

Christian, Amerikaner, Nationalist. In hoc signo vinces.





  1. さんがリツイート
    23 分前

    Don't worry trannies. - President Trump has arranged free transportation from your military base to your new "home".

    このメディアには不適切な内容が含まれている可能性があります。 詳細はこちら
  2. 1 時間前

    Nice work Don, next ban women and the gays so we can have a functioning military again

  3. 1 時間前

    Be careful Donald, Takei might try to give you GRIDS.

  4. 1 時間前
  5. 14 時間前

    The entire sessions fiasco seems like a major rise from Trump. What's his angle?

  6. 22 時間前

    >By David Rosenberg FFS just name yourselves Shekel McShekelstein if you're going to make it this obvious.

  7. 7月25日

    The most unhappy women are the ones who do nothing all day but shop and hang out at the pool. Fake news.

  8. 7月24日

    When we win, every single modernist monstrosity has to be pulled down in the same fashion.

  9. 7月24日

    Thank you Mike for bringing awareness to America's #1 issue: boomers' Florida condo boat docks are breaking down.

  10. 7月24日

    Instead of reading Aquinas this is what American priests are practicing. Americanism rots everything it touches.

  11. 7月24日

    Do men actually go to the mall with their gf/wife?

  12. 7月24日

    By "everyone" they mean jews and blue checkmarks.

  13. 7月24日

    What's heroic about making propaganda for the enemy? Is there something heroic about setting fire to your own ship by being a hot shot?

  14. 7月21日

    Remember, everything fake news jack does or says is a lie.

  15. 7月21日

    *trust me I'm on your side goy*

  16. 7月21日

    10/10 schizophrenic shill post good content

  17. 7月21日

    Muslims are only 5% of Britain's population but 100% of the UK's grooming gangs. Enough is enough! It's time for common sense kebab removal.

  18. 7月21日

    Is it that hard to find someone without a Jew wife and/or hasn't worked at Goldman Sachs?

  19. 7月21日

    On the relationship between Whites and blacks.

  20. 7月21日

    Jews confirmed for starting cuck threads on /pol/.



