Shiny things, few of them mine.

Ask me anything

luminousalicorn asked: is it true that if you guys go to war you automatically commit war crimes



Yes, this is technically the case.

There is no grey caste in Ereith. It follows that it’s a war crime for us to have a military at all. When the Oahkar Empire tried to take advantage of this, Raidasoli Donakitira Dai-Ereith decided that he would rather be executed for war crimes than let his kingdom be steamrolled by that clusterfuck, so he fought, and he won, and the international courts tried, convicted, and killed him over it. If you’ve heard me say “a king’s life belongs to his people” - those were his last words.

That whole sequence of events is the reason why a substantial fraction of the Erethani population would rather go back to the days when it was physically impossible to travel to or from our country.

Tagged: help I've discovered a new fandomof which I have substantial disagreements with the premisenobody go down the rabbit hole of Amenta RP

Source: shitifindon


Proposed deal: people get to have as many genders as they want, but German inanimate objects have to cut it down to one.

“Airbender Chirrut & reluctant earthbender Baze, who mostly uses a dao but will 100% drop a boulder on you if you hurt Chirrut


Airbender Chirrut & reluctant earthbender Baze, who mostly uses a dao but will 100% drop a boulder on you if you hurt Chirrut

Tagged: star warsavatar

Source: dustandhalos


john quincy adams was the first US president to grant a personal interview to a female reporter, and the only reason he allowed it was because the reporter (anne royall) caught him skinny dipping in the potomac, sat on his clothes, and refused to let him get dressed until he answered her questions and if you dont think that’s one of the coolest stories of early US society then idk what to tell you

Source: hatetveit







I love Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland but I loathe how edgy subcultures have turned it into some one dimensional thing associated with psychedelics and other drugs.

Like, I wanna talk about the recurring presence of logic and mathematics, the cross language (primarily French) puns, I want to talk to people about their interpretations and thoughts but everyone’s so stuck on “haha yeah she’s on shrooms” like come on there’s so much going on don’t let it just be the easiest, weakest response, you’re smarter than that

It’s probably one of my favourite books and I have the exact same problem

My favourite take: Alice in Wonderland adaptations all all dysfunctional because both stories are a hellish amalgamation of victorian pop culture

Turns of phrase, tourism in-jokes, children’s songs, academia at the time, popular figures in media, all of these are huge contributing factors to the characters and world of alice in wonderland/the looking glass. Reading the Annotated Alice is a trip and a half. Most of it isn’t actually nonsense, it’s an out-of-the-box joke on things most people when the book came out would have instantly recognized. They’re comedy pieces. Even as a modern reader it can get me to laugh, and the more I learn about what the time period was like when the book was released, the funnier it is. Caroll’s vicious deconstruction of mathematics was simply him cracking one one amongst many.

AiW adaptations are always going to be empty products unless you’re entirely willing to either double down on the time period or update it for modern times with commentary on things instantly recognizable to the modern audience. 

AiW adaptations with modern settings are like “what if it’s a DYSTOPIA and the animals are all HUMAN and it’s DARK and FOR ADULTS” like…we still have animated movies starring animals? Kid media is more identifiable for the whole family than ever?? There’s a better way????? Turn the dancing mock turtle into a ninja turtle who paints masterpieces you cowards

I like this take. 

So what you’re saying is that Alice in Wonderland is basically Victorian Shrek

Actually, yeah, kinda. There’s no real way to say, it’s never been fully explained by Charles Dodgson, it’s all truly interpretation. But in the way it’s written, I’d be willing to call it a literary version of Shrek. It has layers.

Tagged: looooool

Source: trans-mom




So I’ve started watching Leverage again…

#i think that eliot was supposed to be way more cultured and hipster at first#hence this scene#but then they just decided to go with country boy thug#which okay#but i still miss THIS eliot#leverage#favorite character alert

actualmenacebuckybarnes: okay but can’t he be both though? Like, okay, I get the backstory, as it’s been given to us, but this is my number one pet peeve about the perception of Southerners, country people and of violent characters generally.

