Com comp arts in comp arts of mentalization that reads the wave in and supplying the demand by the very s sense in integral.
Angular momentum in segway & The back and forth in all the moves we do
Pedaling in to spin comp-art-mentalization – in the sun waving in – s sense
Stomp in the bomp – a body of a place to live in -g- the gravity of a self – in deep lace –
The dance of rhythmics or the dictating of running naked to pace in the manner of some choreography
Most is a loan really – started with nothing – so into the pawnshop – to loan into the first apartment
So from zero to one there is a revolution and then comes evolution
and we all lose some sign in the end b- by the water – H2O –
And like Gordon get our hole in the wall – bridging out in time from marigondon to maribago mactan and the long pier just and absolutely nearby …
And a yoyo of MC cycling there from
Apartments in among the living – exploding out like a song – in the seeds of lingo –
Thick oil – crackup – to petrol – this titillating – and flashing the cylinder – explosion walks waves into the tunnel sighting – piston wave in the ups and downs on the road as it roar –
Stonking mule old donkey – curling the ships and hulls – s sense from the old blood of the flowers – fat milk in creme de la cream – come on fat milk – let’s whip in the sentence reverberating – O – like nothing – the central we live in –
nothing but balance in the sign of the core
Thick oil into the cracker goes – petrol – yoyo in time driving MC – flashing the tunnel – exploding as the drivers essay – Roar in the road – the ups and down of waving –
Com part mental is at ion moving – mobile –
Dumaguete years ago – ultra rapid in schlomo – salam
Kim il Sung – running naked – dictating pace & manner
This is about what feels wrong & what feels right – the logic’s init are personal and might change by the day – as the rooms of the house we live in – our body & it’s memory – Holy stabbat matter – this guys invented the hamburger, yoyo MC. Thats a master of the ceremony.
Parking lots in time – squares in the circle driver by the wheel – for the top pistong to waving
Maps in out spam on the outsider drive
Outsider drives a blow in the horn – Emotive in the cooler grill – Hood in ornament –
to high in debt to be forced to bankruptcy –
Because in the monetary church – into the course raise we believing –
Lost in the only secure place to win – sand in out of Vegas – Weekend hotel rooms for free – First drinks on the house –
G raining the sand – takes toll – in time
-per lingo-
Motorcycle MC was also driven by the thick crude oil – sealed in the compartments of time – so no wonder – biker took som waving pistons – and delivered thousands of houses and apartments with room – after Yolanda – reverberated so many homes a way –
The Motorcycle MC Club outsider MC raised from their clubhouse on outsider drive in Basak matan a helping hand with over 4120 homes that they personally delivered in parts, by material to give the basic fundaments of to all thoose who lost their homes to build themselves and their family a new home and some new rooms to live in.
MC Club outsider Motorcycle delivering House and homes with rooms and apartments to the homeless after the typhoon in Zamboanga. Mactan Cebu – Philippines youtube in the tunnel sight seeing in the visionary
Ruby’s Apartments in Mactan knows what it is like to be without – this explains that some of the new houses, homes and apartments came by their helping hand. Rob and Ruby’s Jewel grace –
Building bridges to new homes – Did Ruby’s Apartments
a 1 2 the 3 was blown apart
and into the island came
First the food and some very basic necessity –
broken in the middle – half of – that’s gust power in
Or starting with the ultra structural anatomy – taking the rigid core – on which the rest lean –
Flash in the wind animated …
Motorcycle MC came bikers in the packing loaded with trucks – Feed in foods and the very basics to the roots of living – soon after came the building block to thoose who lost it all to again make themselves a home of their own.
Medicines and bare necessities –
Beach in the sand – whimsical sand – cames sand blasting –
And the pearls of a helping hand came –
Outsiders knows the face and the values of having an home, a room in a apartments
Aoou do judo – aoou
Support your local Outsider MC
On one of the island 4120 homes was delivered as the constructional material to start building up a home of their own. Rooms in morphology by a lending helping hand yoyo MC.
