The beloved story about the Boy Who Lived is coming to the Altria Theater in the near future. The soundtrack from the movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone will be played by the Richmond Symphony Orchestra on February 10, as part of the Harry Potter Film Concert Series. The movie itself will play on a large screen behind the musicians for the audience to watch while the musicians play.
This concert series was started last year by Warner Bros. and CineConcerts, which has created other concert series based on other franchises, such as The Godfather and Star Trek. In 2018, the show will have been performed in over 35 countries.
“The Harry Potter film series is a once-in-a-lifetime cultural phenomenon that continues to delight millions of fans around the world,” said Justin Freer, CineConcerts president and producer and conductor of the Harry Potter Film Concert Series in a recent news release. “It is with great pleasure that we introduce for the first time ever an opportunity to experience the award-winning music scores played live by a symphony orchestra, all while the beloved film is simultaneously projected on to the big screen.”
The musical score to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, as well as the next two movies in the series, was composed by John Williams. Details about the event can be found on Altria Theater’s website. Tickets range from $52.50-$82.50 go on sale at 10:00 AM on August 11 on the Altria Theater website, and can also be purchased at the Altria Theater Box Office, as well as by calling 800-514-ETIX(3849).
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone has a run time of two hours and 39 minutes.