How to determine the angle within hexagonal spiral?

Discussion in 'Microsoft Excel Misc' started by Eric, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Eric

    Eric Guest

    Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    and continue on the second levels as show below


    If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle based
    on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in cell
    A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number in
    cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    Eric, Dec 29, 2007
    1. Advertisements

  2. Eric

    Sandy Mann Guest

    You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking personally I do
    not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    and the crowning place of kings

    Replace with

    "Eric" <> wrote in message
    > Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    > 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    > 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    > 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    > 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    > 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    > 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    > and continue on the second levels as show below
    > ......16..15..14
    > ....17..5...4...13
    > ..18..6...0...3...12
    > 19..7...1...2...11..26
    > ..20..8...9...10..25
    > ....21..22..23..24
    > If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle based
    > on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in
    > cell
    > A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number in
    > cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    > Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    > Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    > Eric
    Sandy Mann, Dec 29, 2007
    1. Advertisements

  3. I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number like
    15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be on
    some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't figure out
    how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula for it.


    "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking personally I
    > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    > --
    > HTH
    > Sandy
    > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > and the crowning place of kings
    > Replace with
    > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    > news:...
    >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >> ......16..15..14
    >> ....17..5...4...13
    >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >> ....21..22..23..24
    >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >> based
    >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in
    >> cell
    >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number in
    >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >> Eric

    Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\), Dec 29, 2007
  4. Eric

    Ken Johnson Guest

    On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    <> wrote:
    > I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number like
    > 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be on
    > some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't figure out
    > how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula for it.
    > Rick
    > "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > news:%...
    > > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking personally I
    > > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.

    > > --
    > > HTH

    > > Sandy
    > > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > > and the crowning place of kings

    > >
    > > Replace with

    > > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    > >news:...
    > >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    > >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    > >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    > >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    > >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    > >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    > >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    > >> and continue on the second levels as show below

    > >> ......16..15..14
    > >> ....17..5...4...13
    > >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    > >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    > >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    > >> ....21..22..23..24

    > >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    > >> based
    > >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in
    > >> cell
    > >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number in
    > >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    > >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    > >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    > >> Eric

    I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.

    Ken Johnson
    Ken Johnson, Dec 29, 2007
  5. Eric

    Ken Johnson Guest

    On Dec 30, 9:29 am, Ken Johnson <> wrote:
    > On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    > <> wrote:
    > > I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number like
    > > 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be on
    > > some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't figure out
    > > how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula for it.

    > > Rick

    > > "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message

    > >news:%...

    > > > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking personally I
    > > > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.

    > > > --
    > > > HTH

    > > > Sandy
    > > > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > > > and the crowning place of kings

    > > >
    > > > Replace with

    > > > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    > > >news:...
    > > >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    > > >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    > > >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    > > >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    > > >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    > > >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    > > >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    > > >> and continue on the second levels as show below

    > > >> ......16..15..14
    > > >> ....17..5...4...13
    > > >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    > > >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    > > >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    > > >> ....21..22..23..24

    > > >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    > > >> based
    > > >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in
    > > >> cell
    > > >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number in
    > > >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    > > >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    > > >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    > > >> Eric

    > I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    > results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    > Ken Johnson

    Also, maybe that 80 degrees is a typo, ie 9 is the given number in
    cell A1 then 180 degrees will be returned in cell B1.

    Ken Johnson
    Ken Johnson, Dec 29, 2007
  6. Eric

    Sandy Mann Guest

    Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least partially,
    but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:

    >> >> ......16..15..14
    >> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >> >> ....21..22..23..24

    >> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,

    >> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    >> >> in
    >> >> cell
    >> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1

    So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line

    If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line

    But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie 90 Deg
    but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.

    >> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number
    >> >> in
    >> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    and the crowning place of kings

    Replace with

    "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    > On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    > <> wrote:
    >> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number
    >> like
    >> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be on
    >> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't figure
    >> out
    >> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula for
    >> it.
    >> Rick
    >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >> news:%...
    >> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking personally
    >> > I
    >> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.

    >> > --
    >> > HTH

    >> > Sandy
    >> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> > and the crowning place of kings

    >> >
    >> > Replace with

    >> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >> >news:...
    >> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >> >> and continue on the second levels as show below

    >> >> ......16..15..14
    >> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >> >> ....21..22..23..24

    >> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >> >> based
    >> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    >> >> in
    >> >> cell
    >> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number
    >> >> in
    >> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >> >> Eric

    > I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    > results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    > Ken Johnson
    Sandy Mann, Dec 29, 2007
  7. I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see that 15
    is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind) still a
    problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0 unless, in
    the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that diagonal.
    Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit more information on
    how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.


    "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    > partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>> >> ....21..22..23..24

    >>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,

    >>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    >>> >> in
    >>> >> cell
    >>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1

    > So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    > If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    > But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie 90 Deg
    > but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>> >> number in
    >>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.

    > --
    > HTH
    > Sandy
    > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > and the crowning place of kings
    > Replace with
    > "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    > news:...
    >> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >> <> wrote:
    >>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number
    >>> like
    >>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be
    >>> on
    >>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't figure
    >>> out
    >>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula for
    >>> it.
    >>> Rick
    >>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>> news:%...
    >>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking personally
    >>> > I
    >>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>> > --
    >>> > HTH
    >>> > Sandy
    >>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>> >
    >>> > Replace with
    >>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>> >news:...
    >>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >>> >> based
    >>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    >>> >> in
    >>> >> cell
    >>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>> >> number in
    >>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>> >> Eric

    >> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >> Ken Johnson

    Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\), Dec 29, 2007
  8. Eric

    Eric Guest

    Thank everyone very much for any suggestions

    Yes, 9 would be halfway between 60 & 120 ie 90 Deg, not 80 Deg.
    Along the 60 Deg, there are 1,8,21
    Along the 120 Deg, there are 2,10,24
    Since there is only 22 and 23 between 21 at 60 Deg and 24 at 120 Deg, then
    The angle for 22 and 23 can be determined by dividing the angle between 60
    and 120 Deg, therefore the angle for 22 will be 80 Deg and the angle for 23
    will be 100 Deg.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Thank everyone for any suggestions

    "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" wrote:

    > I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see that 15
    > is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind) still a
    > problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0 unless, in
    > the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that diagonal.
    > Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit more information on
    > how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    > Rick
    > "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > news:...
    > > Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    > > partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    > >
    > >>> >> ......16..15..14
    > >>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    > >>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    > >>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    > >>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    > >>> >> ....21..22..23..24

    > >
    > >>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    > >>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,

    > >
    > >>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    > >>> >> in
    > >>> >> cell
    > >>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1

    > > So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    > >
    > > If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    > >
    > > But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie 90 Deg
    > > but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    > >
    > >>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    > >>> >> number in
    > >>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.

    > >
    > > --
    > > HTH
    > >
    > > Sandy
    > > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > > and the crowning place of kings
    > >
    > >
    > > Replace with
    > >
    > >
    > > "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    > > news:...
    > >> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    > >> <> wrote:
    > >>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number
    > >>> like
    > >>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be
    > >>> on
    > >>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't figure
    > >>> out
    > >>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula for
    > >>> it.
    > >>>
    > >>> Rick
    > >>>
    > >>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > >>>
    > >>> news:%...
    > >>>
    > >>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking personally
    > >>> > I
    > >>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    > >>>
    > >>> > --
    > >>> > HTH
    > >>>
    > >>> > Sandy
    > >>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > >>> > and the crowning place of kings
    > >>>
    > >>> >
    > >>> > Replace with
    > >>>
    > >>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    > >>> >news:...
    > >>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    > >>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    > >>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    > >>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    > >>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    > >>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    > >>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    > >>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    > >>>
    > >>> >> ......16..15..14
    > >>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    > >>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    > >>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    > >>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    > >>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    > >>>
    > >>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    > >>> >> based
    > >>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    > >>> >> in
    > >>> >> cell
    > >>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    > >>> >> number in
    > >>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    > >>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    > >>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    > >>> >> Eric
    > >>
    > >> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    > >> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    > >>
    > >> Ken Johnson
    > >>

    > >
    > >

    Eric, Dec 29, 2007
  9. Eric

    Sandy Mann Guest

    I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively. If that
    is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to left),
    would be:

    0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36}
    with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each time.