Motorcycle Outsider MC in the clubhouse & Hotels of MC’s Garden inn – in Basak Kagudoy Mactan Cebu –
Takes toll & sleep in best where the soul rest –
homes apartments medicines and food donated by the helping hand organized from the hotel Garden inn & MC Outsider club house-
MC helping hand Motorcycle
The Outsider MC Car that had to work really hard beside rented trucks cars and boats in order to get the building blocks of the bare necessities on place where it was needed the most.
From Outsider MC Clubhouse in Mactan Cebu the bikers trucks and Motorcycles went out to some very remote place on road and on boats….
Here in MC outsider & HOtel garden inn in Mactan did much help emanate out from
In the island of Zamboanga alone was 4120 houses delivered
And the old truck needed some helping hands itself
Certificate of appreciation to MC Club outsider for all the help with houses, rooms and apartments – food and medicine.
Michael Effelberger the president of Outsider MC was shown appreciation and the bikers received a letter of appreciation.
Certificate of Appreciation to Outsider MC motorcycle club
Some nice events was also offered by nature to the helping mc heroes
back in among the Philippine archipelago
Bridge up – here we go –
MC Outsider a motorcycle club and not a gang
Filled in the ornamented
Outsiders driving –
Comming togheter from some places in order to make order again and avoiding the disorder in after the major typhoons, Outsider MC
Jawa animated from another dream – in rooms of morho –
plaza independencia
with the building blocks to make interdependency really real – came the helpers hand with home, apartments and a lot of rooms.
Not the ordinary smiling surface but a deep sincerity to give a helping hand to other when needed as most that’s Mike Effelberger – when handling speaks –
Bits by bytes came the new homes in place – and assembled in the place –
Sign reading or palmistry of the half broken palm tree – takes a pretty good blow –
Brocken half up signing a such a heavy gust that not even the flexible palms had time to bowing to – but was teared apart in the middle – i have seemed suck a destruction before but only after a heavy bomb dropped in a Forrest – all the trees was just – cut half of – by the way it is and the chock waves of the bomb so compressed it compartments of reasons –
whimsical coastal wind – look out and – reverberating – a broadcast in main – meme in meme and its memory in essays of epic events –
Old house gone the skeleton of a new house on place into the same ground – Rooms in morphology of interchanges –
Houses that becomes Trash in an instant moment and then becam flying trash trashing other houses to the ground – Debris in the breeze came in as cold springs for months after
The forces it takes to tear of a palm tree in the middle – is so much stronger than forcing it of from the ground and flat in down
Some young one got some shelter and rooms even they – New rooms in new apartment they later on thinking of as their very home –
Typhoon did take so many houses away – and also united some good forces in a helping hand
Floating more buoyantly and finally time to play in some games again – lets be children again with a secure and safe base to play out from
the Boats was to many the first things that got destroyed – in a time when the fisherman’s and island inhabitant needed the function as most –
Halft of the palms
some might even have got hit by flying boats in the heavy wind – Typhoon
Here the typhoon give the palm trees time enough to bend down before knocked of in the middle – comp part mentalization
Here robust knocking tilt flipping wind just breaks half of – a 1 2 3 –
Post typhoon palm forest
Homeless with parts of their apartments spread around the island and out to the ocean sea.
Flying forest now resting
MC Motorcycle outsider comes to the hardest hit places in wich the help was needed as most. with food, medicine and new rooms to needing ones and soon after even homes and apartments.
Devastation in paradise – colors of the wind
comp art mentalization of the compartmentalization sell in soul – ocean –
In frontal facades of what has been – a home – a boat & a dream
Timber and building blocks to thousand after thousand new homes was loaded in outsider drive and the garage of Hotel Restaurant Garden inn in Basak Mactan. Some help was even organized from MC Tavern a bit down the road Basak Kagudoy in the Mactan Island
Fresh tree, loaded in the truck times after times
loaded on the old sparking donkey of outsiders MC’s Truck
Truck after truck then arrived to island after island here we can see Zamboanga, who received 4120 houses in a very short periods of time –
Loading of the timber tree – to catch up a new load of the building blocks needed –
Finally happy again to smile –
Boat after boat arriving – with building blocks to new houses – with foods and medicine to fix the most acutely needs.
