Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World

@jbeshir​:  All language variants are #valid

Me: Fair, but my language is the best one :p

Me: Although I somewhat disapprove of the fact that double negatives are always negative.

Me: But, like, at least it makes the answers to negative questions clear.

Me: “Yuh nah go out?” “No”
      >“You didn’t go out?” “I did not go out”

@jbeshir​: That’s, hm

@jbeshir​: On one hand it seems simpler in a variety of contexts on the other but logic

Me: Japanese resolves the ambiguity in the other direction. English doesn’t give a fuck and you legit can’t predict whether an English speaker is denying your question or its content.

@jbeshir​: Yes but that’s a feature in order to give evasive answers better

@jbeshir​: That is what British English is optimised for

Me: Oh, Brits

Me: Language: “I exist for conveying information”
      Britain: “Hmmm, yeah, about that,,, how about,,, no???”

@jbeshir​: “That’s one position on the matter, yes.”

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