our goal is get you there and ensure the basic infrastructure for propellant production and survival is in place. A rough analogy is that we are trying to build the equivalent of the transcontinental railway. A vast amount of industry will need to be built on Mars by many other companies and millions of people.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 1886 points1887 points  (0 children)

Improves stability in rough terrain

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 2973 points2974 points  (0 children)

How did you know? I am actually drinking whiskey right now. Really.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 870 points871 points  (0 children)

Best mass ratio is achieved by not building a box in a box. The propellant tanks need to be cylindrical to be remotely mass efficient and they have to carry ascent load, so lowest mass solution is just to mount the heat shield plates directly to the tank wall.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 921 points922 points  (0 children)

Wouldn't call what BFS has a delta wing. It is quite small (and light) relative to the rest of the vehicle and is never actually used to generate lift in the way that an aircraft wing is used.

It's true purpose is to "balance out" the ship, ensuring that it doesn't enter engines first from orbit (that would be really bad), and provide pitch and yaw control during reentry.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 1129 points1130 points  (0 children)

Some parts of Raptor will be printed, but most of it will be machined forgings. We developed a new metal alloy for the oxygen pump that has both high strength at temperature and won't burn. Pretty much anything will burn in high pressure, hot, almost pure oxygen.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 670 points671 points  (0 children)

The control thrusters will be closer in design to the Raptor main chamber than SuperDraco and will be pressure-fed to enable lowest possible impulse bit (no turbopump spin delay).

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 1154 points1155 points  (0 children)

The heat shield plates will be mounted directly to the primary tank wall. That's the most mass efficient way to go. Don't want to build a box in box.

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 1829 points1830 points  (0 children)

At first, the tanker will just be a ship with no payload. Down the road, we will build a dedicated tanker that will have an extremely high full to empty mass ratio (warning: it will look kinda weird).

I am Elon Musk, ask me anything about BFR! by ElonMusk in space

[–]ElonMusk[S] 3907 points3908 points  (0 children)

Thrust scaling is the easy part. Very simple to scale the dev Raptor to 170 tons.

The flight engine design is much lighter and tighter, and is extremely focused on reliability. The objective is to meet or exceed passenger airline levels of safety. If our engine is even close to a jet engine in reliability, has a flak shield to protect against a rapid unscheduled disassembly and we have more engines than the typical two of most airliners, then exceeding airline safety should be possible.

That will be especially important for point to point journeys on Earth. The advantage of getting somewhere in 30 mins by rocket instead of 15 hours by plane will be negatively affected if "but also, you might die" is on the ticket.