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Zoom in while aiming a 9mm, Revolver, Enforcer or Burst Pistol.
Zoom in further while aiming a 9mm, Revolver, Enforcer or Burst Pistol.
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Grenade Launcher and bomb radius is increased by 20%. Molotov radius is increased by 10%.
Grenade Launcher and bomb radius is increased by 40%. Molotov radius is increased by 20%.
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Revive fallen teammates 30% faster and with 20 more health.
Revive fallen teammates 45% faster and with 25 more health and get 25% more parts from revives.
Revive fallen teammates 55% faster and with 30 more health and get 50% more parts from revives.
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Craft modded weapons in half the time and gain 10 health back with each melee hit.
Craft modded weapons in half the time, they have an additional hit and gain 10 health back with each melee hit.
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Start with a shiv on each spawn.
You won't show up on the enemy's listen mode when crouch walking and start with a shiv on each spawn.
You can't be marked, won't show up on the enemy's listen mode when crouch walking and start with a shiv on each spawn.
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The listen mode meter regenerates 15% faster and you can stay in listen mode 20% longer.
The listen mode meter regenerates 30% faster and you can stay in listen mode 20% longer.
Move quickly while in listen mode, enter listen mode more quickly, the meter regenerates 35% faster and you can stay in listen mode 30% longer.
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Know when you've been marked.
Know when you've been marked and see nearby enemies on the radar.
Know when you've been marked, see nearby enemies on the radar and can choose an ally to respawn on. You will be able to respawn several seconds early.
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Marks last 3 seconds longer. Aim at an enemy and click R3 to mark.
Marks last 3 seconds longer and marked enemies glow. Aim at an enemy and click R3 to mark.
Marks last 3 seconds longer, marked enemies glow and enemies within a short distance of your target are also marked. Aim at an enemy and click R3 to mark.
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Craft 75% faster.
Craft 75% faster and for every 3 items you craft you will reveive a giftbox. Equip this giftbox using UP and you can give it to an ally. They will reveive a random item.
Craft 75% faster and for every 2 items you craft you will reveive a giftbox. Equip this giftbox using UP and you can give it to an ally. They will reveive a random item.
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Use health kits 75% faster.
Use health kits 75% faster and can heal injured teammates. When looking at an injured teammate you can hold X to slowly heal them, 10 health every 2 seconds.
Use health kits 75% faster and can heal injured teammates. When looking at an injured teammate you can hold X to slowly heal them, 20 health every 2 seconds.
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Scope sway reduced by 25% and damage wobble reduced by 20%.
Scope sway reduced by 37% and damage wobble reduced by 35%. Get 15 health back for each headshot.
Scope sway reduced by 50% and damage wobble reduced by 65%. Get 25 health back for each headshot.
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Sprint for 15% longer and sprint regenerates 15% faster.
Sprint for 30% longer and sprint regenerates 30% faster.
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Increases the number of parts you earn by 10%. Note: does not apply to gifting or healing teammates.
Increases the number of parts you earn by 20%. Note: does not apply to gifting or healing teammates.
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Earn double the parts for shiv kills.
Earn 50% more parts for special executions, get an extra shiv use every time you craft a shiv and earn double the parts for shiv kills.
Get 2 extra shiv uses every time you craft a shiv and earn double the parts for shiv kills, special executions and interrogations.
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Enemies drop 50% more ammo
Automatically pick up ammo from kills and enemies drop double the ammo.
Enemies sometime drop a random crafting item and always drop double ammo. Automatically pick up ammo and supplies from kills.
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Any damage dealt marks the target who receives the damage.
Earn double the parts for marking enemies and any damage dealt marks the target who receives the damage.
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Enemy nametags remain on screen for 5 seconds when you take damage.
Enemy nametags appear at twice the normal distance and remain on screen when you take damage for 10 seconds.
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Bleed out time is increased by 25%, slightly increased downed crawling speed and earn 25 parts after healing more than half health.
Start with an extra health pack, earn 50 parts for healing more than half health and carry an extra health pack. Bleed out time is increased by 50% and downed health is increased along with much faster downed crawling speed.
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Pistol ammo is increased by 50% at spawn (this does not stack with weapon upgrades).
Pistol ammo is doubled at spawn (this does not stack with weapon upgrades).
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Smoke bombs have a very short fuse.
Placed bombs, thrown smoke bombs and thrown bombs have an even shorter fuse.
You are immune to the stun of your own smoke bomb. Placed bombs, thrown smoke bombs and thrown bombs have a very short fuse.
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Crouch walk very quickly.
You are nearly impossible to hear when moving. Walk, climb and crouch walk very quickly.
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Lone wolf activates when you are far from your teammates (or they are downed). When Lone Wolf is active you get:
Agility 2
Sharpshooter 2
30 bonus parts whenever you down or execute an enemy
Lone wolf activates when you are far from your teammates (or they are downed). When Lone Wolf is active you get:
Agility 2
Sharpshooter 2
Sharp Ears 3
60 bonus parts whenever you down or execute an enemy
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Get a free health kit when you have none and have taken more than half damage from an enemy.
Get 25% additional starting ammo after two or more consecutive deaths without getting a down or execution up to a maximum of 50%.
Get a free health kit when you have none and have taken more than half damage from an enemy.
Get 50% additional starting ammo and 25% cheaper armor after two or more consecutive deaths without getting a down or execution, up to a maximum of 100% additional ammo and 50% cheaper armor.
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8 points of skills in one. Contains:
Brawler 1
Covert Training 1
Sharp Ears 1
Strategist 1
Crafter 1
16 points of skills in one. Contains:
Explosion Expert 1
Reviver 1
Brawler 2
Covert Training 1
Sharp Ears 1
First Aid Training 1
Scavenger 1
Strategist 1
Crafter 1
Second Chance 1
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When you open a supply box you get:
50% more pistol ammo
When you open a supply box you get:
50% more pistol ammo
25% More large firearm ammo
Minimum of at least two crafting ingredients
When you open a supply box you get:
50% more pistol ammo
25% More large firearm ammo
Minimum of at least three crafting ingredients
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Do a faster low-to-the-ground neck-snap whenperforming a Special Execution.
Do an even faster low-to-the-ground neck-snap whenperforming a Special Execution.