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Anthony Wazza 16 時間
I know I've learnt that a complete imbecile can become a POTUS.
selgnorts 15 時間
The most succinct, intelligent piece of analysis one has heard in decades. Deserves an award!
Tania McCartney 15 時間
Brilliant analysis, Chris
Greg Schneider 15 時間
I don't know if you can say it's the end of America. Look how Obama turned around Bushes disaster
Eyes Wide Open 15 時間
It is sad for a once great America to now be viewed this way.
Patrick Turner 14 時間
Bravo ! I read everything on Trump but never seen it put together so concisely & eloquently. Hope this analysis goes viral in US.
Stephanos 14 時間
was a five minute rant from the left in my view.
LisaSea 14 時間
Trust me, most of us in America despise the entire Trump/GOP and realize what's happening. It's a coup.
PrairieWind Creation 14 時間
Trump has brought shame on America he is the laughing stock of the world. World leaders & nations can see how bad he is. Why can't the GOP
Patrick Turner 14 時間
Completely understand. But sometimes, when you have a big problem, it's good to hear it from a very close friend, not just family.
msl4 14 時間
Nice point. However, how Trump is no Barack Obama
D.J. McKay 14 時間
Thank you for your astute observations. Every American should see this.
Estarianne 14 時間
You're right!
Deb 14 時間
Our friends no longer view us as trustworthy. Trump blathers on completely clueless. Guess he's too busy making Russia great again to care!
Estarianne 14 時間
And therein lies the problem. This is the view of most of the world. Trump supporters for some reason see something else
Estarianne 14 時間
That's why we sometimes call it a cult. Trump isn't actually going to MAGA, just like a spaceship isn't actually coming to start the rapture
Stephanos 14 時間
smiles I'm not sure disruption in the political system is a bad thing.
Gregory Alan Gillis 14 時間
but without it we are . We must who's deconstructing our perfect union, the country I love, .
Char Sills 14 時間
Trump, Tillerson, & Ivanka accomplished nothing at G20 Summit except to humiliate our Nation more!