
SEPT. 26-27, 2017
The Hands-On Container Conference

We are the container visibility company

Our passion is building products that push the envelope of technical possibility and at the same time delight our users.

Our Vision

There is a revolution afoot in the world of software. An entirely new paradigm for the way applications are architected. The shift began years ago as service oriented architectures first began to gain favor. The rise of the cloud pushed these changes forward with distributed systems and elastic, programmable infrastructures. And now, the next step in the revolution: containers. Containers are gaining interest and adoption faster than any other core infrastructure technology in history. And for good reason. Containers, and the microservices they enable, have the potential to dramatically improve the way we create, deploy and maintain our applications. In a world where software is a core driver of value - no matter what your industry - containers are enabling companies to create software more quickly, more consistently, more scalably, and more affordably.

And like every other major platform shift before, containers demand a new breed of technology and tooling to unlock the true potential of the ecosystem. Infrastructure tools across the board - from security to networking to storage - are being rebuilt from the ground up to be container-native. And visibility is no exception. Legacy monitoring just won’t cut it. The complex, dynamic, and inherently opaque nature of containerized environments requires a new breed of visibility technology. This is our mission, our purpose. Sysdig is creating the first and only comprehensive set of container-native visibility solutions, designed from the ground up to provide unprecedented insight into containerized environments.

Our team’s background is in open source network and application monitoring, helping create tools like WinPcap and Wireshark. We’ve staked our company and our careers on the unique power of open source software to enable massive, rapid leaps of progress in infrastructure technology. Now, first and foremost, we are the creators of sysdig, an open source, container-native system exploration and troubleshooting tool used by hundreds of thousands of IT professionals around the world. Sysdig Monitor aggregates the power of sysdig across an entire infrastructure, and opens up a world of new possibilities.

The bottom line is this: we believe that microservices and containers are the future of software, and we’ve experienced the pain of using existing tools to manage this brave new world. So now we’re making something new.

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