The Cartels
Psychopaths (Mafia)
Rackets (Conspiracies)
"Politics is the entertainment division of the
Military Industrial Complex."
1 ~ Frank Zappa
[Statism. Zionist front puppet show (Israel control of UK, Australia, & USA), for all their Rackets (Conspiracies), a Pathocracy, covert-Fascism/Authoritarianism or Corporatocracy where we get robbed (Cost of wars, Tax Avoidance, Privatisation, The Banksters, Big Oil, Prison Inc, Food Inc etc) poisoned (Human Abuse) and murdered (Genocide, Iraq, Afghanistan, Rwanda) by the Military Industrial Complex. We have no enemies, all wars since at least 1900 (maybe 5,000 years 1) have been created (Communism, Cold War Hoax, Communist Party of China). Foreign aid is used to fund fellow psychopaths like Paul Kagame and their slaughter and plunder in Africa. Royals are part of the Punch and Judy show, King Leopold II being a fine example. Then we have the Medical Industrial Complex, which suppresses all the cures (The Cancer Conspiracy, Vitamin C) from Alternative Medicine while robbing (Allopathic Rackets) and killing us (Allopathic Genocide). The odd one not with their agenda or who could expose them ends up dead: Smith, Cook, Kennedy, Kennedy Jnr, Kelly, thanks to taxpayer funded Murder Inc (FBI, CIA, MI5, MI6, NSA, Mossad etc), who also run Dope Inc and the State Terror, while the Media Mafia, like the BBC, keeps everyone asleep and suitably brainwashed. Voting is just voting for your own robbery, poisoning and demise. Pedophilia is a predilection of these creatures, and also used to control through blackmail. Atheism is the belief they want for us, helped by the state Religion Racket & Darwinism, while they worship Lucifer, Satanism (main symbols: Eye Horn) being their group name, which is Possession by non human entities (Reptilians & Demons, also see Reptilian evidence) as you can see in Shapeshifting such as Reptile eyes (slits) e.g Hilary Clinton & Michelle Obama, and explains why few want to wake up and see the true reality (humans don't carpet bomb civilians like Churchill, Lindemann, Eisenhower 1 & Kissinger 1, or Mind Control them 1), but if everyone knew the truth about Vaccine autism for example the medical racket would crash and burn by a domino effect as the truth spreads. The NASA Ball Earth lie Moon landing hoax, International Space Station hoax, & Heliocentrism proves the USA, China and Russia are one and the same at the top, as you see in the pic here. They can't win unless they take away the American's assault rifles through Gun Control, and time is running out for them. ONLY REAL party is the Reality Party which gathered 700 votes in Salford, which is a start.]
“America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system,
but too early to shoot the bastards.”---Claire Wolfe
"Crime does not pay … as well as politics. "
--Alfred E. Newman
“The left and right wings of the party establishment--two
great pinions of an ancient bird of prey.” (Liberty under Siege, p.100)---Walter
The Magic Money Tree Shakes for Military Interventions The money tree
has come into prominence in UK politics since the PM Theresa May was quick to
suggest there was ‘no magic money tree’ in response to being questioned by a
nurse about a wage rise. Nurses’ wages decreased by 12% in real terms over the
last decade.
But when there is military action on the table, you can bet
the money tree magically appears right on cue. It is only years later the public
learn of the true cost and even then it’s buried from public view. The Iraq War
and the 2011 Libyan intervention are cases in point.
The Chilcot Report, released more than a decade after the
initial intervention in Iraq, estimated the direct costs of the conflict in Iraq
to be at least £9.2 billion. In 2016 prices, that is £11.82 billion and roughly
the same as the aid programme of the British government today.
For the Libyan intervention in 2011, the Foreign Affairs
Select Committee report last year found that the UK spent some £320 million on
bombing Libya and approximately £25 million on reconstruction . That’s almost
£350 million for what Barack Obama referred to as a “shit show”.
