[Today is the day we begin counting the Omer]
Kindness within Kindness
(This micro-fic takes place in the middle of Chapter 11)
She wandered in search of a library, …
Ana hadn’t even meant to stop. She hadn’t had much luck – there had to be a library somewhere nearby! – but she was basically just wandering. Giving the money had been basically an instinct.
A nearly-empty cup, someone needing anything they could get to live. Acting by themselves, her hands found a dollar and a handful of coins. $1.80 – Chai, as traditional – and dropped them in as she went by. ($103.62, her practical mind subtracted.) Her eyes kept scanning the buildings, and her feet kept walking.
She turned around.
“I don’t mean to bug you or anything. Just… why such an amount? It’s round – it can’t have been an accident. What does it mean?”
“Oh,” she said, distracted and a little surprised. “It’s 18 – I mean it would have been 18 if I had enough– that is, was confident enough in– 18. it’s.. yud, and chet. 8 and 10. Hebrew. Chai. Life. It’s a Kabbalistic thing. I was wishing you. Chai.”
He laughed. “Well, thank you, then. I’m not sure I need all of it, if you don’t mind. I’ve already had much of my life – and besides, with my eyes I’d lose the small ones.” He fished them out of the cup, “And it gives me something to give back to nice young people.”
“Oh… okay,” Ana replied, and – somehow – managed to catch her coins that he tossed back. Two dimes, and then two nickles. $0.30, her practical mind counted. Lamed, her Kabbalist’s mind responded. Or gimel, given the context. It echoed without meaning.
“And if you’re looking for a library,” the man added, “there’s one right behind the corner there.”
“Oh. Oh. Thanks.” She walked.
It was only afterwards, standing in front of the doors of library, that she re-parsed the coins – 20 and 10, 2 and 1, bet and aleph – bo, come.
Come where? Inside what? She supposed she would find out.
She walked inside and focused on the task at hand. She would never – consciously, at least – subtract the coins off, and realize that of the 18 the man had kept 15, the name of God, as his portion.
… and found one gratifyingly quickly.