Eliot Spencer is incredibly smart and very cultured. When other characters talk about pink collar jobs, Eliot corrects them and is far more aware of that sort of thing than they are (Sophie says ‘stewardess’, Eliot immediately tells her ‘flight attendant,’ etc.). He has a great knowledge of not just knife technique, which, okay, but wines, distillery, flavor composition, etc. He routinely passes as professions deemed higher class than that which is perceived to be his own (doctor, lawyer, accountant), and he uses his means of accomplishing tasks, violence, with skill and discernment and not mere force.

He also reads Nate better than anyone, including Sophie, and calls him on his bullshit directly all the time.

When we see Eliot interacting with the rest of the team, it’s not that he’s uncultured or less of a hipster trope, it’s that it reads different coming from him than say, Hardison because he has a Southern twang, a gravelly voice, and a tendency to punctuate with the word “damn it.” Which is a local dialectical thing, honestly, I do it, my mom’s boyfriend does it, a lot of people around here do it.

Eliot with the Leverage crew is Eliot relaxed. He’s code switching. When he knows something, he tells them, ‘it’s a very distinctive,’ which is like our tumblr shorthand ‘for reasons.’ They come to trust that when Eliot says ‘it’s a very distinctive’ he means, ‘It’s complicated and I know it from experience, but it’s not important enough for you to know that I have to explain, so move on.’ He doesn’t have to turn on his charm or put forth any sort of airs, they know him, they know how he operates, they know how he thinks, so he can just grumble and swear and threaten and keep working, so he’s happy.

He doesn’t like talking. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like anything else, he just doesn’t like talking. Some people don’t. Doesn’t mean they don’t think, I mean, there’s that old proverb about removing all doubt, right?

I never see Eliot as a thug. I see him as a country boy hipster whose professional life is punching people in the face, and, aside from the resume, I know that guy. I went to school with that guy. I’ve banged that guy on multiple occasions. He’s a great guy.

Stop Assuming Country People Are Uncultured 2017

Tagged: gifleveragereblogged this alreadydon't care it's awesome

Source: uuuhshiny


Humans are naturally persistence hunters that move in packs who can run longer than their prey and can persevere through bodily injuries. Zombies are basically us imagining what it feels like for animals that are hunted by humans.




Ok so like in the avatar world you would thing that waterbenders would be the fire fighters right? Like a bunch a of waterbenders just getting water from a lake or a river and dousing the fire. But you know what’s better? Firebender fire fighters. Just like someone’s house catches on fire and firebenders just… turn it off,,.. Just like no, the fire is done for today

honestly this would be a much better solution because you could avoid all the water damage

Source: flightcrevv

“ hobbit-feels:
“ badgyal-k:
“ tiffanyaliyah:
“ ukrindian:
“ bae–electronica:
“ dynastylnoire:
“ jollylollylily:
“ clarknokent:
I wanna say Thats violation but that means he was gone send her that unwanted...













I wanna say Thats violation but that means he was gone send her that unwanted shit too 😂😂😂

black mirror season 4


Oh wow

This is super epic. 

He was obnoxious to begin with, it is true, but if he moves forward in this wooing as a respectful dude, he will text her something nice like it was fun to meet her or maybe ask her on a date.  Mom will text him back and there will be a bit of confusion before he realizes what happened.  He’ll be a bit chagrined and mom will probably feel bad enough for him being rejected to make him cookies or something.


If he starts in with that fuckboy shit (asking for sex right out the gate, dick picks, asking for nudes, etc.), he will learn the ultimate lesson. 

In short, he is only fucked if he fucks himself.

This is Greek Mythology levels of savage.

#In which a man is in command of his destiny
#And does not know it

Source: okaymad

“ crystalsoulslayer:
“ alphahoennomega:
“ klubbhead:
“ electricbreeze:
“Schrödinger’s boys
What about cracking open a cold milkshake
As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a...






Schrödinger’s boys


What about cracking open a cold milkshake

As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do. All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.

mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town

Source: thedevilslilgirl