Fuck this is a spicy take
今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す
Wow, while you're normally devoid of any comedic value, this was even low for you fools. On our Country's Birthday?
The flag sucks
*fart noise*
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新しい会話 -
Not funny
Yes it is
新しい会話 -
I see the
@TheOnion has touched a nerve.今後は興味のあるツイートがもっと表示されるようになります。 取り消す -
And saving how many?
Like 4
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新しい会話 -
Not funny, Onion.
Yes it is
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新しい会話 -
This is the dumbest thing I have ever read the only people who have died are soldiers who fought for that flag and people who oppose it
that was silly of em
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