Let's reclaim our minds from being hijacked by technology.
people want to change the industry
people want to change the industry
We live in an arms race for attention. Because we only have so much attention in our lives, everything has to fight harder to get it.
YouTube autoplays more videos, so we forget to leave.
Instagram shows new likes one at a time, so we keep checking in.
Facebook shows whatever keeps us on screen, whether it's true or not.
News media turns everything into instant, breaking news.
Snapchat turns conversations into streaks you don't want to lose.
The internet isn't evolving randomly.
We know exactly where this is going, and it will only get worse.
Our mind is our one instrument to live our lives, to be informed, to be present with each other and to solve our most important problems – and it's been hijacked.
We can solve it together, but we'll need your help.