Atrocities of Japan: War Crimes and how the government doesn't acknowledge fully. by trexkylorenurek in japan

[–]trexkylorenurek[S] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Please guys, I know it's a hard topic to swallow since it's a great culture and all, but bad things need to be addressed

Atrocities of Japan: War Crimes and how the government doesn't acknowledge fully. by trexkylorenurek in japan

[–]trexkylorenurek[S] -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

As I said, I'm not saying Japan is terrible. There are just some parts of history that needs to be addressed

Do you believe hatred towards the Japanese people (not just their government) is justified? by [deleted] in korea

[–]trexkylorenurek 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Japan's war crimes were atrocious. Talk about torture and using women as "comfort women" (basically rape dolls). And yet, Japan does not fully apologize for those acts. The anger is justified

hmmm by Krabbii in hmmm

[–]trexkylorenurek 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Hail the great leader or die

Writing a kassadin themed song, looking for ideas by jacwa1001405 in KassadinMains

[–]trexkylorenurek 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mean would this include something with Malzahar sacrificing Kassadin's daughter?

What have I done by CptButchFlowers- in imaginedragons

[–]trexkylorenurek 9 points10 points  (0 children)

A monster, I've turned into a monster, a monster, a monster, and it keeps getting stronger

Ornn, the Fire Below the Mountain | Champion Trailer - League of Legends by g7parsh in leagueoflegends

[–]trexkylorenurek 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Personally, Volibear is very weak. He's not tanky enough to go against tanks and bruisers top lane (I play Chogath and I destroy every Volibear) and Adcs can kite him so easily

That's no moon! by CobaltBlock in EmpireDidNothingWrong

[–]trexkylorenurek 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Long live the empire. May the Jedi scum perish

Roast my prolapsed face 😎 by Soufb in RoastMe

[–]trexkylorenurek 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Is that container for catching your nose when your face isn't able to support it?