[2017 April] Trump is puppet of US ‘deep state,’ has no ‘own’ foreign policy – Assad Trump pursues “no own policies” but only executes the decisions made by the “intelligence agencies, the Pentagon, the big arms manufacturers, oil companies, and financial institutions,” .... “a complete waste of time to make an assessment of the American president’s foreign policy” as “he might say something” but what he really does depends on “what these [US military and business] institutions dictate to him.” He also added that it “is not new” and “has been ongoing American policy for decades.” "This is what characterizes American politicians: they lie on a daily basis... That’s why we shouldn’t believe what the Pentagon or any other American institution says because they say things which serve their policies, not things which reflect reality and the facts on the ground,” Assad told TeleSUR. He went on to say that the US continues to pursue its age-long policy aimed at establishing and maintaining a global hegemony by turning all countries that oppose it into war zones. "The United States always seeks to control all the states of the world without exception. It does not accept allies, regardless of whether they are developed states as those in the Western bloc or other states of the world," the Syrian leader explained. He also added that “what is happening to Syria, to Korea, to Iran, to Russia, and maybe to Venezuela now, aims at re-imposing American hegemony on the world because they believe that this hegemony is under threat now, which consequently threatens the interests of American economic and political elites.” Assad expressed similar views in an interview with Russia’s Sputnik news agency about a week ago. “The regime in the United States hasn't changed,” he said, adding, “since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has been attacking different countries in different ways without taking into consideration the Security Council or the United Nations.”
[2016 July] Germany: Since 1945 a Vassal State to Israel
[2015 pdf] 40 MPs on guest list for arms dealers dinner in London
The 66 Labour MPs who voted for bombing in Syria
[2014] UK enforces law which bans public from criticising the govt
[2015] If you don’t understand how people fall into poverty, you’re probably a sociopath "The issue of tax avoidance is incredibly complex on a technical level, but at the heart of it it’s a very simple matter: these are corporations who are using legal or illegal means to cut their tax bills, with the outcome that ordinary people have to pay their tax bills for them."
[2011] The Men who Stole the World: An interview with Nicholas Shaxson NICHOLAS SHAXSON
[2016 Sept] UK
government works ‘hand in glove’ with arms firms, say campaigners
[2014 May] Man With Cancer Told To Give Up Treatment and Join Work Programme To Keep Benefits
[2013 Jan] Why can't we know the truth about a strike that happened 40 years ago? saw 24 working men convicted for crimes they did not commit, are nothing short of a state-sanctioned conspiracy.....Des Warren, another organiser and close friend of mine who received three years in prison – the harshest sentence of all – was regularly made to drink the "liquid cosh", a cocktail of tranquillisers that numbed inmates and gave you the hundred-mile stare. Dezzie died in 2004, of what his wife describes as "drug-induced Parkinson's" – and we're still fighting to see his prison records to prove the link between his death and his treatment in prison.The imprisonment and sustained intimidation destroyed families and communities.
Monopoly Media Manipulation by Dr. Michael Parenti
Like all propagandists, mainstream media people seek to prefigure our
perception of a subject with a positive or negative label. Some positive ones
are: “stability,” “the president’s firm leadership,” “a strong defense,” and “a
healthy economy.” Indeed, not many Americans would want instability, wobbly
presidential leadership, a weak defense, and a sick economy. The label defines
the subject without having to deal with actual particulars that might lead us to
a different conclusion.
Some common negative labels are: “leftist guerrillas,” “Islamic terrorists,”
“conspiracy theories,” “inner-city gangs,” and “civil disturbances.” These, too,
are seldom treated within a larger context of social relations and issues. The
press itself is facilely and falsely labeled “the liberal media” by the hundreds
of conservative columnists, commentators, and talk-shows hosts who crowd the
communication universe while claiming to be shut out from it. Some labels we
will never be exposed to are “class power,” “class struggle,” and “U.S.
A new favorite among deceptive labels is “reforms,” whose meaning is
inverted, being applied to any policy dedicated to undoing the reforms that have
been achieved after decades of popular struggle. So the destruction of family
assistance programs is labeled “welfare reform.” “Reforms” in Eastern Europe,
and most recently in Yugoslavia, have meant the heartless impoverishment of
former Communist countries, the dismantling of what remained of the public
economy, its deindustrialization and expropriation at fire sale prices by a
corporate investor class, complete with massive layoffs, drastic cutbacks in
public assistance and human services, and a dramatic increase in unemployment
and human suffering. “IMF reforms” is a euphemism for the same kind of bruising
cutbacks throughout the Third World. As Edward Herman once noted, “reforms” are
not the solution, they are the problem.
