Passionately Promoting A More Perfect World



The fact that trying to italicise a word that begins with ‘w’ but failing to pull my finger off the ctrl key in time has killed about 5% of all the effort posts I’ve ever written is a major quality of life drain and Tumblr needs to stop being terrible and either save your work or warn if you’re closing a tab with writing.

What browser do you use? If I try and close a tab with writing in it, it warns me. However, I only ever close tabs with mouse clicks, not shortcuts, so that might be what’s happening.

Edit: I did some experiments with ctrl W, and firefox gives me a warning. My best guess is it might be your browser, or possible your browser settings if you use firefox?

This has happened to me with both Firefox (Ubuntu) and Chrome (Windows).

  1. life-in-a-monospace-typeface said: I like the ‘lazarus’ browser plugin for this kind of thing (…)
  2. raginrayguns reblogged this from lostpuntinentofalantis and added:
    my browser warns me when I’m closing a tab with writing? That saved me like three or four times yesterday when writing...
  3. brin-bellway said: Stuff like this is why I love the Textarea Cache add-on.
  4. serinemolecule said: In GUI editors, italics is Ctrl+I in Windows and Cmd+I on Mac.
  5. rustingbridges reblogged this from serinemolecule and added:
    if we still had post by email I would write them all in vim via mutt, it would be so streamlined also why is control...
  6. reasonableapproximation reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    There’s a JavaScript feature that lets you run some code when the user closes a tab or otherwise navigates away. It lets...
  7. light-rook said: use markdown instead of rich text! then you can italicize text _with underscores_ and holding down shift too long is much less fatal
  8. serinemolecule reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    I write all my effortposts in TextEdit and then copy/paste them to Tumblr. I do that for most long things I write for...
  9. jaiwithani reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    PSA: there is an extension to fix this horrible glaring problem. It’s not perfect, but it’s saved me in the...
  10. wolffyluna reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    Hmm, that’s interesting. It could be a OS thing then. Maybe Ubuntu is way more trusting of shortcuts than Windows. I’d...
  11. sinesalvatorem reblogged this from wolffyluna and added:
    This has happened to me with both Firefox (Ubuntu) and Chrome (Windows).
  12. lostpuntinentofalantis reblogged this from sinesalvatorem and added:
    as a wise person who has written like 10 effortposts total, sometimes I just randomly save draft does this helping???