A YouTube “Celebrity” Is Being Accused Of Fake Donating Hair To Charity

July 9, 2017 / Posted by:

The concept of YouTube “celebrities” completely baffles me. It has something to do with ad revenue and click-throughs and all that, I know. But these people actually make MILLIONS for living online. And they’re all blonde and loud and irritating. (I’m just bitter, because the videos I created of me baking things didn’t do so well, so I had to shut the “J. Harvey Bakes Like Shit” channel down.) Alas, some of these YouTube celebrities find themselves in YouTube scandals, because social media doesn’t lie and the evidence is forever!

Take YouTube “celebrityLeLe Pons. As reported by BuzzFeed, she’s got almost 5 million subscribers on her YT channel and millions of followers on her social media sites. And some of those followers noted that the hair she claimed to have donated to charity looked suspiciously like extensions. Tracks! People spotted tracks!

LeLe threw a picture (the one above) up on Instagram of her showing off the hair she claimed to have cleaved from her melon, for charitable purposes. Except it looks like the weave glue might have still been dripping off her fall. Or something. (Real talk: I have no idea about extensions as I am a balding white man – maybe I should look into them – but I read the important blogs and maybe picked up the lingo? Don’t sue.)

There are people out there willing to call an extension an extension. Fun fact: Locks for Love or any of your other hair-centric charities will not accept artificial hair or bleached hair.

Well, Ms. Pons immediately pulled down any and all references to her weave trickery, but questions continued to be asked. (These are trying times and people need distractions. And hair justice.)

So she started blocking people. A block is really only used in three occasions A) Someone bugging you is scary. B) Someone bugging you is a straight-up asshole. C) Your ass lied, your ass got caught, and you refuse to fess up!

Ms. Pons finally addressed the firestorm of controversy. Probably from under a brunette bob so no one will recognize her.

Pons responded to the uproar Friday night in a series of tweets, saying she indeed did cut her hair with the intention of donating it, but learned afterward she couldn’t because it had been color treated.

She still didn’t explain why she was showing off horsehair and trying to pass it off as real hair. A “person close to Pons” told BuzzFeed that the offending picture was merely an attempt to demonstrate how much hair Ms. Pons planned to donate. She later posted a pic of the actual hair she allegedly cut. It was probably fake as well and harvested from Barbies she stole from a children’s shelter. ANYONE WHO WOULD USE EXTENSIONS TO DECEIVE A NATION IS EVIL PERSONIFIED!


Well, she’s already a meme. This is why YouTube “celebrities” aren’t really celebrities. Because a real celebrity would….ok, a real celebrity probably would have gotten a reality show and a FitTea contract out of this by now. Call us when you get serious about your craft, LeLe.

Pic: BuzzFeed

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