    The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) = 20

    Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    and the crowning place of kings

    Replace with

    "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    message news:...
    >I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see that
    >15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind) still a
    >problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0 unless, in
    >the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that diagonal.
    >Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit more information on
    >how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    > Rick
    > "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > news:...
    >> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>> >> ....21..22..23..24

    >>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,

    >>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>> >> number in
    >>>> >> cell
    >>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1

    >> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie 90
    >> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>>> >> number in
    >>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.

    >> --
    >> HTH
    >> Sandy
    >> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> and the crowning place of kings
    >> Replace with
    >> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >> news:...
    >>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>> <> wrote:
    >>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number
    >>>> like
    >>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be
    >>>> on
    >>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't
    >>>> figure out
    >>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula for
    >>>> it.
    >>>> Rick
    >>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>> news:%...
    >>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>>> > personally I
    >>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>>> > --
    >>>> > HTH
    >>>> > Sandy
    >>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> >
    >>>> > Replace with
    >>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >news:...
    >>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >>>> >> based
    >>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>> >> number in
    >>>> >> cell
    >>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>>> >> number in
    >>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>> >> Eric
    >>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>> Ken Johnson


    Sandy Mann, Dec 30, 2007
  10. Eric

    Sandy Mann Guest

    It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this old
    man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    and the crowning place of kings

    Replace with

    "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively. If that
    >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to left),
    >would be:
    > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36}
    > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each time.
    > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) = 20
    > Degrees.
    > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    > --
    > HTH
    > Sandy
    > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > and the crowning place of kings
    > Replace with
    > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    > message news:...
    >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see that
    >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind) still
    >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0 unless,
    >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit more
    >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >> Rick
    >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >> news:...
    >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >> cell
    >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie 90
    >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>> --
    >>> HTH
    >>> Sandy
    >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>> Replace with
    >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >>> news:...
    >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>>> <> wrote:
    >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number
    >>>>> like
    >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be
    >>>>> on
    >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't
    >>>>> figure out
    >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula
    >>>>> for it.
    >>>>> Rick
    >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> news:%...
    >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>>>> > personally I
    >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>>>> > --
    >>>>> > HTH
    >>>>> > Sandy
    >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > Replace with
    >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >news:...
    >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the
    >>>>> >> angle
    >>>>> >> based
    >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >> cell
    >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>>> >> Eric
    >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>>> Ken Johnson


    Sandy Mann, Dec 30, 2007
  11. Eric

    Sandy Mann Guest

    OK so I had to take the dog for a walk first and got to thinking about this:

    In K2 enter 1 and K3 enter 3. In K4 enter the formula:


    and copy down as far as needed,

    In L2 enter 0 and in L3 the formula:


    and copy down as far as in Column K. These are the numbers along the 0/6

    In M2 enter the formula:

    and copy down to one row short of the the othe rtwo columns.

    With the required number in A1 enter in B1:


    This should be the degrees that you are looking for.

    There may of course be more elegant ways of doing it.


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    and the crowning place of kings

    Replace with

    "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this old
    > man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Sandy
    > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > and the crowning place of kings
    > Replace with
    > "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > news:...
    >>I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively. If
    >>that is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to
    >>left), would be:
    >> 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36}
    >> with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each
    >> time.
    >> The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) = 20
    >> Degrees.
    >> Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    >> --
    >> HTH
    >> Sandy
    >> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> and the crowning place of kings
    >> Replace with
    >> "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    >> message news:...
    >>>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see that
    >>>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind) still
    >>>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0 unless,
    >>>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    >>>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit more
    >>>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >>> Rick
    >>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>> news:...
    >>>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >>>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>>>> >> number in
    >>>>>> >> cell
    >>>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >>>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >>>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >>>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie 90
    >>>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>>>>> >> number in
    >>>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>> --
    >>>> HTH
    >>>> Sandy
    >>>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> Replace with
    >>>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >>>> news:...
    >>>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>>>> <> wrote:
    >>>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how
    >>>>>> number like
    >>>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to
    >>>>>> be on
    >>>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't
    >>>>>> figure out
    >>>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula
    >>>>>> for it.
    >>>>>> Rick
    >>>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>>> news:%...
    >>>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>>>>> > personally I
    >>>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>>>>> > --
    >>>>>> > HTH
    >>>>>> > Sandy
    >>>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> > Replace with
    >>>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>>>> >news:...
    >>>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the
    >>>>>> >> angle
    >>>>>> >> based
    >>>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>>>> >> number in
    >>>>>> >> cell
    >>>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>>>>> >> number in
    >>>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>>>> >> Eric
    >>>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>>>> Ken Johnson


    Sandy Mann, Dec 30, 2007
  12. Eric

    Eric Guest

    The formula for some angle
    For the number 1 series [1,8,21,40,65 ...], the formula is N*(3N-2) on 60 Deg
    For the number 2 series [2,10,24,44,70 ...], the formula is N*(3N-1) on 120
    For the number 3 series [3,12,27,48,75 ...], the formula is N*(3N) on 180 Deg
    For the number 4 series [4,14,30,52,80 ...], the formula is N*(3N+1) on 240
    For the number 5 series [5,16,33,56,85 ...], the formula is N*(3N+2) on 300
    For the number 6 series [6,18,36,60,90 ...], the formula is N*(3N+3) on 360


    If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle based
    on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in cell
    A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number in
    cell A1, then 90 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions

    I need to

    "Sandy Mann" wrote:

    > It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this old
    > man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Sandy
    > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > and the crowning place of kings
    > Replace with
    > "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > news:...
    > >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively. If that
    > >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to left),
    > >would be:
    > >
    > > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36}
    > > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each time.
    > >
    > > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) = 20
    > > Degrees.
    > >
    > > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    > >
    > > --
    > > HTH
    > >
    > > Sandy
    > > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > > and the crowning place of kings
    > >
    > >
    > > Replace with
    > >
    > >
    > > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    > > message news:...
    > >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see that
    > >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind) still
    > >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0 unless,
    > >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    > >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit more
    > >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    > >>
    > >> Rick
    > >>
    > >>
    > >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > >> news:...
    > >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    > >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    > >>>
    > >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    > >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    > >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    > >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    > >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    > >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    > >>>
    > >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    > >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    > >>>
    > >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    > >>>>> >> number in
    > >>>>> >> cell
    > >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    > >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    > >>>
    > >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    > >>>
    > >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie 90
    > >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    > >>>
    > >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    > >>>>> >> number in
    > >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    > >>>
    > >>> --
    > >>> HTH
    > >>>
    > >>> Sandy
    > >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > >>> and the crowning place of kings
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>> Replace with
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    > >>> news:...
    > >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    > >>>> <> wrote:
    > >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how number
    > >>>>> like
    > >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to be
    > >>>>> on
    > >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't
    > >>>>> figure out
    > >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula
    > >>>>> for it.
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> Rick
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> news:%...
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    > >>>>> > personally I
    > >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> > --
    > >>>>> > HTH
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> > Sandy
    > >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> >
    > >>>>> > Replace with
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    > >>>>> >news:...
    > >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    > >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    > >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    > >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    > >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    > >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    > >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    > >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    > >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    > >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    > >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    > >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    > >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    > >>>>>
    > >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the
    > >>>>> >> angle
    > >>>>> >> based
    > >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    > >>>>> >> number in
    > >>>>> >> cell
    > >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    > >>>>> >> number in
    > >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    > >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    > >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    > >>>>> >> Eric
    > >>>>
    > >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    > >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    > >>>>
    > >>>> Ken Johnson
    > >>>>
    > >>>
    > >>>
    > >>
    > >>

    > >
    > >
    > >

    Eric, Dec 30, 2007
  13. Eric

    Dana DeLouis Guest

    Hi. Just something quick-n-dirty if I understand the question:
    This may be wrong.

