立憲民主党は恥知らずな“偽リベラル”の巣窟 --- 八幡 和郎
10/4(水) 17:15配信 アゴラ
「世界中で彼らの多くのような極左で、中国や北朝鮮に擦り寄るような人たちをリベラルと呼ぶ国はない」とか八幡は言っていますが、例えばNew York Times はこんな風に報じています(強調は引用者による)。
https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2017/10/02/world/asia/02reuters-japan-election-koike.htmlRun or Wait? Tokyo's Koike Faces Dilemma Ahead of October 22 Poll
By REUTERSOCT. 2, 2017, 9:03 A.M. E.D.T.
Further complicating the outlook, Yukio Edano, an executive of the failed opposition Democratic Party - which last week decided to run no candidates of its own and have members run on the Party of Hope ticket - announced on Monday the formation of a new Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan with fellow liberals.
枝野氏がリベラルの仲間(fellow liberals)とともに立憲民主党(Constitutional Democratic Party)を作ったという記事です。
「民進党リベラル派」を「リベラルと呼ぶ国はない」と八幡は言っていますが、New York Times は立憲民主党を作った「民進党リベラル派」を“liberals”と書いていますね。
別のメディア(business-standard)では、立憲民主党を中道左派政党(centre-left party)と呼んでいますね。
http://www.business-standard.com/article/pti-stories/new-centre-left-party-launched-in-japan-ahead-of-vote-117100200630_1.htmlNew centre-left party launched in Japan ahead of vote
AFP | Tokyo
Last Updated at October 2, 2017 17:42 ISTA splinter group from Japan's biggest opposition camp today announced plans to create a new centre- left party, the latest change in the nation's political landscape ahead of an election.
Yukio Edano, deputy head of the Democratic Party (DP), said he would form the new party with like-minded members after the former main opposition group imploded last week.
DP leader Seiji Maehara announced last week the party would not field candidates in the October 22 poll, joining forces with the new "Party of Hope" formed by popular Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike in a bid to topple Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
While Koike is trying to unite opposition forces, she has reportedly rejected DP members that oppose a bigger role by the nation's Self-Defence Forces.
"Unfortunately, the policies and philosophy of the Party of Hope are different from the direction of the policies and philosophy which we are aiming at," Edano told reporters.
The party will be called the Constitutional Democratic Party.