The over arching mandate of MGTOW is valid, growing, and men are just not interested in the world of committments and agenda that women inevitably bring to relationships.
More and more men are realizing that subsuming the best days of their 20's and 30's in marriage/kids/mortgage/wage slavery is a pit of hell that is not to be endured.
Men do not "need" women, we are going our own way, because
Marriage is an outdated government/religious method of keeping people legally shackled, and is one PUNISHING HELL to get out if in cases of divorce.
And concomitant to that, most women are going to insiste on having children. Kids are a titanically huge project that takes 22 years of time, energy, patience, long suffering, love, caring, and $300K (minimally) to accomplish per each child.
Yes it's fulfilling to some, but why sign up for that if you don't actually TRULYwant to become a nurse maid/wage slave/ parent?
Divorce is a living hell if you've been together very long or have assets, then the lawyers get involved, the State gets involved, money matters are a nightmare, people get SHAFTED constantly, kids suffer, and there is a 50% chance IT WILL END IN DIVORCE!
MGTOW is not just distancing ourselves from women, it's realization that we don't have that much in common except fucking and animal attraction.
I've said this before to friends and my sons:
How much time would you spend with this person if you take sex out of the equation
The answers are scary and pertinent, and will give you a good forecast of a relationship's future.
Katherine Hepburn was a wise lady, and she advised that "Men and women really should not live together, they should just visit when they want to"
MGTOW is the future!
[–]Xlasingx 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)