Do they also secretly hate me? How would I know? I thought people who spent time with you did it because they liked you :/
Don't despair & always trust your instincts. That xenophobe is apparently very good at deception.
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Don't you HATE that?! It always makes me question my judgement.
it's the first time it happens so yeah... Mini confidence crisis
It's happened to me twice. It made me wonder how blind I was about other people in my life...
uurgh. Well. Good to clean up your life I guess
Yeah. One seemed to understand when I said I couldn't remain friends with someone who held views so deeply offensive to me.
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he went on a rant against foreigners, and women, and I asked him "even me? O_o" and he proceeded to say the most awful stuff :/
Was he drinking?
no drinking. The conversation just drifted with me being more and more defensive and ill at ease.
On the plus side, this could encourage you to reassess what other Japanese friends really think about you.
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How did you discover the friend's xenophobia?Anything to do with Trump?
actually, yes. For some reason the conversation started by him talking about Trump.... But he's Japanese
Actually I suspect many Japanese would agree with much of Trump's thinking if they were speaking in "honne" mode.
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@sanverde said, don't despair. And don't be paranoid. The majority of Japanese are NOT racist and sexist.Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. Undo -
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