What fonts do you use in your editor(s)?

jess profile image Jess Lee Jun 19, 2017

markdown cheatsheet

I use FiraCode, mostly for the ligatures but I do also like the look of the font.

Me too! Discovering ligatures has made me shun fonts without support for them now. Used Hack, Inconsolata, Source Code Pro and Consolas before but it's Fira Code everywhere now.

I prefer the Source Code Pro look. There's a version of it with ligatures called Hasklig, which I use right now in VSCode and it's rendered super great.

Hasklig is awesome with VS indeed! Thanks for sharing it.

Hell yes, FiraCode. I use it in VS 2017 and VS Code. First thing I install in a brand new environment.

Once you go FiraCode, you don't go back or something.

Ooh, never seen FireCode before but it looks really good - excited to try it in VS 2017 tomorrow!

Caveat: I've not tried it, but question: why would you want ligatures in a mono-spaced font? I'm assuming it's mono-spaced? (Not intended as any sort of knock on your choice, I'm just truly curious.)

Answering my own question: I see that you are (probably) referring to the "ligatures" for various symbol character combinations -- not the traditional typographic ligatures for sequences such as "fi" or "tt". (I worked at a typesetting company many years ago. :-) )

FiraCode ligatures are the way to go! :)

I am a very happy Source Code Pro user too :)

I use Haskling, it's basically SCP but with ligatures ✔

I use Monaco in the terminal and the Atom default in Atom.

One time I accidentally deleted the font I was using for my terminal and the terminal became non-monospace (impossible to work with), so I hastily switched to the first monospace font I could find. That font was Comic Sans and I let it stay as my terminal font for way too long.


Wait, is there a monospace version of Comic Sans?

That's pure evil, Ben.

Comic Sans is monospace? How?

Some favorites are Inconsolata and fira code.

Here's a gallery of pretty much every free use code font for your browsing and downloading pleasure:


I use Fixedsys Excelsior with programming ligatures, which looks like this..

I use SF Mono Regular 12pt* for my terminal and the "Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace" font-family for my VS Code editor.

*I did change the character spacing to 1.1

My I ask what prompted a character spacing change?

After a long time with Monaco, I've been trying a few fonts with programming ligatures, currently testing out:

Perhaps one day I'll pay the $200 for:

I've been using Open Sans for everything in my systems, it's easily available and comfortable to look at.

I've been on an SF Mono kick lately, but I also really like Menlo—they are both stylish and attractive fonts that are also easy to read.

Inconsolata for code and Noto Mono Regular for command-line work.

I keep switching fonts between different editors and across time. I am frequently using:

Input Lots of customization possible. I like the wavy curly braces option.
Fira Code (most often with F# or C#)
PT Mono (Old school)
Roboto Mono (quite relaxing)
Monaco (A nice default on MacOS)

I'm gonna give a shot to Fantasque mentioned earlier!

Input is great indeed.

I've made a progression among three that have been named here

Source Code Pro - I love this font.

Fira Code - Ligatures FTW!

Hasklig - This is a fork of Source Code Pro that also does ligatures - the best of both worlds!

I love Monaco and used it for everything for a while. Now it's just for Eclipse, and Hack is my go-to programming font in Atom and in iTerm2 when I'm using Vim.

I like to test different fonts for my editors, but for a long time I settled on Hack for editors and terminals. But then I stumbled with font ligatures, and went through Fira Code in VSCode…

But right now I'm using the fantastic Fixedsys Excelsior because I like how it reminds me of the old MS-DOS days in my childhood. And it has font ligatures too!

I use Hack in vim and any IDE's.

ProFont tobiasjung.name/profont/ (monospaced... for the whole system, not only IDE)

What is it that draws you to ProFont?

It has a really good readability in small and large font sizes (7pt and above), making l, 1, I, 0, O different and with bold punctuation marks...

I use "Bitstearm Vera Serif".

Yes, it's a proportionally spaced font, and yes it has serifs. I have to look at code all day, might as well be a pretty font.

Unfortuantely my console is still stuck in the ugly monospaced land. There I use DejaVu Sans Mono. I'm still waiting for a good Unicode console that can deal with proportional fonts and varying font sizes.

Fantasque Sans Mono (formerly known as Cosmic Sans neue Mono)

DejaVu Sans Mono. Free. Perfect for programming.


If you guys feel you need the ligatures there's some work being done on github.com/SSNikolaevich/DejaVuSan... but I personally don't care at all about it.

I can't believe there's no mention here for Google Noto Mono! I use it for my editor fonts, and use Inconsolata for iTerm/other terminals.

I'm with you on the Noto and Inconsolata choices, though my editor and terminal choices are opposite yours.

Hasklig (for ligatures), Consolas, OCRA Ext.

I use DejaVu Sans Code (DejaVu Sans Mono with Ligatures from FiraCode)

I use input mono for my editor and terminal

Iosevka. It has the ligatures and it just looks nice and not that monospace-y. (it's kinda condensed but in a good way).

Hack font is my favorite! It is a nice and clean, open source, monospaced font.

Mostly I use Consolas. I've been working to harmonize my dev environments at work and home, and of the options that are available at work it's been the best.

I've thought about switching, but every time I think of the hoops I need to jump through just to get a font installed...

SF Mono and Source Code Pro.
But I'd love to see ligatures in these fonts!

One more user of FiraCode, everywhere it's possible, mostly for ligatures.
Before that I used Ubuntu Mono.

I use Roboto Mono, both in terminal and editor.

Lately, I've been using Droid sans mono into my terminal setup, therefore I'm using the same for nvim =)

I've been using Hack for years but with all the mention of FiraCode and it's fancy ligatures thingies, I think I'll give it a try.

I use Hack for most of my work. I'm one of those weirdos that hates ligatures!

I'm currently using Menlo in JetBrains. Not something I stress over: I just tried a few of the available fonts, Menlo seemed clear and unambiguous, and then I got back to work. :-)

I'd love to use FiraCode but as I'm more in love with Sublime Text than I need ligatures… I'm with Monaco (at 14pt but please tell noone). =D

Comic Sans because I'm fun and approachable

Now I use Fira Code :D

I fell down in love with mplus and never looked back. I use it in both vsode and terminal.

Source Code is what I use for all my monospace, and Source Sans for interface. If I'm working on documents, I may also use Source Serif or Cabin.

Source Code Pro

I'm currently using Consolas too. It's a nice monospaced font.

Roboto Mono is smooth-looking and it makes me feel happy inside

Fantasque Mono for vim and terminal on Konsole. It has powerline glyphs included, no need for patching or font-config. Used to use Monaco and Dejavu Sans Mono, Meslo LG S

Inconsolata-g, Consolas

PragmataPro...It isn't cheap but I think it's worth it when you type and read al day log

Another vote for Source Code Pro. It's a beautiful font.