Driver who hit pedestrians near mosque shouted 'I want to kill all Muslims', eyewitness says →
Why do these idiots always target random, innocent Muslims? Meanwhile people like
Anjem Choudary walked free for decades.
Why do these idiots always target random, innocent Muslims? Meanwhile people like
Anjem Choudary walked free for decades.
Did the victims commit violence themselves? With their own hands? Of their own volition?If not, there is no reason to...
This attack is like the situation with Hillary Clinton: we have yet to determine if a crime has happened at this time
@caughtindacrossfire, even if you don’t agree, you called them reasonable lmao
This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you spot a false flag. Real white people don’t want to kill Muslims, or anyone else....
Keep an eye on the narrative. I’ll be surprised if they don’t say a “white guy” did this. Our whole arguement has been...
The fact that there are people here who think that other people being run over after worship are deserving of death...
We can’t be sure of the person’s motivations during this incident.
The only good Muslim is one that’s been dead for 1400 plus years! I weep no tears at the death of a mindless zombie.
Notice he didn’t yell “My God is greater.”
People are going to find out if it truly gets bad, There Are No Rules!
Exactly my point. The Government and Police created this inevitable escalation and are now wringing their hands...
In a surprising twist for Tumblr or indeed political discourse in general, both sides are somehow right? I mean, holy...
Do I agree we are at war? Yes.Do I agree that all muslims are guilty? No.Do I agree with the killing of people who had...
Someone finally got pissed and gave Muslims a taste of their own medicine, and he’s the bad guy here