Happy but tired on their way home to the hotel garden inn mactan again.
the longer palm – half off – just like so – razor edge in that blow –
Objectively hard to focus in what happened – like in life – the black and white of a zebracross – Yoyo mc walk over – but the reflection inits spells from glass to limestone : Crushed objective –
Focus shift after an hard blow & might take som time to sucking in
Looking out and wonder about the rooms and future to come
Hang to dry, wash to clean – the clouds in a dream
struck in ultrastructure over infrastructure –
Half in half – once a home as apartments with rooms – but morphology speak in broken bricks of the walking in timed period as the s-sense.
Positivity on the surface sometimes also is the last resort to stay in
Young ones seeking shelter in among the debris of the breeze – now when the helpers came it even can be some fun in many ways.
Straight of in the middle – seems to have been a true shockwave in extending –
Many boats became trashed when needed as mostly –
Island beach in the end – a – z
The heroic helping hands from MC motorcycle bound clubs
Sitting up on the MC Motorcycle in the garages of outsider MC in outsider drive, Basak Kagudoy Mactan, Cebu.
MC Parking and a lot of Motorcycles in the garage inside of outsider drive, in from basak kagudoy in Mactan island of Cebu
Help with apartments rooms and homes was organized from this MC’s Hotel and Restaurant – Garden inn in Basak Mactan Cebu.
way in to Outsider drive from basak kagudoy buaya bankal road
Java animated by epics in picture – i imagine
Then here is Emz – from Rubys Apartments
Jawa west sukabumi a 747 from on the ground near one of the fundament to the Tjipetir factory in
747 indonesia sukabumi jawa
Honda Steed 400
Selling shit by proclaiming it to be hard to have in supply since the story of its working sucess going viral – hmm thats interesting what about it now then …
Emz magical mystery tour – here in a white look secret agent look
and then the afro look
when she leaves the secret djungle and travels into the town
here we can see Emz as the secretary of ruby’s apartments, booking and fixing, as she usually do. Here she is not a secret agent or
Meanwhile some other just where Eating Drinking and Dining
MC’s Hotel restaurant Garden inn mactan
mike effelberger 50
mike effelberger at Hotel Restaurant Rooms garden inn mactan
Mike Effelberger 50 years old party
mike effelberger
Mike Effelberger 50 years
Mike Effelberger 50 and getting tired or ..
Marcel Zuppinger – was helping with the Apartments and homes and helped to deliver 4120 houses on one island but also works in Ruby’s Apartments in basak indiana aerospace university in mactan island.
Mike Effelberger with Marlene Effelberger
She bended down, started the bike and burned off in time … ooh boy what a girl
And with a burn of she went away …
Half way just blown apart
thats a powerfull wind
after the typhoons have hit in the island
broken houses and rooms with out one wall or a roof …
Palms …
The wind … the hard wind
4120 apartments just in one island did the MC Motorcycle gang Outsiders help homeless inhabitants with. Typhoons can be mercy-less.
Half way blown of – welcome to the signreading palmistry – handout cheesus what a robur gust in velocity.
One line in division gives two parts of oil drums to grill in – Piglet in bare bone –
Cleaving an old oil drum & Thinking grill & bow in cup o do
Making food rooms in morpho of apartment – com part mental
Grill in an old oil drum
Marlene Effelberger
Marcel Zuppinger
One of the donors of materials to rooms and apartments is an owner to apartments in itself. Here we can see to the left one of the owners to Ruby’s Apartments in Basak Mactan Cebu.
Untagged categorized is as always the carefully blunted objects in knowing when to turn the sight and not seems to see. The illusion of seeing the blind spots and know what to point in there – the holy space in which no one can see from.