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/hebe/ - Plantaginaceae

Chionohebe, Derwentia, Detzneria, Parahebe, Heliohebe and Leonohebe


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Horticulture and the goddess of youth


19eaa9 No.132422[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

First of all, due to excessive abuse in the past, this board will remain text only for the foreseeable future. I simply have no wish to delete endless CP.

This board is to discuss horticulture of the hebe-genus. For more information see Wikipedia:


The greek goddess of youth, Hebe, and to some extent, Greek mythology, is also on-topic.


25 posts omitted. Click to expand.

19eaa9 No.132617

What exactly is the point? Why not just remove the board? Nobody gives a shit about this, and from reading through the replies, it seems even board owner doesn't give a shit. So...why? Why waste your time on this?


dd67ae No.132424[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

For discussions of the goddess of youth and other persons in Greek mythology.

dd67ae No.132475>>132585

Here is some info about Hebe, and a few nice pictures. Check them out.

> Hebe was the goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera. She served nectar and ambrosia to the Olympians and later married Heracles, with whom she had two children, Alexiares and Anicetus. Her name comes from the Greek word for youth, and it was believed that she had the ability to restore youth.


dd67ae No.132481

dd67ae No.132585


Those pictures are horrible

dd67ae No.132597

12ce0d No.132626

What are the essential books I should read to understand Greek mythology?


a5a6be No.132423[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Because this board is text-only, if you want to share pictures of your garden, please upload to an image hosting service, and link them here.

a5a6be No.132537>>132557

Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?

it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.

Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.

Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!

Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin /pol/ maymays, this one is the readl deal.

a5a6be No.132557>>132625


If it escaped your notice this is a text only board, fucker.

a5a6be No.132578

This is the best board on 8chan now.

39c17a No.132625


Eat a dick you nigger


248189 No.132517[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

>Hebes are great little evergreen shrubs that originate from New Zealand. There are over 100 species in this genus, and for a long time they were mistakenly called Veronica. They are grown for their compact shrubby form and the great variety of foliage.



dfa185 No.132434[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

For lots of resources on growing your own hebe, check out the hebe society.



c46fbd No.132447[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

> The landscape evaluation of Hebe at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center (NWREC) was established in 2000 and was removed in 2009. The purpose of the planting was to compare performance of a range of Hebe species and cultivars under typical western Oregon conditions and gather information on their landscape performance. One of the main goals of this trial was to develop comparative data on hardiness of Hebe cultivars and species and identify cultivars that were capable of tolerating typical cold events in a Pacific Northwest winter. In addition to assessing hardiness, other goals were to record flowering and growth information on the various cultivars and species, and also any pest or disease problems.


2 posts omitted. Click to expand.

c46fbd No.132450

> Plants came from a variety of sources in the western United States and Canada, including nurseries in Oregon, the University of California (Santa Cruz) Arboretum, Strybing Arboretum in San Francisco, Washington Park Arboretum in Seattle and the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden in Vancouver, B.C. However, the majority of the collection was provided by cooperators the New Zealand and the United Kingdom, including Lincoln Botanical, Landcare Research and Christchurch Botanic Garden (New Zealand) and individuals within The Hebe Society (U.K.).

c46fbd No.132451

> Plant size was recorded at planting time and again in October at the end of the growing season. Plant size was recorded by measuring the height, and two width measurements at right angles to one another, allowing a plant size index to be calculated.

c46fbd No.132452

> Data on flowering was collected once per month throughout the year, as flowering on various selections continues almost year-round. Flowering information included a rating of flowers on a 0-5 scale. Cold hardiness information was collected following cold events and again in early April. Plants were rated for damage on a 0-5 scale, with 0 indicating no damage and 5 indicating plant death. Intermediate ratings indicate varying levels of damage to leaves and shoot dieback. Information on insect pests and disease problems was collected on a casual basis. The main disease problems proved to be Phytophthora root rot; leaf spot, caused by Septoria exotica, and downy mildew, caused by Peronospora grisea. See Pests and Diseases for more information. A more recent evaluation involves assessing foliage quality and form of the plants, again on a 0-5 scale. The goal was to give some indication of the appearance of the plant in general.

c46fbd No.132453

> In New Zealand, Hebe species can be found growing in a wide range of habitats, from sea level to alpine regions, so it is no surprise that cold hardiness of the species, and the cultivars derived from them, varies widely as well. There is truth to the old saying that hardiness of Hebe is related to leaf size. As one goes up in elevation from sea level to alpine areas in New Zealand, the leaf size of the Hebes tends to decrease, and overall plant size decreases as well (Kristensen, 1989). Other characteristics like coriaceous and/or glacous leaves and white flowers are also typical of alpine Hebe species (Wardle, 1978). So, generally speaking, you could say that the larger the leaf of the Hebe, the less cold hardy it tends to be. As with all living things, the rule is not perfect, but the most tender Hebes are usually the largest-leaved, and the hardiest are those with the smallest leaves.

> The most extensive study of cold hardiness of Hebe was undertaken by Warrington and Southward (1995), who assessed summer and winter hardiness of 35 species and cultivars. This study showed that large differences in hardiness existed among the various selections. Not surprisingly, the hardiest of those tested were two whipcords, H. cupressoides and H. propinqua, both of which are typically found in alpine or subalpine regions and have very tiny leaves. More important than altitude however, this study observed significant differences in hardiness of species from northern or southern parts of New Zealand, with species of southern origin exhibiting greater overall hardiness.

> Some of the research on hardiness of Hebe has utilized excised shoots as sample material for laboratory studies. Bannister (1986) found that detached shoots of Hebe albicans, a South Island species often found in subalpine scrub above 1000m, withstood mid-winter temperatures of -10°C, one of the hardier of the native species studied. Other Hebe species were not tested. In a more extensive study, Bannister (1990) found that mid-winter freezing resistance of foliage of H. buchananii, a diminutive shrub of alpine areas in Canterbury, was as low as -11°C. Freezing resistance of foliage of H. rakaiensis and H. salicifolia, both of which are found at lower elevations on the South Island, was found to be -5.2°C and -6°C respectively. BuPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

c46fbd No.132454

> Despite this, many other commonly-available Hebe cultivars like ‘Emerald Gem’, H. carnosula, or H. cupressoides ‘Boughton Dome’, never suffer winter damage.

> The level of injury to cold will of course vary depending on the temperature experienced. The hardiest Hebes-the whipcord types and other small-leaved plants-have not typically shown any reaction to winter temperatures in western Oregon over the course of this trial. Since 2000, the minimum temperatures have been no lower than 19°F (-7°C). Even tender Hebes will tolerate temperatures of 25°F without showing signs of stress, especially if these temperatures occur in mid-winter. Abnormally cold temperatures in the fall or early spring are often responsible for damage to these plants and that has been the case in this trial.

> The mildest form of damage is leaf discoloration at the shoot tips. More severe cold damage will cause browning and leaf loss on shoot tips.

> Major cold damage will cause browning of most of the leaves on the canopy, followed by dieback. Sometimes, plants will recover over a 2-3 year period from this damage if subsequent winters are mild. Very severe, sudden cold often turns the entire plant brown and sensitive cultivars do not recover from this damage and require replacement.

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