1. madgirl-opinions reblogged this from mary-queen-of-thots and added:
    Did the victims commit violence themselves? With their own hands? Of their own volition?If not, there is no reason to...
  2. southernreactionary reblogged this from mary-queen-of-thots and added:
    This attack is like the situation with Hillary Clinton: we have yet to determine if a crime has happened at this time
  3. mary-queen-of-thots reblogged this from mary-queen-of-thots and added:
    @caughtindacrossfire, even if you don’t agree, you called them reasonable lmao
  4. socksnglocks reblogged this from higher-order and added:
    This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you spot a false flag. Real white people don’t want to kill Muslims, or anyone else....
  5. quiet-observations reblogged this from frederick-the-ii
  6. motherlandintensifies reblogged this from warispos
  7. chenelson reblogged this from ranma-official
  8. stoopidtrix reblogged this from southparkconservative and added:
    Keep an eye on the narrative. I’ll be surprised if they don’t say a “white guy” did this. Our whole arguement has been...
  9. theincrediblerainbowrabbit reblogged this from the-mighty-birdy and added:
    The fact that there are people here who think that other people being run over after worship are deserving of death...
  10. shadows-ember reblogged this from southparkconservative and added:
    We can’t be sure of the person’s motivations during this incident.
  11. zeropointthought reblogged this from unstumpabledeplorable and added:
    The only good Muslim is one that’s been dead for 1400 plus years! I weep no tears at the death of a mindless zombie.
  12. southparkconservative reblogged this from unstumpabledeplorable and added:
    Notice he didn’t yell “My God is greater.”
  13. caligulasterrarium reblogged this from thivus
  14. jeromeg-41 reblogged this from unstumpabledeplorable and added:
    People are going to find out if it truly gets bad, There Are No Rules!
  15. unstumpabledeplorable reblogged this from lawfullibertarian and added:
    Exactly my point. The Government and Police created this inevitable escalation and are now wringing their hands...
  16. lawfullibertarian reblogged this from unstumpabledeplorable and added:
    In a surprising twist for Tumblr or indeed political discourse in general, both sides are somehow right? I mean, holy...
  17. dirty-kraut reblogged this from blondegingersaxon
  18. blondegingersaxon reblogged this from modie1165
  19. cresentmoonprincess reblogged this from delta-echo-romeo-papa
  20. lordkylor reblogged this from thivus
  21. kaldicuct reblogged this from unstumpabledeplorable and added:
    Do I agree we are at war? Yes.Do I agree that all muslims are guilty? No.Do I agree with the killing of people who had...
  22. delta-echo-romeo-papa reblogged this from unstumpabledeplorable and added:
    Someone finally got pissed and gave Muslims a taste of their own medicine, and he’s the bad guy here
  23. higher-order posted this