I love you Neera please keep up the resistance. Thank you.
How r U people going from collusion to corruption to mentally ill or is this all running in tandem?
It's not multiple choice. He can be all of these things. Read his tweets. He's not stable.
Have Mueller investigate that too, BUT, ferocious tweets from journalists are not a threat to POTUS right? Including threats from Hollywood?
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nope, we won in CA. btw, why do wingnut spell 0 with the letter O?
As opposed to all the GOP wins in safe districts?
He still didn't answer wtf is wrong with 0. Is it because it was invented by brown people?
They did win the argument, boy. A GOPer winning a safe GOPer district doesn't mean much. Now back to your hick band
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Lol I'll be President if Trump can come over and write code for me 12 hours a day, 6 days a week?
今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
It can also make a bigoted toddler look ... really, really, bad.pic.twitter.com/m5mWe3m3VQ
今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
He's not really doing it though.
今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
how crazy is it to promote a pied piper candidate (Trump) and have him defeat your chosen one, then mount a faux resistance against him?
今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
@KaraCalavera Michelle Obama said the presidency reveals who you are - and she would know, better than most.今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
And he's not even *doing* his job!
As the stock markets go up with record numbers and the unemplyment is low as jobs are created higher rate than the last 8 years hmmm
Thanks, Obama* - You forgot the most important part
Oh all of sudden the economy does well after he leaves office.sorry doesn't work that way.nice try libtardo.. economy doing well bc he left
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