Could I ask - in those countries with more traditional gender roles, do fewer women go to college?
Actually, what percentage of people generally go to college in those places? Is it lower?
yeah, that's represented by the blue dots in the graph
So doesn't this just mean that where more people go to college they do a greater variety of courses?
Yes, but wealth also predicts which majors women pursue at the individual level as well …
Is this true for men too?
I reanalysed more recent data, and it might not be true now …
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What % of women in each of these countries are getting degrees at all? I'd think in a more traditional country fewer would go to college.
yeah overall no of degrees is represented by those blue dots, then the % of math/stat majors is the orange bars.
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I used to teach at a Bangkok engineering uni. Many of the relatively high % of female students were doing it out of an economic imperative.
I knew going into STEM engineering would be the best way to support myself. If I did what I wanted I would have a degree in philosophy.
I'm in ME because it will be lucrative and it's the only thing that interests me, besides art. But an art degree won't feed my cats, sooo...
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I get what you're trying to say. There is a better case as to figuring out why the top 7 out of 10 are East
Economies devastated by socialism means economics decides careers for many. Job salaries determine degree choices.
Even in Thailand I never got the sense that women were "unwelcome" in STEM. It's ludicrous to suggest it's like that in the West.
But why enter STEM when you can get rich just to bloviate and be a couch expert on inequality in everything.
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