全 8 件のコメント

[–]DangZagnut 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

In order to care about labels, I'd have to respect the person labeling me.

If some 13 year old blue haired, "I just learned about feminism" tells me I'm a misogynist, I certainly don't give a fuck. They're a child and couldn't even beat me at arm wrestling much less rational thought.

If Bill Gates told me my boot loader was written inefficiently, I'd give that more credit.

[–]Hernes777 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, I dumped TV years ago. A huge waste of time and it's a mental waste. I still watch movies on occasion but increasingly less so since they've gotten retarded, and poorly made with shit actors and propaganda. Every minute you spend watching nonsense is less time you are spending doing things more enjoyable while improving yourself.

[–]silive 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

No. I haven't watched the regular TV for 20 years now. I have the Amazon Prime though and watch some of the staff like BBC nature documentaries and classic movies. You can't claim that the Pulp Fiction or Usual Suspects are boring, can you? But I won't touch the current sitcoms with a six foot pole.

[–]Rhodesius 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's a few things I'll watch. Most shows are uninspired, cookie-cutter drivel. Why watch someone else's story when you can either experience it or create your own with games. Commercials are the main thing that ruined TV for me.

[–]DWShimoda 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haven't even really had a functional TV since the switchover to digital (housemate at the time got one of those converter boxes, but it never really worked well, and I couldn't be fussed to give a shit either way) -- which I guess is over a decade ago now.

Movies though are another matter -- not that I give a crap about what the "latest/greatest" movie crap is (most of it is overly hyped/promoted garbage), much less about "celebrities" or "stars" -- but I have a amassed an incredibly large DVD library (and yet never once alphabetized it, LOL)...

I view them more like "fiction novels" and escapist entertainment, occasionally "edifying" in other ways -- whereas television shows are more about pushing some propagandistic "agenda" these days (whether "news" or "infotainment" or "sitcoms"), and I have ZERO interest in that.

But my DVD's (like my music albums) are actually a fairly "eclectic" collection -- mixture of a lot of old (I suppose you could say largely "classic" though I think that word is overused) films -- along with a smattering of newer ones (some "popular" and many not) that I found, or at least potentially thought would be, "interesting" in terms of plot, story, characters, etc. (And based on everything from other people's recommendations, to various odd reviews I've read, to simply semi-random selections that were "cheap" and in some $1 or $5 bin at walmart -- all methods of which seem to work equally well {or equally poorly as the case may be}).

[–]Solstus22 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)


Nowadays I just watch documentaries, various Youtube videos and Adult animated tv shows.

Nah, you're not the only feeling that way about the latest movies and popular celebrities. If you ask me, many directors I feel are just either A. Rehashing movies from series i.e. Marvel B. Making a Netflix drama crap about something C. Reusing the same archetype, women are right, smart and men are wrong and dumb. or D. All of the above.

[–]PhonyExpress1 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'm the same way. I either watch Adult Swim or I watch a few good documentaries. Then with the extra time I have I try to be productive. I don't have time for Netflix and Chill. Waste of time.

[–]PapaMGTOW 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I killed cable about 10+yrs ago 2nd best decision of my life