(This sign used to be outside a health food store on my way home from classes)
(I mean it won’t do that to humans, but that’s always my first reflex, too)
The reblogs on this post are absolutely priceless.
Hall of fame:
And finally:
I don’t understand…
Cordyceps is a genus of fungi that parasitizes insects or other arthropods. One of them (Ophiocordyceps unilateralis) does that by having sorta mindcontrol powers.
Infected ants are driven to leave their nests or foraging tasks, climb up a thing until ideal fungus-growth-conditions are met, chomp down with their mandibles on the thing (usually the underside of a leaf) and then stay there while the fungus bursts fruiting bodies forward from their bodies, killing them.
It’s been nicknamed ‘zombie fungus’ because of that.