
At a public "grip-and-grin" for the press with Russian President Vladimir Putin, ahead of the two leaders' private meeting at the G-20 Summit in Germany today, President Trump said [emphasis added]:

“President Putin and I have been discussing various things. And I think it's going very well. We have had very, very good talks. We are going to have a talk now, and obviously that will continue. But we look forward to a lot of good, positive things happening for Russia, and for the United States and for everybody concerned.”

What? What happened to “America First”? Shouldn't it be the United States and Russia? And what good things for Russia? WHAT IS HE REALLY SAYING?

Also, would it kill Trump to show some gratitude towards Putin after all the Russian leader has done for him?

Anyway, that's our update on today's big Trump-Putin bilateral talk, which you can watch below. Just two world leaders, delighted to meet each other, having “very, very good talks,” shaking each other's tiny hands, and likely not discussing Russian meddling in last November's election, which didn't happen and former President Obama didn't do anything about if it did happen. Which it didn't. (It did.)

Also, we are all ordered to learn Russian now.