    Table[3*(n + 1)*n + 1, {n, 0, 9}]

    {1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271}

    We note that the number of points added at each 360 rotation just increases
    by 6.


    {6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54}

    If given a total t (Your A1 value), then solve for n:

    n -> (Sqrt(12*t - 3) - 3) / 6

    So, when n=19, we've gone around 2 times:


    ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6

    For your example:
    ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6

    We've gone around once(6) and go four more steps during our second rotation
    (Use MOD) :
    Each step in degrees is:


    Hence 4*30 = 120

    (9 is 3*30 = 90)

    So, if you are looking at point 100:

    ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6

    We've gone around 5.2 times:
    The firth rotation was point 91:

    ?3*(n + 1)*n + 1

    Each degree difference during our 6th rotation is 10:

    ?360 / (6*6)

    Angel is:

    100 Degrees

    Again, I hope I did this correctly..:>~
    HTH :>)
    Dana DeLouis
    Windows XP & Excel 2007

    "Eric" <> wrote in message
    > The formula for some angle
    > For the number 1 series [1,8,21,40,65 ...], the formula is N*(3N-2) on 60
    > Deg
    > For the number 2 series [2,10,24,44,70 ...], the formula is N*(3N-1) on
    > 120
    > Deg
    > For the number 3 series [3,12,27,48,75 ...], the formula is N*(3N) on 180
    > Deg
    > For the number 4 series [4,14,30,52,80 ...], the formula is N*(3N+1) on
    > 240
    > Deg
    > For the number 5 series [5,16,33,56,85 ...], the formula is N*(3N+2) on
    > 300
    > Deg
    > For the number 6 series [6,18,36,60,90 ...], the formula is N*(3N+3) on
    > 360
    > Deg
    > ......16..15..14
    > ....17..5...4...13
    > ..18..6...0...3...12
    > 19..7...1...2...11..26
    > ..20..8...9...10..25
    > ....21..22..23..24
    > If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle based
    > on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in
    > cell
    > A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number in
    > cell A1, then 90 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    > Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    > Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    > Eric
    > I need to
    > "Sandy Mann" wrote:
    >> It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this
    >> old
    >> man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    >> --
    >> Regards,
    >> Sandy
    >> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> and the crowning place of kings
    >> Replace with
    >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >> news:...
    >> >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively. If
    >> >that
    >> >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to
    >> >left),
    >> >would be:
    >> >
    >> > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28,
    >> > 36}
    >> > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each
    >> > time.
    >> >
    >> > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) = 20
    >> > Degrees.
    >> >
    >> > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    >> >
    >> > --
    >> > HTH
    >> >
    >> > Sandy
    >> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> > and the crowning place of kings
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > Replace with
    >> >
    >> >
    >> > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    >> > message news:...
    >> >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see
    >> >>that
    >> >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind)
    >> >>still
    >> >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0
    >> >>unless,
    >> >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    >> >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit more
    >> >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >> >>
    >> >> Rick
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >> >> news:...
    >> >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >> >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >> >>>
    >> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >> >>>
    >> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >> >>>
    >> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >> >>>>> >> number in
    >> >>>>> >> cell
    >> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >> >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >> >>>
    >> >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >> >>>
    >> >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie
    >> >>> 90
    >> >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >> >>>
    >> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >> >>>>> >> number in
    >> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >> >>>
    >> >>> --
    >> >>> HTH
    >> >>>
    >> >>> Sandy
    >> >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >> >>>
    >> >>>
    >> >>> Replace with
    >> >>>
    >> >>>
    >> >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >> >>> news:...
    >> >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >> >>>> <> wrote:
    >> >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how
    >> >>>>> number
    >> >>>>> like
    >> >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem to
    >> >>>>> be
    >> >>>>> on
    >> >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't
    >> >>>>> figure out
    >> >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a formula
    >> >>>>> for it.
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> Rick
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> news:%...
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >> >>>>> > personally I
    >> >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> > --
    >> >>>>> > HTH
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> > Sandy
    >> >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> >
    >> >>>>> > Replace with
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >> >>>>> >news:...
    >> >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >> >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >> >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >> >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >> >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >> >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >> >>>>>
    >> >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the
    >> >>>>> >> angle
    >> >>>>> >> based
    >> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >> >>>>> >> number in
    >> >>>>> >> cell
    >> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >> >>>>> >> number in
    >> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >> >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >> >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >> >>>>> >> Eric
    >> >>>>
    >> >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >> >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >> >>>>
    >> >>>> Ken Johnson
    >> >>>>
    >> >>>
    >> >>>
    >> >>
    >> >>
    >> >
    >> >
    >> >

    Dana DeLouis, Dec 30, 2007
  14. Eric

    Sandy Mann Guest

    So if I follow you correctly, changing it into one formula gives us:

    =360/(6*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3)-3) / 6)+1))*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) - 3)
    / 6) + 1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) - 3) / 6) + 1))+1)

    I'll leave it to Rick to cut out any extra key strokes <g>


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    and the crowning place of kings

