

the funniest part about fyre festival is, I’ve been led to believe it’s genuinely a bunch of people stuck on an uninhabited island with no chance of escape, but it actually takes place on Great Exuma, which houses the capital of the Exuma district of Bahamas, and thousands of people live there

meaning the whole festival is basically

This is the weird bait-and-switch of ideology, right?

Initially a lot of jerks on the internet laugh about rich kids being tricked into Lord of the Flies.

Then some soft-hearted types say “uh, maybe we shouldn’t be laughing at people trapped in a Lord of the Flies situation? That’s cruel.”

And then some completely different contrarians say “idiots, they’re all actually fine.”

Okay, then what was everyone laughing at and mocking the FyreKids for then?

So yeah.

It’s wrong to laugh at people you believe are in misery.

Sometimes people erroneously believe a situation is more dramatic because everyone else, including their opponents, are telling them it is dramatic. And no, not every tweeter on the net has time to research what Exuma Bay is really like. Apparently it’s not actually Lord of the Flies! That’s good.

I still don’t see anything wrong with saying “stop mocking the misery of others” even when sometimes it’s not as miserable as you had been originally told by the mockers.

I write this as a camper, not as a rich-person-hater. $500 for a most-expenses-paid festival is not really guillotine money.

I don’t like dicks who ruin everything during camping trips. Hogging the guitar despite only singing really bad and/or offensive songs. Not pulling their share, tiring people out, taking their shitass kids with them and not supervising them at all (ever pull 7 year olds from cliffs?).

That’s what it is. A mediocre camping trip. And a huge chunk of why it’s so mediocre is, they steal each others’ shit, have fistfights over tents despite the fact that there’s plenty of space in them, and generally don’t really organize a rescue. I know that a whole bunch of people fucked off the island quickly enough, but honestly they should have coordinated something.

I’m not glad they got scammed, but I feel schadenfreude for dicks ruining the trip for themselves.