32, male, cishet, gamer (anti-gg), Jewish.




Hey, anyone interested in a jumblr book club? Maybe tie it in some way to @alternativetodiscourse? I’m right now mostly up for Jewish mysticism stuff, and could try to organize around that topic, but if people are interested in other things, we can talk.

I have created a sideblog https://jumblrbookclub.tumblr.com/ there are no posts currently, but if it gets enough followers that it seems like discussions could actually happen, I’ll start organizing through there.  @alternativetodiscourse, could you signal boost this?

I was thinking “Jewish Magic and Superstition” by Trachtenberg to start, which I know @zookmurnig is supposed to be reading, I’m reading, and is theoretically available at sacred-texts, but the whole site is down at the moment.  Sometime in the next couple of days I’ll list a bunch of books as possible options on that blog, and we’ll vote.

  1. freyachace reblogged this from alternativetodiscourse
  2. janothar reblogged this from chal-converts
  3. newishjew reblogged this from alternativetodiscourse
  4. alexxgotjokes said: Please!
  5. mohrings said: YES PLS
  6. chal-converts reblogged this from diaryofajewishconvert and added:
    I’d potentially be in. If y’all haven’t already heard of it/read it, you should definitely read King of Shards. It’s the...
  7. diaryofajewishconvert reblogged this from transitionfit
  8. transitionfit reblogged this from janothar and added:
    Yes please
  9. freiestimstimme said: me please!!!!
  10. lunaghostgirl said: If I wasn’t taking 3 classes already… This sounds rad tho
  11. atalantapendrag reblogged this from janothar and added:
    I don’t have the focus for something like this right now but I suspect some of my followers might be interested?
  12. the-contrary-jew reblogged this from alternativetodiscourse
  13. nuclearoach reblogged this from janothar
  14. jews-in-space reblogged this from alternativetodiscourse
  15. gamma-radio said: VERY INTERESTED
  16. chikadee reblogged this from janothar and added:
    This would be cool! I’ve got a Jumblr discord server I’m trying to get more people to and I’d love to set up a channel...
  17. alternativetodiscourse reblogged this from janothar and added:
    Yep! Sounds like it would be pretty cool. Signal boosting. (I’m not actually familiar with the book, if someone would...
  18. mythicalmagistra said: i would love to but i’m broke