    Replace with

    "Dana DeLouis" <> wrote in message
    > Hi. Just something quick-n-dirty if I understand the question:
    > This may be wrong.
    > Table[3*(n + 1)*n + 1, {n, 0, 9}]
    > {1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271}
    > We note that the number of points added at each 360 rotation just
    > increases by 6.
    > Differences[%]
    > {6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54}
    > If given a total t (Your A1 value), then solve for n:
    > n -> (Sqrt(12*t - 3) - 3) / 6
    > So, when n=19, we've gone around 2 times:
    > n=19
    > ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    > 2
    > For your example:
    > n=10
    > ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    > 1.30277563773199
    > We've gone around once(6) and go four more steps during our second
    > rotation (Use MOD) :
    > Each step in degrees is:
    > r=2
    > ?360/(6*r)
    > 30
    > Hence 4*30 = 120
    > (9 is 3*30 = 90)
    > So, if you are looking at point 100:
    > n=100
    > ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    > 5.2662812973354
    > We've gone around 5.2 times:
    > The firth rotation was point 91:
    > n=5
    > ?3*(n + 1)*n + 1
    > 91
    > Each degree difference during our 6th rotation is 10:
    > ?360 / (6*6)
    > 10
    > Angel is:
    > ?10*(100-91+1)
    > 100 Degrees
    > Again, I hope I did this correctly..:>~
    > --
    > HTH :>)
    > Dana DeLouis
    > Windows XP & Excel 2007
    > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    > news:...
    >> The formula for some angle
    >> For the number 1 series [1,8,21,40,65 ...], the formula is N*(3N-2) on 60
    >> Deg
    >> For the number 2 series [2,10,24,44,70 ...], the formula is N*(3N-1) on
    >> 120
    >> Deg
    >> For the number 3 series [3,12,27,48,75 ...], the formula is N*(3N) on 180
    >> Deg
    >> For the number 4 series [4,14,30,52,80 ...], the formula is N*(3N+1) on
    >> 240
    >> Deg
    >> For the number 5 series [5,16,33,56,85 ...], the formula is N*(3N+2) on
    >> 300
    >> Deg
    >> For the number 6 series [6,18,36,60,90 ...], the formula is N*(3N+3) on
    >> 360
    >> Deg
    >> ......16..15..14
    >> ....17..5...4...13
    >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >> ....21..22..23..24
    >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >> based
    >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in
    >> cell
    >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number in
    >> cell A1, then 90 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >> Eric
    >> I need to
    >> "Sandy Mann" wrote:
    >>> It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this
    >>> old
    >>> man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    >>> --
    >>> Regards,
    >>> Sandy
    >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>> Replace with
    >>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>> news:...
    >>> >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively. If
    >>> >that
    >>> >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to
    >>> >left),
    >>> >would be:
    >>> >
    >>> > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28,
    >>> > 36}
    >>> > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each
    >>> > time.
    >>> >
    >>> > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) = 20
    >>> > Degrees.
    >>> >
    >>> > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    >>> >
    >>> > --
    >>> > HTH
    >>> >
    >>> > Sandy
    >>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>> >
    >>> >
    >>> > Replace with
    >>> >
    >>> >
    >>> > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote
    >>> > in
    >>> > message news:...
    >>> >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see
    >>> >>that
    >>> >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind)
    >>> >>still
    >>> >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0
    >>> >>unless,
    >>> >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    >>> >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit more
    >>> >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >>> >>
    >>> >> Rick
    >>> >>
    >>> >>
    >>> >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>> >> news:...
    >>> >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >>> >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >>> >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie
    >>> >>> 90
    >>> >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>> --
    >>> >>> HTH
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>> Sandy
    >>> >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>> >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>> Replace with
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >>> >>> news:...
    >>> >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>> >>>> <> wrote:
    >>> >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how
    >>> >>>>> number
    >>> >>>>> like
    >>> >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem
    >>> >>>>> to be
    >>> >>>>> on
    >>> >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't
    >>> >>>>> figure out
    >>> >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a
    >>> >>>>> formula
    >>> >>>>> for it.
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> Rick
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> news:%...
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>> >>>>> > personally I
    >>> >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> > --
    >>> >>>>> > HTH
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> > Sandy
    >>> >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>> >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> >
    >>> >>>>> > Replace with
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>> >>>>> >news:...
    >>> >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>> >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>> >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>> >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>> >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>> >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>> >>>>>
    >>> >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the
    >>> >>>>> >> angle
    >>> >>>>> >> based
    >>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given
    >>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>> >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>> >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>> >>>>> >> Eric
    >>> >>>>
    >>> >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>> >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>> >>>>
    >>> >>>> Ken Johnson
    >>> >>>>
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>>
    >>> >>
    >>> >>
    >>> >
    >>> >
    >>> >

    Sandy Mann, Dec 30, 2007
  15. Eric

    Dana DeLouis Guest

    Hi Sandy. I think that looks good. Very nice.

    That link had another link to the following:

    The op's diagram started with 0, and the zero angle begins in the -x
    The picture above begins with 1, and the
    {1, 7, 19, 37, 61,...} sequence is at a different angle.
    The op's just wants to rotate that diagram to have the zero angle on the -x
    If we add 1 to each point in the op's diagram, and rotate, then the two
    diagrams will match.

    Dana DeLouis

    "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > So if I follow you correctly, changing it into one formula gives us:
    > =360/(6*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3)-3) / 6)+1))*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) -
    > 3) / 6) + 1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) - 3) / 6) + 1))+1)
    > I'll leave it to Rick to cut out any extra key strokes <g>
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Sandy
    > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > and the crowning place of kings
    > Replace with
    > "Dana DeLouis" <> wrote in message
    > news:eeXh$...
    >> Hi. Just something quick-n-dirty if I understand the question:
    >> This may be wrong.
    >> Table[3*(n + 1)*n + 1, {n, 0, 9}]
    >> {1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271}
    >> We note that the number of points added at each 360 rotation just
    >> increases by 6.
    >> Differences[%]
    >> {6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54}
    >> If given a total t (Your A1 value), then solve for n:
    >> n -> (Sqrt(12*t - 3) - 3) / 6
    >> So, when n=19, we've gone around 2 times:
    >> n=19
    >> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >> 2
    >> For your example:
    >> n=10
    >> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >> 1.30277563773199
    >> We've gone around once(6) and go four more steps during our second
    >> rotation (Use MOD) :
    >> Each step in degrees is:
    >> r=2
    >> ?360/(6*r)
    >> 30
    >> Hence 4*30 = 120
    >> (9 is 3*30 = 90)
    >> So, if you are looking at point 100:
    >> n=100
    >> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >> 5.2662812973354
    >> We've gone around 5.2 times:
    >> The firth rotation was point 91:
    >> n=5
    >> ?3*(n + 1)*n + 1
    >> 91
    >> Each degree difference during our 6th rotation is 10:
    >> ?360 / (6*6)
    >> 10
    >> Angel is:
    >> ?10*(100-91+1)
    >> 100 Degrees
    >> Again, I hope I did this correctly..:>~
    >> --
    >> HTH :>)
    >> Dana DeLouis
    >> Windows XP & Excel 2007
    >> "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >> news:...
    >>> The formula for some angle
    >>> For the number 1 series [1,8,21,40,65 ...], the formula is N*(3N-2) on
    >>> 60 Deg
    >>> For the number 2 series [2,10,24,44,70 ...], the formula is N*(3N-1) on
    >>> 120
    >>> Deg
    >>> For the number 3 series [3,12,27,48,75 ...], the formula is N*(3N) on
    >>> 180 Deg
    >>> For the number 4 series [4,14,30,52,80 ...], the formula is N*(3N+1) on
    >>> 240
    >>> Deg
    >>> For the number 5 series [5,16,33,56,85 ...], the formula is N*(3N+2) on
    >>> 300
    >>> Deg
    >>> For the number 6 series [6,18,36,60,90 ...], the formula is N*(3N+3) on
    >>> 360
    >>> Deg
    >>> ......16..15..14
    >>> ....17..5...4...13
    >>> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>> ....21..22..23..24
    >>> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >>> based
    >>> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in
    >>> cell
    >>> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number
    >>> in
    >>> cell A1, then 90 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>> Eric
    >>> I need to
    >>> "Sandy Mann" wrote:
    >>>> It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this
    >>>> old
    >>>> man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    >>>> --
    >>>> Regards,
    >>>> Sandy
    >>>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> Replace with
    >>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>> news:...
    >>>> >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively. If
    >>>> >that
    >>>> >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to
    >>>> >left),
    >>>> >would be:
    >>>> >
    >>>> > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28,
    >>>> > 36}
    >>>> > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each
    >>>> > time.
    >>>> >
    >>>> > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) =
    >>>> > 20
    >>>> > Degrees.
    >>>> >
    >>>> > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    >>>> >
    >>>> > --
    >>>> > HTH
    >>>> >
    >>>> > Sandy
    >>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> >
    >>>> >
    >>>> > Replace with
    >>>> >
    >>>> >
    >>>> > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote
    >>>> > in
    >>>> > message news:...
    >>>> >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see
    >>>> >>that
    >>>> >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind)
    >>>> >>still
    >>>> >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0
    >>>> >>unless,
    >>>> >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    >>>> >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit
    >>>> >>more
    >>>> >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >> Rick
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >> news:...
    >>>> >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >>>> >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >>>> >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie
    >>>> >>> 90
    >>>> >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> --
    >>>> >>> HTH
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> Sandy
    >>>> >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> Replace with
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >>> news:...
    >>>> >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>>> >>>> <> wrote:
    >>>> >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how
    >>>> >>>>> number
    >>>> >>>>> like
    >>>> >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem
    >>>> >>>>> to be
    >>>> >>>>> on
    >>>> >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't
    >>>> >>>>> figure out
    >>>> >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a
    >>>> >>>>> formula
    >>>> >>>>> for it.
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> Rick
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> news:%...
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>>> >>>>> > personally I
    >>>> >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> > --
    >>>> >>>>> > HTH
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> > Sandy
    >>>> >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> >
    >>>> >>>>> > Replace with
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >>>>> >news:...
    >>>> >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the
    >>>> >>>>> >> angle
    >>>> >>>>> >> based
    >>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>> >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the
    >>>> >>>>> >> angle?
    >>>> >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>> >>>>> >> Eric
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>>> >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>> Ken Johnson
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >
    >>>> >
    >>>> >


