韓国政府も対応に乗り出した。通信社「 ニュース1」によると、チョ・ジュンヒョク外交部報道官は13日の定例会見で「韓国はベトナムとの関係を非常に重視する」とし、「顕忠日の追悼辞は、国家の命によって献身した軍人たちに適切な処遇がなければならないという趣旨の言及」と話した。
A Vietnamese civilian with a gun pointed at the side of her head. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
After receiving a fresh supply of ammunition and water flown in by helicopter, men of the US 173rd Airborne Brigade continue on a jungle 'Search and Destroy' patrol in Phuc Tuy Province, Vietnam, June 1966. An armored personnel carrier provides security on the landing zone in the background. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
VO DOT, VIET NAM: American soldiers of the 173th airborne are evacuated by helicopter from a Vietcong position 11 December 1965. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)
US B52 drop bombs over a Viet Cong controlled area in South Vietnam 02 August 1965 during the Vietnam War. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images)
A US Airforce Fairchild C-123 Provider aeroplane spraying defoliants on dense jungle growth during the Vietnamese War. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
Photo prise le 08 février 1965 durant la guerre du Vietnam d'un F-100 de l'armée américaine larguant des bombes sur des objectifs militaires situés à une soixantaine de kilomètres au sud-ouest de Saïgon. Picture dated 08 February 1965 of a F100 of the US Army bombing a military target near Saigon during the Vietnam War. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images)
American napalm bombs exploding in fields south of Saigon during the Vietnam war. Napalm kills by asphyxiation and burning and was first used by the US against Japan in WW II. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
3rd March 1966: Three young women from South Vietnam with rifles on their shoulders. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
circa 1965: A young worker from Haiphong in northern Vietnam shoulders her rifle after joining a self-defence unit. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images)
5th August 1965: Vietnamese children at play inside a giant concrete pipe in Saigon during the War in Vietnam. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
AN KHE, VIET NAM: American helicopters carry reinforcement troops to the battlefield of An Khe, south Vietnam, 25 September 1965. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)
PLEI ME, VIET NAM: Vietnamese civilians to be evacuated watch helicopters arriving at an American camp in Plei Me, south Vietnam, 01 November 1965. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)
American army combat platoon leader Second Lieutenant John Libs (center) of 2nd platoon, C Company, 2d Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, surveys the situation with his men from the relative safety of a watery rice paddy as they prepare to advance on a Viet Cong sniper position, Vietnam, mid 1960s. Libs and the rest of 2nd Platoon participated in the battle of Xa Cam My/Operation Abilene in April 1966 during which Charlie Company suffered 82% casualties. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Photo prise le 08 février 1966 durant la guerre du Vietnam de F-105 Thunderchief de l'armée américaine larguant des bombes sur des objectifs militaires et stratégigues situés au nord-Vietnam. Picture dated 08 February 1966 of F105 Thunderchief of the US Army bombing military and strategic targets in north Vietnam during the Vietnam War. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images)
North Vietnamese forces are ready for firing during a military exercice in Bach Dang, near Hanoi, during the Vietnam war, 19 July 1966. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images)
22nd August 1966: American troops from the 73rd Airborne Brigade carrying a wounded soldier onto a helicopter near Vung Tau in Vietnam. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
A Viet Cong detachment going into battle during the Vietnam War, January 1967. In the foreground is the body of a dead American soldier. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
An U.S plane is burning on the Khe Sanh American base, as North Vietnamese divisions, operating out of the DMZ that separates North and South Vietnam, launch heavy bombardments of American bases, from January to May 1967, including Khe Sanh, the Rockpile, Cam Lo, Dong Ha, Con Thien and Gio Linh. (Photo credit should read CORR/AFP/Getty Images)
Picture taken 29 November 1967 of South Vietnamese soldiers defending their position on the Hill 875 as NVA (North Vietnamese Army) made a massive assault. (Photo credit should read ENNIO IACOBUCCI/AFP/Getty Images)
