2016年熊本地震 益城町臨時観測点 本震記録ダウンロードサイト
Ground motion records at temporary stations in Mashiki town during the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake

Important Notice / 重要なお知らせ

Regarding the records privided on this Web site, the distribution currently stops.

本ページにて公開しておりました「臨時観測点本震記録」につきまして, 現在データ公開を見合わせております.

We express our condolences to the victims of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake.

Yoshiya HATA succeeded in recording ground motions of the main shock (April 16, 2016) at seismic stations temporary deployed in Mashiki town (Hata et al., 2016). As we believe the records have potential to contribute to the disaster mitigation in future earthquakes, we decide to provide those digital data on this Web site.

Researchers or engineers who would like to use the records are required to agree the following User Policy. Please fill in the application form of this site, and submit it. Then, you will find a download link to the digital data.

We declare that any personal information obtained from this site is used only to analyze the usage of the records.


秦吉弥は益城町に設置した臨時の地震観測点において4/16の本震記録を取得しました(Hata et al., 2016).地震災害の軽減に向けて地震記録をご活用いただけるよう,取得した本震記録を本ページにて公開します.

記録の利用にあたっては以下のUser Policyに同意いただく必要があります.ページ下部の利用申し込みフォームに必要事項を記入の上,送信して頂くと,データへのリンクページが表示されます.


July 7, 2016
Yoshiya HATA, Hiroyuki GOTO, and Masayuki YOSHIMI / 秦吉弥,後藤浩之,吉見雅行

User Policy

Concerning the provision of this waveform data of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake

  • Users shall not redistribute the data to the others.

  • Users shall refer to the following article when users publish a scientific paper, a conference presentation, and any other products.
  • Yoshiya HATA, Hiroyuki GOTO, and Masayuki YOSHIMI:
    Preliminary Analysis of Strong Ground Motions in the Heavily Damaged Zone in Mashiki Town, Kumamoto, Japan, during the Main Shock of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake (Mw7.0) Observed by a Dense Seismic Array,
    Seismological Research Letters, Vol.87, No.5, pp.1044-1049, 2016.

  • Users shall admit the following matters;

    • We (Yoshiya HATA, Hiroyuki GOTO and Masayuki YOSHIMI) bear absolutely no responsibility for any results you may obtain from the data.

    • We do not provide any further information.

    • The data and the documentations are subject to change without notice.

Application Form / データ利用申込フォーム

 *必須項目 / *Required information

Yoshiya HATA, Hiroyuki GOTO, and Masayuki YOSHIMI / 秦吉弥,後藤浩之,吉見雅行