Lots of people seem to agree with me about making FDA approval easier, but every so often I flirt with a much crazier position - I think we need to overhaul the prescription system, with less of an emphasis on making people get constant prescriptions from doctors every time they want to take drugs. Let me give an example.
Yesterday I was called in to evaluate a patient who had attempted suicide. He’d attempted suicide because his pain was so bad. His pain was so bad because he “couldn’t afford” the one medication that could control his pain.
(I’m being deliberately vague for confidentiality reasons, sorry)
I looked up the medication that could control his pain on GoodRx.com. It costs $5 per month in our area. This guy was poor, but not so poor he couldn’t pay $5/month to prevent pain so bad it made him want to die.
Turned out the problem was: he’d been receiving the medication happily for a couple of years, getting new prescriptions from his doctor each month. Then he lost his house. Somehow his Medicare (Medicaid? I can’t remember) was tied to his home address, such that by missing some stuff they sent to his home address he lost the insurance and had to re-apply for it. This took however long it takes to re-apply for things with government agencies. During the interim, he had no insurance. When he had no insurance, he couldn’t afford to see a doctor. Without a doctor, he couldn’t get his monthly refill on the prescription that he’d been receiving without any problem for years. So he couldn’t get the $5 medication he needed to control his pain. So he decided to commit suicide.
This is an interesting case because it cuts through a lot of the pat solutions that people have for these kinds of things. “Oh, just regulate the price of everything!” Wouldn’t help. I guess making applying for government insurance less bureaucratic would help, but good luck with that.
I know this isn’t the most consequentialist way to think about things, but imagining that I’m in terrible pain, and there’s a medication which I *know* works, and which I’ve used safely for years, and which only costs $5, but nobody will let me buy it because I don’t have an Official Piece Of Paper from a suitably credentialled rich person, would make me…well, it’d make me want to kill myself.