




と題したブログエントリでクルーグマンが、以下の4項目について保守派の考え方を腐し、彼らの黄金時代など無かった、と一蹴している(原題は「When Was The Golden Age Of Conservative Intellectuals?」)。


...in the 1970s rational-expectations macroeconomists, led above all by Chicago’s Robert Lucas, made an extremely influential case against any kind of activist policy. The key proposition in that case was an assertion, based on Lucas-type models, that only unanticipated changes in monetary policy had real effects. As soon as people understood that, say, the central bank had targeted a lower rate of inflation, prices and wages would adjust, without the need for sustained high unemployment.

What actually happened in the 80s, however, was that central banks — most famously the Fed, but also the Thatcherite Bank of England and others — drastically tightened monetary policy to bring inflation down. And inflation did indeed come down — eventually. But along the way there were deep recessions and soaring unemployment, which went on much longer than you could justify with any plausible story about the monetary shock being unanticipated.




トラックバック - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/himaginary/20170710/when_was_the_golden_age_of_conservative_intellectuals