    Dana DeLouis, Dec 30, 2007
  16. Yet another solution with defined names:
    Array ={1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10}
    Square =3*Array*(Array-1)
    Luka =MAX(Square*(Square<=$A$1))
    Lukb =60/MAX(Array*(Square<=$A$1))
    B1 =($A$1-Luka)*Lukb
    Herbert Seidenberg, Dec 30, 2007
  17. Good job Sandy! The only simplification I can make (besides removing all
    those spaces) is to divide out the 6 from the denominator. In addition, I
    have a personal preference for ordering chained multiplications and
    divisions to put the multiplication first; so, for the layout of A/B*C that
    you have, I prefer to rearrange that to A*C/B for clarity. Hence, I would
    present your formula (with the aforementioned division carried out) like



    "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > So if I follow you correctly, changing it into one formula gives us:
    > =360/(6*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3)-3) / 6)+1))*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) -
    > 3) / 6) + 1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) - 3) / 6) + 1))+1)
    > I'll leave it to Rick to cut out any extra key strokes <g>
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Sandy
    > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    > and the crowning place of kings
    > Replace with
    > "Dana DeLouis" <> wrote in message
    > news:eeXh$...
    >> Hi. Just something quick-n-dirty if I understand the question:
    >> This may be wrong.
    >> Table[3*(n + 1)*n + 1, {n, 0, 9}]
    >> {1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271}
    >> We note that the number of points added at each 360 rotation just
    >> increases by 6.
    >> Differences[%]
    >> {6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54}
    >> If given a total t (Your A1 value), then solve for n:
    >> n -> (Sqrt(12*t - 3) - 3) / 6
    >> So, when n=19, we've gone around 2 times:
    >> n=19
    >> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >> 2
    >> For your example:
    >> n=10
    >> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >> 1.30277563773199
    >> We've gone around once(6) and go four more steps during our second
    >> rotation (Use MOD) :
    >> Each step in degrees is:
    >> r=2
    >> ?360/(6*r)
    >> 30
    >> Hence 4*30 = 120
    >> (9 is 3*30 = 90)
    >> So, if you are looking at point 100:
    >> n=100
    >> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >> 5.2662812973354
    >> We've gone around 5.2 times:
    >> The firth rotation was point 91:
    >> n=5
    >> ?3*(n + 1)*n + 1
    >> 91
    >> Each degree difference during our 6th rotation is 10:
    >> ?360 / (6*6)
    >> 10
    >> Angel is:
    >> ?10*(100-91+1)
    >> 100 Degrees
    >> Again, I hope I did this correctly..:>~
    >> --
    >> HTH :>)
    >> Dana DeLouis
    >> Windows XP & Excel 2007
    >> "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >> news:...
    >>> The formula for some angle
    >>> For the number 1 series [1,8,21,40,65 ...], the formula is N*(3N-2) on
    >>> 60 Deg
    >>> For the number 2 series [2,10,24,44,70 ...], the formula is N*(3N-1) on
    >>> 120
    >>> Deg
    >>> For the number 3 series [3,12,27,48,75 ...], the formula is N*(3N) on
    >>> 180 Deg
    >>> For the number 4 series [4,14,30,52,80 ...], the formula is N*(3N+1) on
    >>> 240
    >>> Deg
    >>> For the number 5 series [5,16,33,56,85 ...], the formula is N*(3N+2) on
    >>> 300
    >>> Deg
    >>> For the number 6 series [6,18,36,60,90 ...], the formula is N*(3N+3) on
    >>> 360
    >>> Deg
    >>> ......16..15..14
    >>> ....17..5...4...13
    >>> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>> ....21..22..23..24
    >>> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >>> based
    >>> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number in
    >>> cell
    >>> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number
    >>> in
    >>> cell A1, then 90 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>> Eric
    >>> I need to
    >>> "Sandy Mann" wrote:
    >>>> It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this
    >>>> old
    >>>> man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    >>>> --
    >>>> Regards,
    >>>> Sandy
    >>>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> Replace with
    >>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>> news:...
    >>>> >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively. If
    >>>> >that
    >>>> >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to
    >>>> >left),
    >>>> >would be:
    >>>> >
    >>>> > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28,
    >>>> > 36}
    >>>> > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each
    >>>> > time.
    >>>> >
    >>>> > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) =
    >>>> > 20
    >>>> > Degrees.
    >>>> >
    >>>> > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    >>>> >
    >>>> > --
    >>>> > HTH
    >>>> >
    >>>> > Sandy
    >>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> >
    >>>> >
    >>>> > Replace with
    >>>> >
    >>>> >
    >>>> > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote
    >>>> > in
    >>>> > message news:...
    >>>> >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see
    >>>> >>that
    >>>> >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind)
    >>>> >>still
    >>>> >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0
    >>>> >>unless,
    >>>> >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    >>>> >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit
    >>>> >>more
    >>>> >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >> Rick
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >> news:...
    >>>> >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >>>> >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >>>> >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120 ie
    >>>> >>> 90
    >>>> >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> --
    >>>> >>> HTH
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> Sandy
    >>>> >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> Replace with
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >>> news:...
    >>>> >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>>> >>>> <> wrote:
    >>>> >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how
    >>>> >>>>> number
    >>>> >>>>> like
    >>>> >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem
    >>>> >>>>> to be
    >>>> >>>>> on
    >>>> >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I can't
    >>>> >>>>> figure out
    >>>> >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a
    >>>> >>>>> formula
    >>>> >>>>> for it.
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> Rick
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> news:%...
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>>> >>>>> > personally I
    >>>> >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> > --
    >>>> >>>>> > HTH
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> > Sandy
    >>>> >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>> >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> >
    >>>> >>>>> > Replace with
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>> >>>>> >news:...
    >>>> >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>>> >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>> >>>>>
    >>>> >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the
    >>>> >>>>> >> angle
    >>>> >>>>> >> based
    >>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given
    >>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>> >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the
    >>>> >>>>> >> angle?
    >>>> >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>> >>>>> >> Eric
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>>> >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>> Ken Johnson
    >>>> >>>>
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>>
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >>
    >>>> >
    >>>> >
    >>>> >


    Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\), Dec 30, 2007
  18. Eric

    Dana DeLouis Guest

    Here's a vba function if you want to go that route:

    Function Angle(x) As Double
    Dim n As Double
    n = Int((Sqr(12 * x - 3) - 3) / 6)
    Angle = 60 * (x / (n + 1) - 3 * n)
    End Function

    Dana DeLouis

    "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    message news:...
    > Good job Sandy! The only simplification I can make (besides removing all
    > those spaces) is to divide out the 6 from the denominator. In addition, I
    > have a personal preference for ordering chained multiplications and
    > divisions to put the multiplication first; so, for the layout of A/B*C
    > that you have, I prefer to rearrange that to A*C/B for clarity. Hence, I
    > would present your formula (with the aforementioned division carried out)
    > like this...
    > =60*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1))+1)/(INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1)
    > Rick
    > "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > news:%...
    >> So if I follow you correctly, changing it into one formula gives us:
    >> =360/(6*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3)-3) / 6)+1))*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) -
    >> 3) / 6) + 1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) - 3) / 6) + 1))+1)
    >> I'll leave it to Rick to cut out any extra key strokes <g>
    >> --
    >> Regards,
    >> Sandy
    >> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> and the crowning place of kings
    >> Replace with
    >> "Dana DeLouis" <> wrote in message
    >> news:eeXh$...
    >>> Hi. Just something quick-n-dirty if I understand the question:
    >>> This may be wrong.
    >>> Table[3*(n + 1)*n + 1, {n, 0, 9}]
    >>> {1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271}
    >>> We note that the number of points added at each 360 rotation just
    >>> increases by 6.
    >>> Differences[%]
    >>> {6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54}
    >>> If given a total t (Your A1 value), then solve for n:
    >>> n -> (Sqrt(12*t - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>> So, when n=19, we've gone around 2 times:
    >>> n=19
    >>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>> 2
    >>> For your example:
    >>> n=10
    >>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>> 1.30277563773199
    >>> We've gone around once(6) and go four more steps during our second
    >>> rotation (Use MOD) :
    >>> Each step in degrees is:
    >>> r=2
    >>> ?360/(6*r)
    >>> 30
    >>> Hence 4*30 = 120
    >>> (9 is 3*30 = 90)
    >>> So, if you are looking at point 100:
    >>> n=100
    >>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>> 5.2662812973354
    >>> We've gone around 5.2 times:
    >>> The firth rotation was point 91:
    >>> n=5
    >>> ?3*(n + 1)*n + 1
    >>> 91
    >>> Each degree difference during our 6th rotation is 10:
    >>> ?360 / (6*6)
    >>> 10
    >>> Angel is:
    >>> ?10*(100-91+1)
    >>> 100 Degrees
    >>> Again, I hope I did this correctly..:>~
    >>> --
    >>> HTH :>)
    >>> Dana DeLouis
    >>> Windows XP & Excel 2007
    >>> "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>> news:...
    >>>> The formula for some angle
    >>>> For the number 1 series [1,8,21,40,65 ...], the formula is N*(3N-2) on
    >>>> 60 Deg
    >>>> For the number 2 series [2,10,24,44,70 ...], the formula is N*(3N-1) on
    >>>> 120
    >>>> Deg
    >>>> For the number 3 series [3,12,27,48,75 ...], the formula is N*(3N) on
    >>>> 180 Deg
    >>>> For the number 4 series [4,14,30,52,80 ...], the formula is N*(3N+1) on
    >>>> 240
    >>>> Deg
    >>>> For the number 5 series [5,16,33,56,85 ...], the formula is N*(3N+2) on
    >>>> 300
    >>>> Deg
    >>>> For the number 6 series [6,18,36,60,90 ...], the formula is N*(3N+3) on
    >>>> 360
    >>>> Deg
    >>>> ......16..15..14
    >>>> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >>>> based
    >>>> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    >>>> in cell
    >>>> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number
    >>>> in
    >>>> cell A1, then 90 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>> Eric
    >>>> I need to
    >>>> "Sandy Mann" wrote:
    >>>>> It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this
    >>>>> old
    >>>>> man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Regards,
    >>>>> Sandy
    >>>>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> Replace with
    >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> news:...
    >>>>> >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively.
    >>>>> >If that
    >>>>> >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to
    >>>>> >left),
    >>>>> >would be:
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28,
    >>>>> > 36}
    >>>>> > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each
    >>>>> > time.
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) =
    >>>>> > 20
    >>>>> > Degrees.
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > --
    >>>>> > HTH
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > Sandy
    >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > Replace with
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote
    >>>>> > in
    >>>>> > message news:...
    >>>>> >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see
    >>>>> >>that
    >>>>> >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind)
    >>>>> >>still
    >>>>> >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0
    >>>>> >>unless,
    >>>>> >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    >>>>> >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit
    >>>>> >>more
    >>>>> >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >> Rick
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >> news:...
    >>>>> >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >>>>> >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >>>>> >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120
    >>>>> >>> ie 90
    >>>>> >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> --
    >>>>> >>> HTH
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> Sandy
    >>>>> >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> Replace with
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >>> news:...
    >>>>> >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>>>> >>>> <> wrote:
    >>>>> >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how
    >>>>> >>>>> number
    >>>>> >>>>> like
    >>>>> >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem
    >>>>> >>>>> to be
    >>>>> >>>>> on
    >>>>> >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I
    >>>>> >>>>> can't
    >>>>> >>>>> figure out
    >>>>> >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a
    >>>>> >>>>> formula
    >>>>> >>>>> for it.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Rick
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> news:%...
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>>>> >>>>> > personally I
    >>>>> >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> > --
    >>>>> >>>>> > HTH
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> > Sandy
    >>>>> >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >
    >>>>> >>>>> > Replace with
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >>>>> >news:...
    >>>>> >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine
    >>>>> >>>>> >> the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> angle
    >>>>> >>>>> >> based
    >>>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>> >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> angle?
    >>>>> >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>>> >>>>> >> Eric
    >>>>> >>>>
    >>>>> >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>>>> >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>>>> >>>>
    >>>>> >>>> Ken Johnson
    >>>>> >>>>
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> >


    Dana DeLouis, Dec 30, 2007
  19. Eric

    Sandy Mann Guest

    "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    message news:...
    > Good job Sandy!

    All I did was to blindly transpose Dana's method into a formula. I did not
    understand it all sufficiently well to start messing about with it - so I
    passed it on to you <g>

    Actually Herbert's Defined Name formula, which is better and which I equally
    well do not understand, (I would be grateful for an explanation from Herbert
    or anyone else), but seems to return wrong results for points above point
    330. I say this because all results after point 330 are 6 Deg increases.