P368426 01: (File Photo) Senator John Mccain Is Pulled Out Of A Hanoi Lake By North Vietnamese Army Soldiers And Civilians October 26, 1967 In Hanoi, North Vietnam. Mccain's A-4E Skyhawk Was Shot Down By A Surface-To-Air Missile. Mccain Broke Both Arms And His Right Knee Upon Ejection And Lost Consciousness Until He Hit The Water. (Photo By Getty Images)
Viet Cong soldiers dig a trench to be used as a heavy machine gun position during the Vietnam war, circa 1968. (Photo by Three Lions/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
VIETNAM WAR-25TH ANNIVERSARY: Picture dated 30 April 1970 of Republican president Richard Nixon announcing during a press conference the entry of American soldiers in Cambodia. Richard Nixon was elected in 1968 and re-elected in 1972 but had to resign in August 1974 after the Watergate scandal. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images)
VIET NAM WAR-25TH ANNIVERSARY: A Viet Cong base being burned in My Tho, Vietnam on 05 April,1968. In the foreground is Private First Class Raymond Rumpa, St. Paul, Minnesota, C Company, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, with a 45 pound 90mm recoiless rifle. AFP PHOTO/NATIONAL ARCHIVES (Photo credit should read NATIONAL ARCHIVES/AFP/Getty Images)
8th April 1968: The Air Cavalry of the United States Army move from their command post to another landing zone during the Vietnam War, using American Bell Huey (UH 1) helicopters. An AP photographer is seen bottom right. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Express/Getty Images)
US troops take cover from the Vietcong in a trench on Hill Timothy, during the Vietnam War. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Getty Images)
4th November 1968: US marines in the jungle during the Vietnamese War. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Express/Getty Images)
4th November 1968: US marines on patrol in a jungle during the Vietnam war. (Photo by Terry Fincher/Express/Getty Images)
American helicopters hover above armed U.S. soldiers, preparing to lift them from combat back to their base in Tay Ninh. (Photo by Express Newspapers/Getty Images)
While Paris' peace talks are marked time, members of FNL resistance (from communist-led Patriotic Front supported by North Vietnam) crosse a bridge 17 November1968 in Laos during the Vietnam war which was extended by USA into Cambodia and Laos. (Photo credit should read STF/AFP/Getty Images)
VIET NAM:Picture dated 01January 1960 in Hanoi shows North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), the founder of the Vietnam Workers' Party, signing the decree promulgating the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was a leading force in the war between North, South Vietnam and US forces during the 1960s. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)
circa 1971: A large Christmas peace message reading 'War Is Over !' from John Lennon and Yoko Ono on a billboard in New York City. The message, protesting against US involvement in the Vietnam War, is simultaneously displayed at Montreal, Toronto, Los Angeles and at six European cities. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images)
An underground arms factory in North Vietnam, circa 1971. Producing weapons for Viet Cong forces, the factory has been set up in a cave for security against U.S. bombing raids. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
BON SON, VIET NAM: American helicopters land at Khe Sanh base on the Laos border 01 February 1971 after it was 'reactivated' following a Vitcong offensive in Laos. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)
SAIGON, VIET NAM: A Vietnamese boy plays with a gun in a street of Saigon in March 1971. (Photo credit should read AFP/Getty Images)
A woman stands among the ruins of her village destroyed by the Vietcong artillery on February 14, 1974 in Can tho during the 'Battle of rice' in Cambodia. (Photo credit should read PATRICK CHAUVEL/AFP/Getty Images)
3rd June 1974: People flee with their belongings from their homes in war-torn Vietnam. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
5th June 1974: Despite the ceasefire, the fighting continues in South Vietnam. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 6: A angry demonstrator is arrested by a policeman in Washington 6 May 1971 during a protest against the Vietnam war. // Une jeune manifestante semble furieuse lors de son arrestation par un policier, a Washington le 6 mai 1971, lors d'une manifestation contre l'intervention des Etats-Unis au Vietnam. (Photo credit should read AFP/AFP/Getty Images)
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