Introduction to Add-on Development
About the Development category
Request for Assistance in Establishing Visual Brick Standard
Inject CSS with webextension
Stuck in the queue, how long does a review take?
How to remove https cookie?
Open permission manager from options page
Send information about window/frame from content_script to background_script
Code working fine in Chrome but not in Firefox
State of the art Thunderbird extension development
[SOLVED] How an add-on (legacy add-on) can retrieve its own install.rdf <em:version>
How add JSON data into HTML body?
How to connect to URL without going through the main_frame observer
Problems submitting updated add-on
Given a URL string, and tabID can I initiate a connection
Change label in the contextmenu before the opening
Page hiccup to access clipboard content
Browser.theme API
Can I make two branch decision in webRequest.onBeforeRequest
Change proxy preferences in WebExtention
WebExtension - how to read/write local file
Opening links to local files file://
Can I have more than storage?
nsIX509CertDB, nsIPKCS11ModuleDB supported in WebExtensions accessible APIs
Firefox webextension Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist
Enable graphic animation while switching tabs
How to construct a pattern in webRequest with more than one URL
Can't get MatchPattern
SubtleCrypto.decrypt - wrong password or corrupted cyphertext?
How do I install a WebExtension outside of the store?
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