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    and the crowning place of kings

    Replace with

    "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    message news:...
    > Good job Sandy! The only simplification I can make (besides removing all
    > those spaces) is to divide out the 6 from the denominator. In addition, I
    > have a personal preference for ordering chained multiplications and
    > divisions to put the multiplication first; so, for the layout of A/B*C
    > that you have, I prefer to rearrange that to A*C/B for clarity. Hence, I
    > would present your formula (with the aforementioned division carried out)
    > like this...
    > =60*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1))+1)/(INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1)
    > Rick
    > "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    > news:%...
    >> So if I follow you correctly, changing it into one formula gives us:
    >> =360/(6*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3)-3) / 6)+1))*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) -
    >> 3) / 6) + 1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) - 3) / 6) + 1))+1)
    >> I'll leave it to Rick to cut out any extra key strokes <g>
    >> --
    >> Regards,
    >> Sandy
    >> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >> and the crowning place of kings
    >> Replace with
    >> "Dana DeLouis" <> wrote in message
    >> news:eeXh$...
    >>> Hi. Just something quick-n-dirty if I understand the question:
    >>> This may be wrong.
    >>> Table[3*(n + 1)*n + 1, {n, 0, 9}]
    >>> {1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271}
    >>> We note that the number of points added at each 360 rotation just
    >>> increases by 6.
    >>> Differences[%]
    >>> {6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54}
    >>> If given a total t (Your A1 value), then solve for n:
    >>> n -> (Sqrt(12*t - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>> So, when n=19, we've gone around 2 times:
    >>> n=19
    >>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>> 2
    >>> For your example:
    >>> n=10
    >>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>> 1.30277563773199
    >>> We've gone around once(6) and go four more steps during our second
    >>> rotation (Use MOD) :
    >>> Each step in degrees is:
    >>> r=2
    >>> ?360/(6*r)
    >>> 30
    >>> Hence 4*30 = 120
    >>> (9 is 3*30 = 90)
    >>> So, if you are looking at point 100:
    >>> n=100
    >>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>> 5.2662812973354
    >>> We've gone around 5.2 times:
    >>> The firth rotation was point 91:
    >>> n=5
    >>> ?3*(n + 1)*n + 1
    >>> 91
    >>> Each degree difference during our 6th rotation is 10:
    >>> ?360 / (6*6)
    >>> 10
    >>> Angel is:
    >>> ?10*(100-91+1)
    >>> 100 Degrees
    >>> Again, I hope I did this correctly..:>~
    >>> --
    >>> HTH :>)
    >>> Dana DeLouis
    >>> Windows XP & Excel 2007
    >>> "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>> news:...
    >>>> The formula for some angle
    >>>> For the number 1 series [1,8,21,40,65 ...], the formula is N*(3N-2) on
    >>>> 60 Deg
    >>>> For the number 2 series [2,10,24,44,70 ...], the formula is N*(3N-1) on
    >>>> 120
    >>>> Deg
    >>>> For the number 3 series [3,12,27,48,75 ...], the formula is N*(3N) on
    >>>> 180 Deg
    >>>> For the number 4 series [4,14,30,52,80 ...], the formula is N*(3N+1) on
    >>>> 240
    >>>> Deg
    >>>> For the number 5 series [5,16,33,56,85 ...], the formula is N*(3N+2) on
    >>>> 300
    >>>> Deg
    >>>> For the number 6 series [6,18,36,60,90 ...], the formula is N*(3N+3) on
    >>>> 360
    >>>> Deg
    >>>> ......16..15..14
    >>>> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >>>> based
    >>>> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    >>>> in cell
    >>>> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number
    >>>> in
    >>>> cell A1, then 90 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>> Eric
    >>>> I need to
    >>>> "Sandy Mann" wrote:
    >>>>> It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here, this
    >>>>> old
    >>>>> man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    >>>>> --
    >>>>> Regards,
    >>>>> Sandy
    >>>>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> Replace with
    >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> news:...
    >>>>> >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively.
    >>>>> >If that
    >>>>> >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to
    >>>>> >left),
    >>>>> >would be:
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28,
    >>>>> > 36}
    >>>>> > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1 each
    >>>>> > time.
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) =
    >>>>> > 20
    >>>>> > Degrees.
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > --
    >>>>> > HTH
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > Sandy
    >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > Replace with
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote
    >>>>> > in
    >>>>> > message news:...
    >>>>> >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can see
    >>>>> >>that
    >>>>> >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind)
    >>>>> >>still
    >>>>> >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0
    >>>>> >>unless,
    >>>>> >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on that
    >>>>> >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit
    >>>>> >>more
    >>>>> >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >> Rick
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >> news:...
    >>>>> >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >>>>> >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >>>>> >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120
    >>>>> >>> ie 90
    >>>>> >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> --
    >>>>> >>> HTH
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> Sandy
    >>>>> >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> Replace with
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >>> news:...
    >>>>> >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>>>> >>>> <> wrote:
    >>>>> >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how
    >>>>> >>>>> number
    >>>>> >>>>> like
    >>>>> >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they seem
    >>>>> >>>>> to be
    >>>>> >>>>> on
    >>>>> >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I
    >>>>> >>>>> can't
    >>>>> >>>>> figure out
    >>>>> >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a
    >>>>> >>>>> formula
    >>>>> >>>>> for it.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> Rick
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> news:%...
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>>>> >>>>> > personally I
    >>>>> >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> > --
    >>>>> >>>>> > HTH
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> > Sandy
    >>>>> >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>> >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >
    >>>>> >>>>> > Replace with
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>>> >>>>> >news:...
    >>>>> >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>>>> >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>> >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine
    >>>>> >>>>> >> the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> angle
    >>>>> >>>>> >> based
    >>>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>> >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the
    >>>>> >>>>> >> angle?
    >>>>> >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>>> >>>>> >> Eric
    >>>>> >>>>
    >>>>> >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>>>> >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>>>> >>>>
    >>>>> >>>> Ken Johnson
    >>>>> >>>>
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>>
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >>
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> >
    >>>>> >


    Sandy Mann, Dec 30, 2007
  20. Eric

    Sandy Mann Guest

    I like it! I don't understand it but I like it!


    In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    and the crowning place of kings

