Ruby Central is a non-profit organization dedicated to Ruby support and advocacy of the worldwide Ruby community.

We organize the annual RubyConf and RailsConf software conferences, support community growth, and provide vital infrastructure for the Ruby programming language.


Here at Ruby Central, we’re incredibly appreciative of our community, which is dedicated to maintaining an open, welcoming, and supportive environment for all Rubyists. As such, we’re always excited to hear about new Ruby-related projects and regional conferences.

In some instances, we are able to provide resources, grants, or other forms of assistance. If you have a project or conference that you think we should know about, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


RubyConf is the Ruby community’s annual celebration of all things Ruby! Every fall, we gather Ruby enthusiasts together to enjoy detailed talks about exciting new Ruby projects, meet and network with other Ruby developers, and hear from the community’s leading minds, including Matz, the creator of the Ruby language.

Check out all the conference info at

Links to previous conference videos can be found on our RubyConf page.


RailsConf is the world’s largest gathering of Rails developers, brought together to further discussion and learning about building, managing, and testing Rails applications. With a specific focus on Rails, conference topics can range from new users to administration to advanced techniques.

Links to previous conference videos can be found on our RailsConf page.



RubyGems is the code-packaging system for the Ruby community. Started as a project in 2004 by the directors of Ruby Central and friends, RubyGems has grown into an invaluable and wide-ranging resource for the sharing of code among all members of the community. With hosting support by Ruby Central, more information can be found at


The Ruby language could not have developed so robustly without its dedicated community. This community consists of not only talented and passionate individual developers, but also many dynamic companies that recognize the value of helping foster a strong, sustainable environment for Ruby development.

If you are looking for ways in which you can help us support the Ruby community, please contact us at