Mind Control
"Cultures that punish infants
or repress sexuality are
violent."--- James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
"The suppression of the sexuality of young children and
adolescents is the chief means of producing this obedience (to
Authority/Psychopathy)." ~
Wilhelm Reich
[Suppressing sexuality and emotional health (suppressing Love) is the main plank of Authoritarianism/Fascism, as it creates: 1. Violence (essential for War Inc), 2. the inhibition of rebellion (Wilhelm Reich), and 3. the suppression of feelings (the best way to spot propaganda and Social Dominators is through feelings) and Spirituality--essential for control of Freedom and Thinking. Their first step is Cord Clamping, Circumcision, early Weaning, poor Bonding, Bottle-feeding, Corporal punishment, Vaccine poisons, (see: Birth trauma, Covert human attacks) followed by taboos around sex: contraception, Premarital sex, Polygamy, Masturbation & Extra-marital sex. Hence the importance of Religion & Atheism in controlling Freedom. Also it is very important to restrict Tantra (sacred sex/sexual yoga) and Psychedelic knowledge. Such suppression also creates a huge market for Sex Inc, and Dope Inc.]
See: Adam and Eve
James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Violence