Scientology what is Dianetics in the church of Scientology by LRH or L Ron Hubbard as shown in the scandal of Scientology by Paulette Cooper with E-Meter auditing and auditor. first as she later faced Scientology by the new leader David Miscavige who is the new leader after L Ron Hubbard LRH as the founder of both Dianetics and Scientology to might appear like The Criminal gang that really hate critics in any form space and time. Al she had done was to being a critical voice to the Scientology a teaching by L Ron Hubbard. They start with Dianetics, Narconon or some other of the Scientology affiliates that tend to just drive in money to the monetary business of Scientology that loves to label itself as a religion.
Several layer of Scientology belifs and practice emanates to the world as Tony Ortega later wrote about how Scientology tried to destroy the author of The SCandal of scientology. Since scientologist seems to hate the truth and when it describes the ugly face of Scientology.
Disconnection in Scientology from L Ron Hubbard to David Miscavige and the secret program of framing citizens and infiltrating government in part and pieces to take control and ruling in the role of natural being - to Übermensch that think they are better than other and being in the higher states of clear, than other lacks. and this is just to begin with. it's getting worse and worse. But now the cracks in the front begins to crack up even more by all the bullshit and lack of respect for the ordinarily human being emanating from Scientology, Dianetics and their holy war against any who dare to have critics against their holy shit.
In practical manner Scientology and followers of L Ron Hubbard seems to love to censor any critics at all. Censorship is a more a copyright of their trademark
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