    Replace with

    "Dana DeLouis" <> wrote in message
    > Here's a vba function if you want to go that route:
    > Function Angle(x) As Double
    > Dim n As Double
    > n = Int((Sqr(12 * x - 3) - 3) / 6)
    > Angle = 60 * (x / (n + 1) - 3 * n)
    > End Function
    > --
    > Dana DeLouis
    > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <> wrote in
    > message news:...
    >> Good job Sandy! The only simplification I can make (besides removing all
    >> those spaces) is to divide out the 6 from the denominator. In addition, I
    >> have a personal preference for ordering chained multiplications and
    >> divisions to put the multiplication first; so, for the layout of A/B*C
    >> that you have, I prefer to rearrange that to A*C/B for clarity. Hence, I
    >> would present your formula (with the aforementioned division carried out)
    >> like this...
    >> =60*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1))+1)/(INT((SQRT(12*A1-3)-3)/6)+1)
    >> Rick
    >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >> news:%...
    >>> So if I follow you correctly, changing it into one formula gives us:
    >>> =360/(6*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3)-3) / 6)+1))*((A1-(3*(INT((SQRT(12*A1 -
    >>> 3) - 3) / 6) + 1)*INT((SQRT(12*A1 - 3) - 3) / 6) + 1))+1)
    >>> I'll leave it to Rick to cut out any extra key strokes <g>
    >>> --
    >>> Regards,
    >>> Sandy
    >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>> Replace with
    >>> "Dana DeLouis" <> wrote in message
    >>> news:eeXh$...
    >>>> Hi. Just something quick-n-dirty if I understand the question:
    >>>> This may be wrong.
    >>>> Table[3*(n + 1)*n + 1, {n, 0, 9}]
    >>>> {1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271}
    >>>> We note that the number of points added at each 360 rotation just
    >>>> increases by 6.
    >>>> Differences[%]
    >>>> {6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54}
    >>>> If given a total t (Your A1 value), then solve for n:
    >>>> n -> (Sqrt(12*t - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>>> So, when n=19, we've gone around 2 times:
    >>>> n=19
    >>>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>>> 2
    >>>> For your example:
    >>>> n=10
    >>>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>>> 1.30277563773199
    >>>> We've gone around once(6) and go four more steps during our second
    >>>> rotation (Use MOD) :
    >>>> Each step in degrees is:
    >>>> r=2
    >>>> ?360/(6*r)
    >>>> 30
    >>>> Hence 4*30 = 120
    >>>> (9 is 3*30 = 90)
    >>>> So, if you are looking at point 100:
    >>>> n=100
    >>>> ?(Sqr(12*n - 3) - 3) / 6
    >>>> 5.2662812973354
    >>>> We've gone around 5.2 times:
    >>>> The firth rotation was point 91:
    >>>> n=5
    >>>> ?3*(n + 1)*n + 1
    >>>> 91
    >>>> Each degree difference during our 6th rotation is 10:
    >>>> ?360 / (6*6)
    >>>> 10
    >>>> Angel is:
    >>>> ?10*(100-91+1)
    >>>> 100 Degrees
    >>>> Again, I hope I did this correctly..:>~
    >>>> --
    >>>> HTH :>)
    >>>> Dana DeLouis
    >>>> Windows XP & Excel 2007
    >>>> "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>> news:...
    >>>>> The formula for some angle
    >>>>> For the number 1 series [1,8,21,40,65 ...], the formula is N*(3N-2) on
    >>>>> 60 Deg
    >>>>> For the number 2 series [2,10,24,44,70 ...], the formula is N*(3N-1)
    >>>>> on 120
    >>>>> Deg
    >>>>> For the number 3 series [3,12,27,48,75 ...], the formula is N*(3N) on
    >>>>> 180 Deg
    >>>>> For the number 4 series [4,14,30,52,80 ...], the formula is N*(3N+1)
    >>>>> on 240
    >>>>> Deg
    >>>>> For the number 5 series [5,16,33,56,85 ...], the formula is N*(3N+2)
    >>>>> on 300
    >>>>> Deg
    >>>>> For the number 6 series [6,18,36,60,90 ...], the formula is N*(3N+3)
    >>>>> on 360
    >>>>> Deg
    >>>>> ......16..15..14
    >>>>> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine the angle
    >>>>> based
    >>>>> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the given number
    >>>>> in cell
    >>>>> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the given number
    >>>>> in
    >>>>> cell A1, then 90 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the angle?
    >>>>> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>>> Eric
    >>>>> I need to
    >>>>> "Sandy Mann" wrote:
    >>>>>> It seems like the OP did tell us but as it is gone midnight here,
    >>>>>> this old
    >>>>>> man is off to bed. I'll leave it to you clever folk to work it out.
    >>>>>> --
    >>>>>> Regards,
    >>>>>> Sandy
    >>>>>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>>> Replace with
    >>>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>>> news:...
    >>>>>> >I would think that 22 and 23 are at 80 & 100 degrees respectively.
    >>>>>> >If that
    >>>>>> >is right then the numbers on the 0, 6 18 line (reading from right to
    >>>>>> >left),
    >>>>>> >would be:
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> > 0, 6, 18, 36, 90 126, 168, 216 ie 6 * { 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21,
    >>>>>> > 28, 36}
    >>>>>> > with the interval between the numbers in braces increasing by 1
    >>>>>> > each time.
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> > The angle for numbers between 18 and 36 then would be 360/(36-18) =
    >>>>>> > 20
    >>>>>> > Degrees.
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> > Of course only the OP will be able to tell us.
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> > --
    >>>>>> > HTH
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> > Sandy
    >>>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> > Replace with
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> > "Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB)" <>
    >>>>>> > wrote in
    >>>>>> > message news:...
    >>>>>> >>I understood the spiral path being traced out, and I guess I can
    >>>>>> >>see that
    >>>>>> >>15 is at 90 degrees like 9 is... but there is (at least to my mind)
    >>>>>> >>still
    >>>>>> >>a problem with 22 and 23... they do not lie on a diagonal from 0
    >>>>>> >>unless,
    >>>>>> >>in the first 4 tiers of the spiral, they are the only number on
    >>>>>> >>that
    >>>>>> >>diagonal. Anyway, I would like to see the OP give us a little bit
    >>>>>> >>more
    >>>>>> >>information on how the numbers are laid down on the spiral path.
    >>>>>> >>
    >>>>>> >> Rick
    >>>>>> >>
    >>>>>> >>
    >>>>>> >> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>>> >> news:...
    >>>>>> >>> Good observation Ken. I think that you have cracked it, at least
    >>>>>> >>> partially, but it does not quite equate to what the OP said:
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1
    >>>>>> >>> So presumably 0, 2, 10, 24 are all on the 120 deg line
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>> If so then surely 0,1, 8, 21 are on the 60 deg line
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>> But if the above is true then 9 would be halfway between 60& 120
    >>>>>> >>> ie 90
    >>>>>> >>> Deg but the OP says it is equal to 80 Deg.
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>> --
    >>>>>> >>> HTH
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>> Sandy
    >>>>>> >>> In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>>> >>> and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>> Replace with
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>> "Ken Johnson" <> wrote in message
    >>>>>> >>> news:...
    >>>>>> >>>> On Dec 30, 5:45 am, "Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)"
    >>>>>> >>>> <> wrote:
    >>>>>> >>>>> I'm in agreement with you Sandy. In particular, I can't see how
    >>>>>> >>>>> number
    >>>>>> >>>>> like
    >>>>>> >>>>> 15, 22 and 23 fit into the hexagonal scheme of things (they
    >>>>>> >>>>> seem to be
    >>>>>> >>>>> on
    >>>>>> >>>>> some angle other than one of the 60 degree lines); hence, I
    >>>>>> >>>>> can't
    >>>>>> >>>>> figure out
    >>>>>> >>>>> how to extend the sequence of numbers in order to develop a
    >>>>>> >>>>> formula
    >>>>>> >>>>> for it.
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> Rick
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> "Sandy Mann" <> wrote in message
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> news:%...
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> > You may get an answer if you restate you request. Speaking
    >>>>>> >>>>> > personally I
    >>>>>> >>>>> > do not understand exactly what it is that you are asking.
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> > --
    >>>>>> >>>>> > HTH
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Sandy
    >>>>>> >>>>> > In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
    >>>>>> >>>>> > and the crowning place of kings
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> >
    >>>>>> >>>>> > Replace with
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> > "Eric" <> wrote in message
    >>>>>> >>>>> >news:...
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> Creating a hexagonal spiral around 0,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 1 will be inserted in 60 deg,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 2 will be inserted in 120 deg,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 3 will be inserted in 180 deg,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 4 will be inserted in 240 deg,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 5 will be inserted in 300 deg,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 6 will be inserted in 360 deg,
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> and continue on the second levels as show below
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ......16..15..14
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ....17..5...4...13
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ..18..6...0...3...12
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> 19..7...1...2...11..26
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ..20..8...9...10..25
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> ....21..22..23..24
    >>>>>> >>>>>
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> If a number is given in cell A1, I would like to determine
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> the
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> angle
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> based
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> on this structure of hexagonal spiral, such as 10 is the
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> cell
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> A1, then 120 degree will be returned in cell B1, 9 is the
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> given
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> number in
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> cell A1, then 80 degree will be returned in cell B1.
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> Does anyone have any suggestions on how to determine the
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> angle?
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> Thanks in advance for any suggestions
    >>>>>> >>>>> >> Eric
    >>>>>> >>>>
    >>>>>> >>>> I notice that tracing through that array of numbers from 0 to 26
    >>>>>> >>>> results in a spiral path. But that's all I can see.
    >>>>>> >>>>
    >>>>>> >>>> Ken Johnson
    >>>>>> >>>>
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>>
    >>>>>> >>
    >>>>>> >>
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> >
    >>>>>> >


    Sandy Mann, Dec 30, 2007
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