M - Master of my own destiny -period! My own wealth, health and freedom.
G - Gone fishing / playing. Great to be alive.
T - To legally do the what, who, where, why, how and when without any guilt or shame.
O - Oh, your validation I Don't Care for it. Oh and your honey-pot has turned sour.
W - World wide phenomenon. World problems, I aint society's fixer-upper.
aka Men Going Their Own Way, personal freedom from Fallopian Tubes with teeth turned recently into legal weaponized fangs.
Sure that just because they have legalized weaponized fangs does not mean they will use it. True that Not All pussies are like that but it is also true too that All pussies do legally have them, thanks to Daddy Government and Nasty Aunt Feminism. Are you a gambler?
[–]Xlasingx 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]mentalidade_logica[S] [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)