In April 2001, the newly elected prime minister of Japan, Junichiro Koisumi,
was widely identified in the U.S. media as a “reformer.” His free-market
“reforms” include the privatization of Japan’s postal saving system. Millions of
Japanese have their life savings in the postal system and the “reformer” Koisumi
wants private investors to be able to get their hands on these funds.
“Free market” has long been a pet label, evoking images of economic plenitude
and democracy. In reality, free-market policies undermine the markets of local
producers, provide state subsidies to multinational corporations, destroy public
sector services, and create greater gaps between the wealthy few and the
underprivileged many.
Another favorite media label is “hardline.” Anyone who resists free-market
“reforms,” be it in Belarus, Italy, Peru, or Yugoslavia, is labeled a
“hardliner.” An article in the New York Times (10/21/97) used “hardline” and
“hardliner” eleven times to describe Bosnian Serb leaders who opposed attempts
by NATO forces to close down the “hardline Bosnian Serb broadcast network.” The
radio station in question was the only one in all of Bosnia that offered a
perspective critical of Western intervention in Yugoslavia. The forceful closing
of this one remaining dissenting media voice was described by the Times as “a
step toward bringing about responsible news coverage in Bosnia.” The story did
note “the apparent irony” of using foreign soldiers for “silencing broadcasts in
order to encourage free speech.” The NATO troops who carried out this repressive
task were identified with the positive label of “peacekeepers.”
It is no accident that labels like "hardline" are never subjected to precise
definition. The efficacy of a label is that it not have a specific content which
can be held up to a test of evidence. Better that it be self-referential,
propagating an undefined but evocative image.
[2012] Native Americans ‘slaughtered, sacrificed, fenced in reservations’ in US The United States is a fake country that has no culture. It’s easy to manipulate such a country, and to channel its people. The U.S. has a façade shown to the rest of the world, but few know of its reverse side as thoroughly as Indians do. The picture people see is not the reality of today’s United States. Even the President who’s in office today wasn’t really elected, like back in the year 2000. Young people certainly strive to get here to achieve their dreams. But really anyone coming only has one reason: they want to become rich and successful, and they want to get their opportunities [to succeed]. Once you talk to them you realize they don’t even dream of anything beyond money-making. This was the reason Europeans came here. This is the principle of the American life. The world is sick and tired of American prosperity. The world is waking up.
[2012 June] A TIDAL WAVE OF POLITICAL LIARS LYING by Jon Rappoport The current political system of the United States is built on so many false flags, hidden agendas, crimes, and cover-ups, the intensity and quantity of lies has escalated to keep pace.
[2012 June] "Sex Cult" Runs UK Government, says MI-6 Victim
[2012 Jan] Leaked documents reveal US diplomats actually work for Monsanto
[vid] Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook
[2011 Nov] Matthew Gould and the Plot to Attack Iran by Craig Murray “British Ambassador Matthew Gould declared his commitment to Israel and the principles of Zionism on Thursday”.
[2007] Exposing the Zionist Hidden Hand That Rules
Britain and the United States By Christopher Bollyn For all practical
purposes, the United States and Britain are Zionist-occupied nations.
[2007] WHO IS DAVID MILIBAND? By Christopher Bollyn
AN EXAMINATION OF OBAMA'S USE OF HIDDEN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES IN HIS SPEECHES This document contains over 60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama's use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of "hack" hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know. It examines Obama's speeches word by word, hand gesture by hand gesture, tone, pauses, body language, and proves his use of covert hypnosis intended only for licensed therapists on consenting patients. Obama's mesmerized, cult-like, grade-school-crush-like worship by millions is not because Obama is the greatest leader of a generation who simply hasn't accomplished anything, who magically inspires by giving speeches. Obama is committing perhaps the biggest fraud and deception in American history.
Brasscheck TV: Who runs your country?
The sinister Marc Dutroux cover-up the man who had returned Dutroux to society, Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, was “rewarded with a prestigious appointment to serve as a judge at the European Court of Justice at The Hague”.
SHAKEDOWN Exposing the real Jesse Jackson by Kenneth R. Timmerman